Breaking- Palin’s Latest Statement - Bristol Is Pregnant, And Getting MarriedUpdated

September 1st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


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So, I’m hearing on Fox News Radio that Gov. Sarah Palin (Republican VP candidate) will publicly address and dispel the filthy science fiction a certain leftist, brainless blog began the other day insisting the paternity of baby Trig is not Sarah’s son, but her grandson by her oldest teenaged daughter. This whole concocted bad soap opera storyline that Gov. Palin faked her 5th pregnancy and hid her eldest daughter for the duration of Bristol’s alleged “pregnancy” …


Anyhow, we’ve highlighted it on our site as much as we dare in the boundaries of decency and ‘encouraging’ such bullshit tripe from people who have not an ounce of scruples.They fear her because she far outweighs their Marxist candidate for POTUS (who is running under the camouflage of being a democrat) in experience in ‘governing’ and in her conservative and libertarian-like views for this country to proceed in this new century NOT as a nanny state government.I am on this and will have a possible video of her statement when it’s made available.I repeat …

They got NOTHING on this woman.



(Race 4 2008)

Sarah and Todd Palin’s Statement
Here is their official statement regarding the Reuters story:

“We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us. Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned. We’re proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.

“Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family. We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi’s privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates.”

by Kavon W. Nikrad @ 11:28 am. Filed under Sarah Palin

Me: So let the left’s sniping begin … THEY will look the worst for it … NOT this family.



Palin’s 17-Year-Old Daughter is Pregnant


The 17-year-old unwed daughter of John McCain’s new running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, is five-months pregnant, Palin and her husband, Todd Palin, said Monday in a written statement.

The announcement was aimed at killing rumors that Palin’s youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter’s.

McCain’s campaign told FOX News that the presumptive Republican presidential candidate knew about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before he chose Palin as his running mate last Friday, and that Bristol is planning to marry the father of her child.

[statement above this update]

The Palins asked the media to respect their family’s privacy.

A McCain campaign spokesman told that Bristol’s pregnancy was considered a “private, family matter” that had “absolutely nothing to do” with her mother’s candidacy.

Me: This IS a family matter for the Palin’s and this young woman. Obviously she and they are handling it in the manner by which they base their beliefs and ideals. Bristol is prepared to take full and personal responsibility for her life and the life of her baby. She is not alone in this ‘unexpected’ turn in her life, as it happens quite frequently in a society in the wake of the liberal “free love” revolution.All we can do is send her and the family our love, prayers, and support. And everyone else should just keep their filthy nose out of it …

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49 Responses

  1. Sarah

    It’s being reported elsewhere that Bristol, the Palins’ oldest daughter is pregnant and will be marrying the baby’s father. They are keeping the baby (of course).

    So let’s see the depraved left do something with this. Maybe Bristol is being “punished” with a baby, in the words of Barack Obama.

  2. Breaking “Somebody’s” About To Get Stomped … Palin To Address The “Pregnancy” Slander « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] … Palin To Address The “Pregnancy” Slander September 1, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, John McCain, Obama, […]

  3. DC

    The leftist blogosphere is absolutely insane over the fact that they can’t find anything remotely condemning, on Gov. Palin.
    Now I’m reading in these liberal, leftist rag blogs, Her oldest daughter has had a baby out of wedlock. Is this all the commie liberal fucktards can come up with?

    I almost feel sorry for the dickweeds that think something like a girl getting pregnant is cause for them to label her family having less than conservative values, but they are such an example of walking fertilizer, that I find it hard to care. :roll:

  4. Molly

    You would have to be blind not too see that Gov. Palin is pregnant it the picture above!

    So far there has been little dirt on Palin and the Dems are so desperate to find something they’ve resorted to fiction in an effort to discredit her. It’s a low blow to go after the family.

  5. Kurt(the infidel)

    lets all raise our hands if we were planned by our parents.

    you 2 in the back, good for you.

    my point is that alot of children arent planned. it doesnt make it wrong or any less special. and it will show lots of hypocrisy from the left if they start blasting Palins daughter.

  6. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    They will grab at anything just like someone drowning will take down anyone that tries to help them. Plus they are more than likely pissed off that the Palin ladies can still bare children while they, (the Demohags), are more representative of a dried shriveled up old prune.

  7. B. Verner

    it is not so much the fact that it was unplanned as much as the age of Bristol. President Bush, Senator McCain, and Governor Palin have all said that abstinence is the solution to teenage pregnancy. They have also said that parental responsibility is key to curbing teenage pregnancy.

    This, spun a certain way, could make her look like a hypocrite. Why wasn’t she tending to her own family when she was speaking about abstinence and teenage pregnancy? Has she even started her senior year of high school yet?

    Also, why are they only “planning” to get married?

    This whole thing will not go over well with the evangelical segment.

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Some day, some freaking day, these ass-wipes should be bitched slapped all the way down the freaking side walk. Just like they use to get bitched slapped when in Jr. High.
    Just a bunch of worthless mo fo yahoos. :lol: :lol:

  9. Anderson S. Wise (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    Well two things I’m certain of:

    1) All fetuses are much safer in the Palins’ wombs than the Obamas’

    2) Any man in the USA who wants to start of family and have children: make a Catholic Palin babe fall in love with you!


    Prod that I am, I can’t help but not think of this:

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  10. Lftbhndagn (К аду с Россия)

    :arrow: B. Verner

    it is not so much the fact that it was unplanned as much as the age of Bristol. President Bush, Senator McCain, and Governor Palin have all said that abstinence is the solution to teenage pregnancy. They have also said that parental responsibility is key to curbing teenage pregnancy.

    This, spun a certain way, could make her look like a hypocrite. Why wasn’t she tending to her own family when she was speaking about abstinence and teenage pregnancy? Has she even started her senior year of high school yet?

    Also, why are they only “planning” to get married?

    This whole thing will not go over well with the evangelical segment.


    And an Abortion would?

    Tell me this…

    She just found out she was pregnant. She and her boyfriend are planning on getting married. She got pregnant our of wedlock. You just cant change things and go back & get married before the horse is out of the barn.

    If anyone has a problems with this - they are hypocrites. Parents can only parent so much before their CHILDREN start making decisions for themselves. Some good and some bad.

    Bad decision to have unprotected sex, GOOD decision NOT to abort the baby and take RESPONSIBILITY for her actions.

    So tell me again who is going to have a problem with this?

    DEMOCRATS because they ARE hypocrites.

  11. Kilemal

    I was on this one early this morning and found this article on Sarah’s pregnancy.

    It’s not funny, however the way the Reuters reports the news in this article:

    “ST. PAUL (Reuters) - The 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is pregnant, Palin said on Monday in an announcement intended to knock down rumors by liberal bloggers that Palin faked her own pregnancy to cover up for her child.”

    Holland makes it sound like Palin had her daughter get pregnant just to cover up the birth of Trig.

  12. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: LBA


    You know, the ‘far right’ of the republican party is just as narrow minded and stifling as the ‘far left’ is to the democrat party.

    Difference here is it looks as if the GOP and McCain/Palin have decided NOT to allow the ‘far right’ to dictate …

    Having said that … and NOT to ‘use’ Bristol … but this situation could back fire in the left’s face if they try to use it against the GOP ticket and Palin.

    Remember, there ARE Hillary supporters and democrat voters NOT happy with their candidate in this election and are giving an interested eye toward McCain … THEY would become VERY defensive of this young woman’s situation and the family privacy issue of the left presses this beyond the initial breaking coverage.

    THIS is supposed to outweigh the pile of REAL nasty business surrounding Obama that the MSM has sinfully failed to cover???

  13. Tom in CO

    Does this make Palin a GILF? :roll:

  14. B. Verner


    This has nothing to do with abortion - I’m not suggesting she should have had an abortion (of course not). I’m not even suggesting that this is a bad thing. I’m only trying to present how people will view this and the effect it could have on the election.

    “Bad decision to have unprotected sex”

    That’s the point - the democrats will say that the Bush administration refused to fund teenage education on controceptives such as condoms and birth control and focusing exclusively on abstinence is another example of a “failure” from the Bush administration, as highlighted with Bristol. The Bush administration (they will say) focuses entirely on NOT having sex… so it’s not your above comment, it’s “Bad decision to have sex”.

    They will say this highlights how out of touch republicans are. If he would have used a condom or have been on the pill (things the Bush administraion doesn’t support) this wouldn’t have happened.

    I’m not saying I agree with this - I’m saying this is the argument we have to confront. Not anything about abortion.

  15. Sarah

    In defense of the far right, at least the evangelical far right, I think it is more likely to see that (a) there’s no abortion, (b) the couple is getting married and keeping the child and (c) dealing openly and lovingly with this issue is what being a Christian is all about. Forgiveness, redemption, blessing.

  16. B. Verner

    “You know, the ‘far right’ of the republican party is just as narrow minded and stifling as the ‘far left’ is to the democrat party.

    Difference here is it looks as if the GOP and McCain/Palin have decided NOT to allow the ‘far right’ to dictate …”

    That might be true, and it’s good and well, but McCain has spent an awfully large amount of time and money trying to court the “far right”. Lets hope this doesn’t undo his efforts.

  17. trapper

    DITTOS :arrow: DRILL! this door will swing back and smack them square in the face. these dumbacrats are like someone drowning, grabbing at anything to stay up. the light is on and people are seeing what kind of people these libs and media are.

  18. Dbo

    If the Dems try to attack this, it will hurt them. Especially in the wake of Juno the movie (about a young teenage girl getting pregnant and deciding to keep the child). That movie - which was the number one movie for a long time and won a shit ton of awards - started a minor cultural revolution; it was a movie about flawed people who make mistakes yet still do the right thing; it was a movie about us.

    Average Americans - most especially people who have families - will only sympathize with this.

  19. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: B. Verner

    “Choosing life” should calm their fears … I have known evangelicals who have found their family and teen daughter in the same situation. I think you’ll see ‘understanding’ put forth from the reasonable of the ‘far right’ on this.

    Would love to see/hear Pat Robertson and others come out in support of this young woman and her family …

    There will ALWAYS be the WBC-type loones, however, that the MSM will give full coverage to.

  20. Sarah

    Statement from James Dobson of Focus on the Family:

    “In the 32-year history of Focus on the Family, we have offered > prayer, counseling and resource assistance to tens of thousands of > parents and children in the same situation the Palins find themselves > in. We have always encouraged the parents to love and support their > children and always advised the girls to see their pregnancies > through, even though there will of course be challenges along the way. > That is what the Palins are doing and they should be commended for > once again not just talking about their pro-life and pro-family > values, but in living them out even in the midst of trying circumstances. > > “Being a Christian does not mean you’re perfect. Nor does it mean that > your children are perfect. But it does mean that there is forgiveness > and restoration when we confess our imperfections to the Lord. I’ve > been the beneficiary of that forgiveness and restoration in my own > life countless times, as I’m sure the Palins have.” > > “The media is already trying to spin this as evidence that Gov. Palin > is a ‘hypocrite,’ but all it really means is that she and her family are human. > They are in my prayers and those of millions of Americans.”

    Posted at The Corner.

  21. Knottie

    OMG her daughter is a human being and allowed herself to get carried away. And who said it was unprotected sex? Birth control is not 100% affective. The shame would be if she did not own up to her choices and their consequences. She is accepting responsibility and embracing the blessing of a child. Abstinence is a great idea but the fact is we are all human and sometimes we act on physical want. No where in the bible does it say not to have pre-martial sex. It does teach us to be faithful to the person we wed though.

    I am glad this family has gathered around this young couple to give them support, love and guidance. Al too often a young woman in this situation is thrown away be her family. I just hope the MSM has some class left and allows this young couple to get through this without them making it harder.

  22. HugoDePayenz

    My great grandmother on my mother’s side got pregnant before getting married. The father of course married her, unlike most douchebags today.

  23. HugoDePayenz

    (forgot to finish post… :oops: )
    It did happen before the free love b.s., but it usually ended up with the father being responsible and getting married.

  24. Max

    As a Christian parent myself, I’ve thankfully never had either of my two daughters get pregnant until they were out of the home. But the reality is that most teenagers are bone-headed idiots who have the bodies of adults, but still have the minds of children, and aren’t able to make wise decisions. Even the best of Christian parents anywhere in the world have had their daughters and sons do stupid things like have sex out of wedlock, in spite of all that they did to raise them right.

    This is indeed a family matter for the Palins. I’m sure that they were not pleased by the news of their daughter’s pregnancy and her shenanigans behind their backs, but they showed real maturity and wisdom by deciding to do what they can to help their daughter in her time of need. God bless them.

  25. johneb

    I’m not sure how to spin this. A pregnant 17 year old is not good. You can’t get around it. It brings up too many contradictions. The only up side is that she is not getting an abortion. This is not what McCain should be dealing with. How could he go forward with Palin knowing this?

  26. bill-tb

    Let’s keep a running tally of Obama’s fathers ‘wives’ as we go on. Never no how high the bastard children will get. Won’t be pretty.

    My suggestion, we take the drive bys advice and make Chelsea off limits … er, ah, was that right?

  27. Kilemal

    :arrow: drillanwr
    I am one of those evangelicals who has had a daughter in these same circumstances. I am now a proud grandpa of a two month old baby boy.
    My little girl has had to grow up a little faster than I would have preferred, but she is more happy now than I have ever seen her. She likewise married the father and I’m also proud to see him go from being a fulltime post grad. college student to being a father with a job taking responsibility and loving his new family.
    Liberals gave us a two income society through the women’s movement. My daughter may not be a brain surgeon or the next VPOTUS, but she will have a family that loves her and a little boy who’ll call her mom. That is after all what makes life wroth living.
    I thank God that Sarah’s daughter has a loving and supportive family that understands the value of human life. If this were Obama’s daughter, I fear the baby would have been secretly dispatched to avoid the political baggage it would bring to the campaign. It’s inconvenience would not be tolerated.

  28. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    You know, as a “far right Christian”, we are silenced at work. We get smashed in school. We get crucified by the media. We’ve lost our Constitutional rights in the courts. We get martyred in the Islamic world.

    On this sight, you ought to realize that Christians that show up here aren’t the turn the other cheek type. We’re the kind that fight evil on a daily basis.

    So saying that, FUCK YOU with the love of Christ.

    I know first hand how hard it is trying to protect my children from the fucked up world we are forced to live in today. I won’t go on about just how fucked up and twisted it is. But I will say, that almost every Christian family that I know of, that walks the walk and is not just lip service, we deal daily with our convictions and carry our crosses.

    We have the babies that the doctors tell us to take the easy way and and kill. We raise the babies that our daughters bear because they fall into the lies and deceit of the world, and they come to us for help. We don’t tell them to take the easy way out and kill them. We tell them we’ll hold their hand and walk alongside them the next 18 years and make the very best of it we can, and give all the love and support these babies deserve.

    So how does what has happened with the Palin’s daughter effect THIS Christian’s thoughts? How do YOU think it does?

  29. mshatto

    First of all, the trolls on the left went orgasmic over Brittany Spear’s 17 year old sister getting pregnant. One of those magazines paid millions to have the exclusive photos and then lyonized the girl for having a child. She was brave for having the child and getting married. Period, end of story and it happens. Maybe Gov. Palin needs to do some introspection and see if she truly wants this position. I’m pretty confident she does and will handle this in a responsible, rational manner. Crises emerge in families, just like in politics, and the mark of a true leader is how people react. Score one for Palin. She was honest and forthright. Hopefully the Breck Boy is watching and has learned a thing or two about character. As for those on the far right, this won’t bother them one bit. It’s the murder of an unplanned child that would have lost the evangelical vote. If anything this will energize them even further. A family that takes responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy, cherishes their daughter, and moves forward together is exactly what we ask people to do.

  30. trustme1013

    Anderson S. Wise (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!),

    The Palins aren’t actually Catholic, although Sarah Heath was baptized Catholic, she became “Born Again” when she was like 12 or something …

    Although the Catholic in me says Once a Catholic, Always a Catholic, as nothing on this Earth can erase the mark of God!

    I think it’s amazing and wonderful and beautiful that the Palins are standing up as they are and accepting and supporting and loving their daughter. Lord knows they had enough stress concerning it already. They don’t need the whole of America judging them.

  31. Sarah

    More reaction from the Christian “far right”, this time from Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention:

    “This is the pro-life choice. The fact that people will criticize her for this shows the astounding extent to which the secular critics of the pro-life movement just don’t get it. Those who criticize the Palin family don’t understand that we don’t see babies as a punishment but as a blessing. Barack Obama said that if one of his daughters made a mistake and got pregnant out of wedlock he wouldn’t want her to be punished with a child. Pro lifers don’t see a child as punishment.”

    Not to belabor the point but truly I don’t think this issue hurts McCain/Palin with this part of the base. The base gets that teenagers will have sex, that sometimes abstinence teaching fails (and there’s no way to know how often it works anyway) and that what matters is dealing with the issue in the right way. Christians have no problem with sex. What we have a problem with is being told that sex is consequence-free and that it’s just like any other recreational activity, buy a ticket, take the ride. Ok, off my soapbox.

  32. mshatto

    Crises emerge in families, just like in politics, and the mark of a true leader is how people react. Score one for Palin. She was honest and forthright. Hopefully the Breck Boy is watching and has learned a thing or two about character. As for those on the far right, this won’t bother them one bit. It’s the murder of an unplanned child that would have lost the evangelical & Catholic vote. If anything this will energize us even further. A family that takes responsibility for an unplanned pregnancy, cherishes their daughter, and moves forward together is exactly what we ask people to do.

  33. Irish Gal

    Just more evidence she is a true American in a true American family. If Sarah Palin were a man, his pregnant teenage daughter would be a story for 2 hours. Anyone who believe parents have total control over hormonal teenagers DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN. I REPEAT DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN.

  34. sully

    Go ahead and “belabor the point” Sarah.
    Dr. Land is spot on saying this is the pro-life choice and, unlike Democrats all the way to the top of the Democrat ticket, don’t view babies as punishment.
    No matter how much Kos, et al, try and use this one to that end.

  35. Paslode

    I could care less who’s the ‘natural’ mother. More important is the family decided to take the cards they were dealt and DID NOT throw the child under the bus. If more parents would take this stance kids might be less likely to play house and with the mindset that they can take the seemingly easy way out.

    People like Alan Combs who himself looks as though he is plus/minus a few chromisomes need to get a life. Fact is the left picking on this is no different that the right calling Hussein a N****r or saying he is unworthy of office becasue of the color of his skin.

    I have a seventeen year old daughter, I cannot watch her 24/7/365….Yep, wish I could sometimes….she says it don’t happen, but I know she does :roll:

    No one wants their kids to get pregnant, but it happens. I am the product of under age sex. Almost 46 years ago my Birthmother was sent to an Aunt in the city to avoid the stigma it would have set in a small farming communitiy.

    IMO anyway you look at it, it took guts, it is an example of good parenting and a wonderful role model to set on the Palins part.

    Combs and the rest of them should be ashamed of themselves….I SAY FOX NEWS needs FIRE ALAN COMBS!

    Rant off….Paslode

  36. dadeo

    According to Obama’s recent speech, Bristol Palin is being punished with a baby.

    I think most reasonable people will believe that the Palin’s are being “blessed” with a baby. Timing notwithstanding.

  37. Maynard

    Does she have a “bump” now?

  38. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    One more beautiful child that will have conservative values is soon to be born.
    Bless the family. And to the young father, son; you no doubt realize that you are doing the right thing. :smile:

  39. mike3481

    This issue is a huge land mine for the Dems. and the MSM.

    If they’re even slightly critical of the Palin’s private family matter, they will be leaving themselves wide open to the possibility of Gov. Palin being able to respond with a question (more likely a statement) along the lines of, “Are you suggesting I should sign-off on the abortion / death / murder of my first grandchild?

    Any response from the Dems. and or MSM will make them look like monsters.

    Ah hell, just being asked that without any response would make them look like monsters.

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Well said.


  40. righteous anger

    Everyone, just take a deep breath; exhale; and then recognize the fact that Obama probably would not have been born if legalized abortion was available 47 years ago. Makes one wonder how many times he was exposed to comments similiar to these in his early childhood years.
    ” Barry, that damn rubber broke and your old man ran off before he could fix me up with a back alley quack. You ought to thank your lucky stars that you weren’t blow job material. You will do well to hang with the boys ’cause that way you can decide to take it up front or the down low, your choice! Now, what’s this shit about going to my mom’s house for love and affection, you know I could have used a coca-cola to wash you out but I didn’t think I was going to get knocked up that night. You been a problem to me ever since I missed that period. Go on, someday you will throw that old bitch in front of a bus,to. Now take off that silly looking sarong before someone sees you in it and thinks that you are cross dressing, that’s all I need is to be having to explain why you are wearing my clothes all the time. Tell my old man that I need some more money or else I will hook up with another irresponsible foreigner and get knocked up again. Go on, get, don’t forget to mention that it was their fault ’cause that old bitches diapharm kept falling out. Don’t steal no hubcaps either, or else you’ll never grow up and be president! Barry?, Barry, did you hear what I said?

  41. Max

    “So saying that, F*** YOU with the love of Christ.”
    :arrow: Dogbert41

    Sir, you are way out of line with that kind of remark. The Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to NEVER use profanity. You are not right with God, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, along with a lot of other posters on this site who claim to be Christians and do the same thing.

  42. Richard Quinn

    Punished with a baby???? WTF? My daughter had a baby at 18, both sides of the family have helped out since without State interference. She’s now 5 years old and entering kindergarten, but the State still sends us reminders at least twice a year of how much aid is availabe for the asking. F–k that. Her father has since married and started another family, but still all three sides help raise her. We all just tell her how lucky she is to have so many people that love her.

    My wife and I raised our kids with Christian conservative values, but sometimes things happen - only takes one moment of weakness. Knew we did o-k though because the first thing we asked our daughter was “What are your plans now?” She responded without hesitation, “I’m going to have a baby.” The only acceptable answer, unless you’re a selfish piece of shit.

    I don’t condone conceiving out of wedlock, but taking the easy way out is not the answer. Kudo’s to the Palins and may God grant they may help raise a precious grandchild as we have.

  43. Kurt(the infidel)

    Richard Quinn

    right on! :beer:

  44. Richard Quinn

    :arrow: Max

    Methinks you should lighten up. I’ve come to the conclusion that God has a sense of humor as large as the universe - else why create mankind?

  45. Richard Quinn

    :arrow: Kurt

    :beer: :beer:

  46. Chicago Ray

    The left is truly apoplectic over this one and again show their hypocrisy and delusions show now bounds. :gun:

  47. B. Verner

    “”So saying that, F*** YOU with the love of Christ.””

    Sir, you are way out of line with that kind of remark. The Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to NEVER use profanity. You are not right with God, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself, along with a lot of other posters on this site who claim to be Christians and do the same thing.”

    I agree completely. Dogbert41 is an embarassment.

  48. AFITGrad 86

    Trial and tribulation come to each of our lives as an uninvited guest. It matters not what misfortune that life drops into our laps but rather how we deal with it.

    The true mark of a man (or a woman) is the ability to look misfortune in the eye and face it head on. No quibbles, no excuses, just deal with it.

    I commend the Palin family for their forthright and loving answer to a situation that must truly give them reason to ask “why? and why now?’

    The fact that this is a “news” story is a reflection of the true nature of the ghoulish press that salivates over any hint of scandal … especially if it is a Republican.

    I fully agree with the other posters that this is an issue that can easily backfire on the Dems and they seem to have the message .. witness Obama’s warning this is off limits. Now would someone bitch slap those idiots at the Daily Kos?

  49. Michael

    The fact is,the right says that parents need to take responsibility for their children. They say that their way is the best way to prevent teen pregnancy. I dont think in itself,her daughter being pregnant is a big deal.
    The right however thinks teens being pregnant is a big deal. (But apparently not when its one of their own) They wanted to be the morality party. They wanted to be the family values party.
    Are they telling us that girls pregnant at 17 is ok so long as the guy marries her? Sounds like we are back in the 1800s. The fact is,pregnant at 17 is not good. Married at 17 is more often than not a recipe for a disaster.
    Of course in her case,things are different. Her parents money will smooth things for her. Lets not pretend she is like everyone else. Most teen pregnancies end up with a young mother struggling to pay the bills and feed her child.
    What are we supposed to take away from this? Teen pregnancy is a very real problem,unless your ultra rich? Its ok for a young girl to get pregnant if only her boyfriend makes bad choices like she does and they get married? Guess what,if you get married for the child,your usually not doing it any favors. (just like couples who stay together “for the children”) Furthermore,there is one other disturbing possibility in all this. You can bet that she is under extreme pressure to keep the baby and get married (as is her boyfriend) It may be true that she wants this as well,but certainly its cause for concern.

    Some may say we have no reason to believe this,but I find it very likely. Can you imagine what her family would say if she said she wasn’t ready to have a child and wanted to give up the baby? What if she wants an abortion? What if she doesn’t want to be married but wants to raise the child? Because of the political situation,these are simply not going to be options for her.

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