Election Ad - Powerful
(nods to reader CymKnowlton)
(nods to reader CymKnowlton)
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they don’t name for whom they want you to vote
though the images are clear, he !
clever these opus dei men,
in the middle age they already educated the people through images, since then, they perfectionated their technic with subliminal messages, bravo !!!
September 11th, 2008 at 1:48 pmCorem Deo!
September 11th, 2008 at 3:27 pmBlow me French Fry!!!
September 11th, 2008 at 3:36 pmOutstanding.
September 11th, 2008 at 3:38 pmfranchie
Knights of Columbus and Legion of Mary, actually
Thank you, if he gets one more vote out I’m happy
Our Lady of the Rosary, Grant Us Victory
September 11th, 2008 at 3:49 pmGary, fuckiu coonard
CymKnowlton, thanks for the names
Benedict effect
“En juin 2004, Ratzinger publia un recueil de conseils à l’intention des évêques américains qui, en fait, donnait l’approbation du Vatican aux représentants de l’Eglise utilisant la question de l’avortement pour dissuader les gens de voter pour le candidat démocrate. Dans son courrier à l’évêque de Washington DC, Ratzinger écrivit : « Un catholique serait coupable de coopération formelle avec le mal, et de ce fait indigne de se présenter pour recevoir la communion, s’il votait délibérément pour un candidat précisément du fait de la position permissive de ce candidat sur les questions de l’avortement et/ou de l’euthanasie. »
September 11th, 2008 at 4:04 pmfranchie, you are aware that Opus Dei was founded in 1928, not in the middle ages or some other time, yes? I assure you, they were not educating anyone prior to 1928, nor are they in the business of distributing subliminal images now, all conspiracy theories to the contrary.
A few other points:
In the past, people were educated with images because the vast majority of them couldn’t read, not for any nefarious reasons.
Subliminal messages didn’t come along until the late 19th century.
An image of a child in utero that lasts for a second or so is not a subliminal message. By definition, any subliminal message has to be below (sub) the threshold (limen) of sensation.
For many reasons, in this country Catholics are advised to vote their conscience, not given a list of acceptable candidates. The video itself says this. If, in watching the video, you see “Vote for McCain/Palin”, I congratulate you on your functioning conscience, though I recommend voting only if you happen to be a citizen.
September 11th, 2008 at 4:15 pmPardon my french but I’m down to one cheek and don’t feel like turning it. Learn how to speak english ya franco buzzard or direct your attention to a parisian porn site. Voulez Vou “shut the hell up”.
September 11th, 2008 at 4:44 pmPeter B, I read that, it’s Josemaria Escriva, that JPII beatified. In 2002 that was his centenary birthday commemoration in Vatican, where one of your politicians was seen Rick Santonum
I have a teeth against Ratzinger, he interves more tha you may think in politics ;
I ment that the church knows how to “educate” the people with images, now they aren’t anymore on churches walls but on screens, and also “subliminal”
September 11th, 2008 at 4:55 pmGary, Did I ask you if your grandmother ride on bicycle ?
September 11th, 2008 at 5:04 pmfranchie
By [practice] definition … a visual subliminal message that you are talking about would involve a one frame image spliced inside the flow of the video … undetectable to the viewer’s naked eye as the brain processed what the eyes were seeing.
Only in slow down of the video frame by frame were such subliminal messages able to be ’seen’. even though the viewer’s eye had seen the frame go past in the context of the video, the brain processed it but the viewer was pretty much unaware of it. Hence the movie theater of the 50s and 60s when the snacks were placed in a frame of a movie so it might cause the movie goer to begin thinking about being hungry and going to the snack bar for food … spending more money, of course.
Something is not necessarily ’subliminal’ if you can sit and voluntarily look at it. Now, having said that, yes, subliminal messages can be injected into a scene via how something is worded or presented within ‘context’ of the scene you are watching.
There is NO subliminal message here.
The message is quite clear. Abortion, for one thing.
If I have some question with ‘message’ in the video it is are they supporting the fight against terror that we are involved in, or are they equating that to ‘killing’ and not valuing life.
The Catholic Church is foggy, at best, in its support of our war against THAT which would exterminate it … But then the Catholic Church is not without it’s own history of controversy through the ages when it was ripe with lunatic sadists as Pope, the higher achy, aristocrats, and power hungry families. In past ages it bordered on a royal family dynasty (hence one of the reasons priests and Popes were abolished of marriage). In more recent history there is question about how the Vatican might possibly have ‘appeased’ the Nazis during WWII in order to save itself … but there is more evidence of individual Catholics, such as Pope John Paul II as a very young man, who did things to save Jews and others who were on the Nazi extermination list and in camps.
But I digress.
No subliminal message in the above video.
The message is clear. Value life. Which of the two political tickets have a proven record on that issue?
Now, I realize the Europeans have placed a lesser value on life, especially life in the womb, so THAT message might be what is eating [subliminally] at you.
September 11th, 2008 at 5:37 pmAs a Cathlic I’d sure prefer they just come out and say it, voting for Democrats is a vote for the party of death. Pelosi and Biden were given a lashing in the past week by some bishops concerning their ignorant statements concerning conception. It would have been more impressive if they were threatened with excommunication but at least the public statements were a good chastising.
September 11th, 2008 at 5:53 pmIt’s one hell of a good commercial. I hope they get it on TV.
September 11th, 2008 at 6:42 pmYou could be a Jew or a Catholic and feel like this video defined your conscience. Bravo.
September 11th, 2008 at 6:50 pmWow… powerful vid indeed. Thanks for posting it.
“I have a teeth against Ratzinger, he interves more tha you may think in politics”
So what? Islam is MUCH worse and you are empathetic to them. You despise religion unless it has a gun to your head.
As your quote says…. Abortion is evil and Ratzinger - Pope Benedict XVI - has every right to remind Catholics that formal cooperation with evil can be cause for the prevention of Communion. It is also Catholic Canon that facilitatiors of abortion (such as Pelosi and Biden) excommunicate themselves.
September 11th, 2008 at 7:00 pmYou could be a Jew or a Catholic and feel like this video defined your conscience. Bravo.
Please add one Protestant as I doubt Christ will distinguish between Catholic or Protestant. You’re either a Christian, or you are not. Christ is either the Messiah for Catholics and Protestants or He is the Messiah to none. Very touching and most beautiful. Catholics, I salute you for your works, your faith, and your commitment to life.
September 11th, 2008 at 8:05 pmThis was sent to me by the Thomas Moore folks. It’s so much more than just a Catholic “thing”, and I’m Catholic. It’s a wake up call to the people who value each and every life and know what abortion really is. Pelosi and Biden don’t speak for me, or most Catholics for that matter, or Protestants or anyone who believes in the sanctity of life.
Vote for life.
September 11th, 2008 at 8:58 pmYes the church supports the war on terror. The church has been on the frontline combatting Islamototalarianism(or Islamofaciscism if you prefer) since the Byzantine army was annihilated at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071. The image of the firemen in the video taken most appropriately for this date from the archives of 9/11
In the modern day, the most blatant example of this fight exists in the recruiting, training and dispatching of Ali Agca by Khomieni and the Iranian Intelligence Service to assasinate JP II. While the Church no longer commands its own military force, it maintains the fight in other arenas.
The appearance of ambiguity may arises from the current Iraq war and its waging in light of the Aquinian principle of the Just War. In the final analysis I believe it will be proven to have been the correct decision, to initiate the fight there.
Moreover are we doing enough?
See this discussion:
From the first Crusade’s capture of Jerusalem to the battle of Belgrade in 1455, the naval battle of Lepanto in 1571, the victory before the Gates of Vienna in 1672, the battle of the Snows in 1742, support for American intervention in Tripoli in 1805-06, support for Greek Independence, 1822-1830, on and on. Christendom has been the sword opposing Satanic Islamism.
Pope Benedict in the final analysis will continue the tradition even though his first attempt was shouted down by
Hundreds of thousands of Catholics and Christians of all denominations are persecuted and martyred daily by Islamism, not to overlook the neverending struggle of Israel, since its restoration, of having to defend its very existence.
No Pope has ever disavowed the Crusades and no Pope ever will. It is a question of survival.
Popes, Saints, Kings, Princes, Generals, Soldiers and the common laity have for centuries answered the call to combat
the Caliphate and will continue to do so until the Final Victory over the Crescent, of which I have not doubt, will occur.
It is part and parcel, the Defense of Life, the triumph of Good over evil.
September 11th, 2008 at 9:53 pmsully
That makes zero sense franchie.
errr… never mind…. sounds like somebody is putting something other than ‘Belgian tobacco’ in their pipe tonight.
September 10th, 2008 at 4:58 pm
holy water only,
I am thinking of asking Sarko to revocate the laicity law of 1904, so that he can change our constitution and put religion rules as main state rules, oh wait, which is the main religion ? catholiscism or islam ?
I am scared now, too bad it’s islam : good morning sharia !!!
Fortunately I got a hunting knife, I am keeping it ready for the next St Barthelemy, those Allah dogs will not get through my way.
seriously, your praising the pope, that was the former Dr es political manipulation and the dog watcher of the fondamentalist dogmas in Vatican, kind of ayatolah with a good education. Yeah his nurse is also a classical pianist, uh, I remember that in the concentration camps they also played classical music and went to church.
Do you know that he is ruining the Vatican II progressive intentions : adapting the ancient rules to the modern life ; precisely he is doing what your actually repproaching to islam : return to the middle-ages practices of religion. Do you know that he sill stigmatise the Jews, that are your supposed motive of reverration ?
I know that Sarko is receiving him the next 14-15 september ; I hope that our people will not forget their instinct for surviving, that they will not accept that our contry is, first, a secular state.
Im watching for it, I don’t want that my future little daughter get a brainwashed endoctrinnement (like I had), that she’ll become a “grenouille de bénitier” ; I’ll strike on the Champs-Elysées to empech it.
Don’t try to twist my purposes, iveribodi olridi knows that your a big hypocrypt :
Are you one of them ?????????????
September 12th, 2008 at 12:04 amDrill
Jean Paul II was raised in an opus Dei family ; his legend says that he helped Jews to escape from gestapo ; though as he was a member of this “club”, I doubt it : the jews aren’t their worry, only if they convert to catholiscism
In this precise video, no need to search a hidden message, it’s clear, (though we don’t know, unless we insert the video in a regie to decompose the images frame)
in this precise video, the message is fine for me, The thing I wanted to point out is that Vatican is intervening in a country inner policy though the religious beliefs, and that it influences the political decisions
Ratzinger intervened in the last 2004 elections though, following the request of GW Bush, who complained to Vatican that the American Bishops had not enough volition to support him and were shared on the candidates, John Kerry would have been their normal choice as a catholic.
But not in a Ratzinger mind, he didn’t correspond to the Opus Dei agendas.
What Ratzinger also wants for us, is that we abolish the laicity law, Sarko has already talk about it. But stil more than 80 % of the Frenchs are against his pretentions.
The opus dei agenda is not “God”, though it pretends so, it’s to control the world wide policies
September 12th, 2008 at 12:42 amI love Ratzinger! In a time where liberalization is praised by the vast media “intellectuals”, Ratzinger had the fortitude to show his support for what Bush and the U.S. believe in and fight for. THAT takes guts which is something too many don’t comprehend!
September 12th, 2008 at 4:08 amOh stop spouting off like you even know anything about ‘Opus Dei’ franchie other than what you read in DeVinci Code.
You said you were raised Catholic and I asked when and why it was that you decided self-adoration was the better way and you’ve constantly avoided the question.
September 12th, 2008 at 6:12 amNow I suppose we can add your being a spark of energy created by granite rubbing together or some other such ‘New Age’ crap to self-adoration.
Rather than cut at Christianity… expound some for us on the faith of franchie. Maybe you’ll win some converts.
“Maybe you’ll win some converts”. Got already one
it wasn’t ment so though.
yeah I did read the Da vinci code, in a train and a plane on a way back from UK, so that wasn’t a study.
The Ratzinger’s has more stuff to be think about
“some other such ‘New Age’ crap to self-adoration”
he, say what you want, Im ok in my “baskets”, unlike you
“you’ve constantly avoided the question.”
September 12th, 2008 at 8:14 amI did made a comment about it, duuno why, ( ) It never appeared