Clip Of The Day: You Describe Their Conversation

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


As I was watching this and recording it, I couldn’t help but think that what I was seeing, those two walking down into Ground Zero together, seemed as surreal as the days following 9/11.

I don’t know, it was sort of like a “What’s wrong with this picture” type of thing.

Like oil and water.

Anyway, instead of a “You Write The Caption” deal here, I was wondering if you, Oh Dollard Reader, would care to enlighten us as to their conversation as they walked.

Or, just a caption of your own, if you like. Whatever…

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13 Responses

  1. Hardball(1)911

    McCain, “Here is where those very first souls were taken in God’s quest to rid us of the evil which you represent. These souls are watching over us in our efforts to prevent you and those like you from destroying not only our country, but the Word as it was spoken from God.”

    BHO, “I will not be compromised with, I will not be reasoned with, I will not stop until I am dead, I will continue to torture those who oppose our movement, for I am the generation of ‘change’ that Mohamed preached. This ground is sacred only for the souls who began our fight.”

    Cindy McCain, “If I have to listen to anymore of this, I will push him into the pit…”

    THAT is my interpretation.

  2. Skydivejnky

    The one thing I couldn’t help but notice was the absence of Michel Obama.

  3. Knottie

    On another thread someone spoke that on 9-11-01 we were Americans. Not Republicans or Democrats, wealthy or poor, black or white.. just Americans. I think when we take the time to truly remember that day we can find that again. Even if for just a few moments.

  4. Andy (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    McCain: “Yes, Barack, you will actually have to make difficult decisions as Commander-in-Chief. How many times must that be made clear to you?”

    Obama: “Come now, we both know that my many advisers and handlers will be running the show. I’m just the eye candy, and great orator in front of the teleprompters.”

    McCain: “Touché.”

  5. Rob

    :arrow: Andy
    Yea because he always picks good company. Rev. Write, Ayres, his staff, Hizbola, etc. :roll:

  6. Maynard

    BHO to Cindy: “Love your lipstick Sweetie”

  7. Caligula

    Obama: “could you guys lighten up a bit? This campaign isn’t fair!”

    McCain: “lipstick on a pig? you fucking jackass!” [laughs] “i’m going to trip you as you’re getting on stage!! look out boy!”

  8. ji

    Looks like Obama is accusing McCain of dirty politics.
    McCain is telling him all is fair in war and politcs.

  9. Dbo

    If they were saying anything other than “this is a sad day.” or just simply ruminating on how bad and sorrowful 9/11 was fuck em both.

    Talking about anything else would be as disrespectful as talking about anything else at a close relatives funeral, viewing, or gravestone.

  10. Bud Simmons

    John McCain makes me proud to be an American

    The Democrats have the audacity to Run thier Hoax of a candidate SHAME on them

  11. Mike in VA

    Good observation, Skydivejnky. Where the hell IS Michelle Obama?? Cindy McCain made the trip. :evil:

  12. Mike Mose

    A Man that has given everything and more for his country and another that wants to take everything the country stands for.

  13. Real America

    (As McCain speaks, Obama is thinking) One my fears is that this guy will know is that I am intimidated by his service to our country. And the reason many liberals dislike the military and a strong defense is that we are appeasers and cowards.

    (As Obama speaks, McCain is thinking) Those anti-military liberals would sit down and have a summit with the rapist/murderes who’d break in to their houses rather than pick up a gun and defend their families. That’s right, appease the criminals to death…or play them Streisand show tunes. That’ll teach ‘em.

    Cindy(thinking to herself about Obama): I’d like to slap that wishy, washy, pinko in the back of his head. ;-)

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