CNN Dem Roundtable Talks Of GOP ‘Racists’

September 5th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Because we ALL KNOW, if you don’t agree with Obamas policy’s, your a RACIEST!

Democrats Arianna Huffington and Katrina Vanden Heuvel were interviewed on Larry King. Huffington talked about “racists” who won’t vote democrat, while Vanden Heuvel called the GOP the “party of white refuge”

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16 Responses

  1. Old Sailor

    The gloves are off, people. The dems are desperate to win at any cost.

  2. bd

    Hey by the way….

    Obamba’s commmander in chief qualifications?

    Yup, Obama has ‘experience’ alright.

  3. Jarhead68

    What a panel. VandenHumble, Hufferbelly and Queermo. How far left can you get. It’s funny how the left sees “coded” messages about race all the time. After all, they wrote the code book, didn’t they?

  4. Clutch250f

    I wonder if people actually paid attention in history class.. Who were the racist ones? Southern DEMOCRATS. Who were the ones supporting freeing of slaves? Republicans. Hmm How do we become the racist ones here? Oh yea because we don’t like Obama and a few racists within our party. Wow they tell us not to judge them but they have not only judged but they have issued a sentence and we are the bad guys.

  5. righteous anger

    that video says it all: two swivelled up balls and a prick in the middle

  6. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    When you say, “Community Organizer”, I hear COMMUNIST BASTARD.

  7. Bryan J

    Can someone send me a copy of the “Code”? They never sent me my copy when I registered as a Republican. If I don’t have it how can tell for sure when our leader are secretly telling us to go out and be racist. I can only imagine how many Klan meetings I’ve missed because I didn’t have the right code to find them :roll:

  8. Mike Mose

    BD is right on,

    You have to love these people, they are absolutely removing themselves from any serious discussion of leadership.

    They are the MSM…………………going……..going ………….gone. End of Obama, Democratic party, and MSM.
    That is a great election. We live in amazing times

  9. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    Aren’t the Republicans the Party of Colin Powell and Condi Rice?

  10. monkeysdad (Sur Tejas Gringo)

    I believe the only blacks the dems have put in a position of authority get killed off (Ron Brown)

  11. ssgduke53

    It is odd that the Democrats called the Republicans Racists when in their own party they have Senator Byrd who was once a Grand Wizard of the KKK!!!

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    What a bunch of sad hags. White liberals bearing guilt.
    Huffington needs to go back to the Euro-trash that she came from.
    And Oprah is a racist who is scared of the hockey mom. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :beer:

  13. sully

    lol…. always fun watching educated yet stupid elitists outsmart themselves. thanks for the laughs.

  14. John Doe

    white refugee and our last election… go to hell you idiots. This race should not even be close. Look at the credentials and experience the life time divotion to the usa by
    john McCain.This dumb ass who was appointed shouldn’t even pour McCain his water

  15. Storm 0311

    Al little trip down memory lane please.

    What was the party of Abe Lincoln?
    Now name the party that tried to block the civil rights legislation?

    What was Byrd?
    Who was Bill Clinton’s mentor?

  16. Heckler

    Coded attacks? Party of white refuge? WTF? These people are unbelievable. I bet about 10 of these morons off themselfs if McCain wins. Go Johnny boy!

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