Don’t You DARE Ask What A Community Organizer Actually Does

September 5th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


My SECOND PLACE must read of the day……From a personal blog called…

Mother, May I Sleep With My Teacher

Here come the Obama “Jesus” references again….I also want to add, Al Capone was one of the biggest “Community Organizers” Chicago ever had..

Today we are also to see Moqtada al-Sadr as one

Written by Jim Treacher September 4, 2008

You can call a woman a bad mother for not forcing her daughter to have an abortion, and claim that the same woman didn’t actually give birth to her own son…

…but don’t you dare ask what a community organizer actually does.

A commenter at QandO was nice enough to explain the difference between Obama Black Nixon and Palin:

Jesus was a community organizer. Pilate was a governor.
To which I replied:

And last night was the crucifixion.
Hey, you know who else was a community organizer? Don Corleone.

P.S. Here’s a funny thing: If you Google “Jesus was a community organizer” “Pilate was a governor”, suddenly that moronic non sequitur is all over the place. Hundreds of results, and I’ll give you a cookie made of dreams if you can find one dated before Sept. 4. Purely spontaneous, right?

Way to get rid of the “He thinks he’s the Messiah” meme, geniuses. Astroturfing sucks, but if it helps turn even more people away from a witless crybaby like Obama, who wants to be president because otherwise it’s not fair, that works for me. We are the spam we’ve been waiting for.

And you’ll never guess where this wonderful, poetic grassroots slogan “originated”. It’s attributed only to “a reader.” Kos is such an idiot that he couldn’t even come up with a fake name to put it under. How about “Sparack Spobama”? “Spavid Spaxelrod”? (I wonder if this Kos page will be deleted, just like the one that launched the utterly deranged conspiracy theory about Palin’s youngest son? Get the disinfo out there, and then remove the source. Orwell was an amateur.)

P.P.S. If you’re a community organizer and you want to help organize a community of other community organizers to stop the mockery of, um, whatever the hell it is you do:

They’re demanding an apology from Sarah Palin. Perhaps they haven’t been paying attention. I think that’ll happen the day after Joe Biden gets through a full paragraph without reminding people of a much less likable Ted Baxter.

P.P.P.S. How about McCain’s speech, huh? It’s not his strong suit, and there was no way he was going to outshine the VP, but he did fine. And he had help. Five years of torture didn’t stop him, but some fatty in a pink t-shirt was supposed to? I predict Obama will put out a statement tomorrow insisting that he had no specific knowledge of Code Pink’s plans. (By the way, if you’re wondering how those CP idiots got into the convention: They wear the tinfoil inside the hat.)

P.P.P.P.S. I love the stupid pundits who say Sarah used too much sarcasm last night. Yeah, why make a political speech interesting? You might hurt your opponent’s feelings.

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13 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I was surfing a bit about community organizering yesterday, and came to the opinion it is ‘grassroots collectivism’.

    Possibly you could call it ‘grassroots marxism’.

    What else should I have expected?

  2. bd


    Nobody ask questions to MetrObama because that would be insensitive to the fag.

    US magazine and Oprah are proof that left wing media bias exists!








  3. Mike in CA

    What a slap in the face, to Jesus! If memory serves me correctly, Jesus would not have said abortion is ok. Obama thinks it is. Jesus would not have said it’s ok for Fred and Ted to get married (or Ellen and Jodie Foster). Obama thinks that it is. Jesus held the tax collectors in contempt for the way they took more from the people and drove many into poverty so they could live like kings. Obama wants to collect more taxes, and drive more people toward poverty. Maybe the left has studied a different Jesus than the rest of us?

  4. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)


    exactly! and i would say they definitely have studied a different Jesus than i have. they interpret everything to go along with their views, whether it be the constitution or the bible. sickening and its about time these truths come out into the light

  5. ROB

    My question is why do these rich movie stars want a communist governemnt. don’t they understand that if communism takes effect only the governemtn and fatory owners would have money?

  6. Max

    “Jesus was a community organizer”???? This is such an out and out lie. Shame on the Liberals for speaking such trash.

    The burden is on them to prove such a statement, because it is not found in the Bible, period. It is a popular idea with Liberals, however, that has been around for quite a while. The most notable recent example is the Jesuit-inspired “Liberation Theology” of South and Central America which portrays Christ as a Communist revolutionary in the mold of Che Guevara, a very similar idea to the “community organizer”.

    And Dollarites are also familiar with The Big Zero’s old pastor and church where Liberation Theology is also a defining ideology, so it isn’t surprising that Liberation Theology has now been adopted by the Far-Left as a convenient tool to advance their Socialist ideas.

  7. TerribleTroy

    What I find so disingenuous about this whole “she mocked community organizers” is that she really didnt. If they had taken the statment she made in context, she was saying that they have no negative consenquences to thier “careers” if they fail in thier “jobs”. If a Mayor fails… they are out of a job… if a community organizer fails… they move on to the next “project”. That is the responsibility Palin was pointing out. Besides all this shit is really fake as Barack made a politicians decision to “organize” in a defined community with the mind to make a “name” for himself. it wasnt like he was a “local” organizer, this putz selected his territory specifically. EFF THEM AND THIER “SPIN”

  8. sully

    Community organizers? You mean like these two?

    Pretty valuable work being done right there I tell ya.
    Two guys without a care or responsibility in the world.
    *sigh* …role models…

  9. Tom in CO

    Yeah, how many chicagans are homeless thanks to his organizing?

  10. Word-Drum

    The term usually used by lefties is “organizer.” Hussein adds “community” to cover that up a little. I was an organizer on the campus of Columbia University when Barry was a student there. We were a bunch of anti-US left-wingers.

    I mentioned before, I think I knew Obama, but I never saw…

    “Barack Obama Naked”

  11. a. mcewen

    How ironic. I thought the question of the day was “Don’t you dare ask how is Sarah Palin qualified enought to be vice president.” :mrgreen:

  12. jharada

    Gah, community organizers just train people to be radicals.

    Obama just want to take this and put it on a nationl scale with with universal volunteer civil service or whatever he is calling it.

    Anyways he didn’t do anything as one, was the south side better when he left? It’s not looking all that good right now.

    Maybe he need to call for a surge in southside ala Rudy, but since he is a defeatist.

    McCain/Palin ‘08 :gun:

  13. Kranix

    Obama is an empty socialist suit with only a Soros funded astroturf campaign to back him. I hope in 50 years, Americans will ask themselves, “How the FUCK did we get tricked into believing this man was even remotely qualified to run for president?”

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