Finally: Pamela Anderson Announces Her Stance On Sarah Palin

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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35 Responses

  1. Knottie

    How lady like and classy… :roll:

  2. dad3-7

    she is anti country fried chicken also

  3. BAC

    She just needs to go away.

  4. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    I don’t question the lovely synthetic “Pam’s” intellect.

    She has more than proven her I.Q. worth.

    I question the intellect of the person who asked her opinion.

  5. Double Tap

    yeah….. like this slut knows anything

  6. RememberOurFathers

    Why do some people live, while better people die? :cry:

  7. Knottie

    :arrow: RememberOurFathers

    I ask myself that everyday.

  8. Professor Bill

    Pam’s purpose in life two-fold, first, her primary purpose is to serve as an example to others, particularly girls, of how not to live. Her secondary purpose is to serve as a modern day court jester, entertainment for the masses, the masses that actually make this country work and protect and feed the rest of world. A diversion from our daily chores and work, other than these two she has no real purpose in life.

  9. CPLViper

    This coming from the woman who can out suck a Hoover … that’s rich!

  10. Mike in CA

    Yea, she knows a thing or two about sucking it.

    How many cocktails did she have before that little soundbite?
    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  11. This Guy

    CPLViper: :lol: :beer:

    Yeah, that’s all she really can say. Not like she can actually think up an intelligent response or anything.

    Libs are like little spoiled children. They never grow up. Her stupid little response is a prime example of that mentality.

  12. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    yeah we all seen her “sucking it”. what was that thing anyways? an elephants trunk? lol

    those lips are good for something. and it aint giving opinions

  13. HugoDePayenz

    Oh yeah like i was loosing sleep waiting to see if she would be on McCain/Palin’s side. :???:

  14. getsome

    :arrow: HugoDePayenz
    hahahaha well said

  15. billie (barracuda)

    Talk about lipstick on a pig. :wink:

  16. billie (barracuda)

    …Yeah, she looked drunk.

    She’s not only one of Hollywood’s stupidest actresses, she has incredibly bad diction.

    It used to be standard practice for actresses to take voice lessons. Give me a movie from the ’40s and ’50s any time; I love to hear the women speak. Today’s younger actresses all sound alike, as if they’re choking on a fish bone.

  17. David

    She is living proof that the size of one’s [artificial] tits bears no relationship to what is above them.

  18. Tyler

    what i dont understand is that PETA doesnt like her but is ok with Obama? at least she kills her own animals and does all the butchering herself. opposed to just buying it already cut. Obama eats meat too! so shouldnt they be against him also?

  19. David Ross

    Can ANYONE be more hypocritical than Pamela? I mean for REAL, we ALL know she is a meat lover. More meat has pass those lips than all the McDonald’s franchises combined! The only thing ole Pam is missing is her marquis stating “Over 1 million served”.

  20. Mike Mose

    The true class of Hollywood on display again. It is amazing how the MSM considers her view important enough for TV.

  21. birdeye

    No, Pam, from the video i’ve seen, clearly you are the one who can “suck it.” I saw what ya could do to Tommy Lee. You could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.

  22. tedders

    Polythene Pam?

    Hell, she’s Canadian! Who gives a rats ass what she thinks about our leaders!

    God bless her hepatitis filled liver!

  23. Howie

    :arrow: Mike Mose: I don’t think that “E” even deserves to be considered MSM. They are the bottom feeding network of poparatzi!

    Semper Fi!!

  24. cclezel

    That woman has probably sucked more cocks then a vacuum cleaner has sucked on carpet and we are suppose to take her opinion as valid?

  25. SOC

    Such a whore. Her and Madonna are fighting for the cellar. If you want to see something scary, catch a pic of Pam without makeup. Worse than butt ugly and look at that nose. She broke it trying to explore Tommy Lee’s ass.

  26. steve m (Deus beatus U.S.A.)

    :arrow: Professor Bill - nailed it. :beer: This countrys fascination with morons like these is distressing. The question ought to have been “which number is higher, your bustline or your I.Q.?” - but hell, we already know the answer. Hopefully Sarah Palins emergence on to the public scene will give young women a positive, inspiring, role model, not like the fucktards out of Hollywood.

  27. shelly

    She’s jealous :wink:

  28. Michelle

    I’d say Pamela has become a pro at sucking it.

  29. Allen Lee

    What a trashy mouth Pamela Anderson has. What is her
    talent anyway? I mean besides those two things on
    her chest. Can she even play an instrument? Her
    experiment with marriage was a disaster. She can’t
    act or sing, so why does she get so much publicity?
    Sarah Palin on the other hand is a CLASS ACT. Sarah
    Palin is intelligent and a good leader.

  30. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    The idiot was shocked to learn that her sheepskin boots were actually made from sheep.

    Pam is a prime example of what I call a ‘Dixie cup’:

    Use once, throw away. :twisted:

  31. Derek of Hesperia

    Cupid Stunt.

    Hey, Pam? How’s that Hep-C treatin ya?

    Go suck on some interferon you brain-dead moron.

  32. pigbenus

    lol, funny thing is, Pamela already sucked it.

  33. pigbenus

    lol, funny thing is, Pamela already sucked it.

  34. Gary in Midwest

    I believe her silicone is leaking into head when she lies down. And she lies down a lot!

  35. Charlie Xray

    Ah… remind me again why we should take seriously the asinine utterances of someone who carries her brains around in two EEEE cups?


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