Hussein Tells America He’s A Muslim, Stephanopoulos Intercedes - With Video

September 7th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Barry Insane Obama hath forced me to return to using B.Hussein Obama this morning. In an interview with Clinton shillster George Stephanopoulos, Obama says that McCain has never attacked his “Muslim Faith” and Stephanopoulos had to correct and remind him that the cameras were rolling and that he was a Christian.

Now, I’m not saying he’s a Muslim…

…did he?

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60 Responses

  1. NickD


  2. Old Sailor

    Looked like an admission of the truth to me!

    Many muslims believe that the Koran gives them the right to lie to Infidels (anyone who is not a muslim), so it makes perfect sense.

  3. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    c’mon! no christian would make a slip like that. i would never slip and say “my muslim faith”. it would be like me saying “my black ancestory”. its just not something you would mistakenly say.

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    So what is it O’Bambam? :roll:
    I bet you want to be a muzzie, even if you are not a practising one at this moment.
    Confused a little? How ’bout confused alot! :lol: :lol:
    How many states do we have? 57. Wrong again.
    That alone disqualifies you for POTUS. :roll:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sweet serendipity. Now everybody knows. :beer: :beer:

  6. Dbo

    The only way this could be a slip - other than the obvious, he is a muslim - would be if he likes to create controversies that benefit him.

    That is, I am sure people on the left get worked up when he reminds them how the right-wing keeps trying to make him out to be a muslim (and by extension terrorist sympathizer) and not christian. This is although, of course, no one of prominence in the right makes that accusation.

    Certainly not John McCain anyway.

  7. Baroness W.

    Looks like Saracuda, the final straw, is getting to him.(and pressure from a woman, no less- aw, just fractures the fragile muslim man.’s ego)
    It was only a matter of time… so many lies to cover up, so much of his past to hide.

    That kinda pressure would strain a real man and this down low ain’t no real man.

    And seems to be the beginning of a bona fide crack-up to me.

    Somedays, life is just so sweet.

  8. Knottie

    ROFLMAO.. can’t deny it now can he? I want the link so I cna share this !!

  9. Old Sailor

    I just reviewed that interview on, and this clip has been edited out. They called it a “full interview” on the page. Clearly, they are hoping that no one will be reading this page today!

  10. RC

    “Now, I’m not saying he’s a Muslim…” lol

    Let’s see his father was a muslim, his name is Barack (Buraq) celebrates the winged horse that flew Mohamed between Mecca and Jerusalem, he attended a madras in Indonesia as a child, his cousin Raila Odinga will install and mandate sharia in Kenya shortly, he has endorsements from Islamist groups like Hamas, Hezbolla and that demented little turdhead Ahmadinejad…

    He may not know what faith he practices but one thing for certain is he’s the biggest fool and dummy running for POTUS that I and many here have ever witnessed in their own lifetimes.

  11. 0311inOHio(typical white person)

    Wow… If that was Sarah saying that the MSM would be all over it like stink on shit.

    Scarry-Barry Hussein is insane.

  12. righteous anger

    Make my day, as Harry would say
    No one can tell as many lies as that POS and keep them all straight. Cuckcold George, slurping at the polls (pole) thought he better yank a knot in Hussein’s tale (tail) and set the Mullah on the correct path. Did you notice the stutter at pronouncing ‘christian’ ?

  13. bill-tb

    So Barry is a Muslim, he sure isn’t an American … What American would not know there are 60 states?

    The fake American is falling apart under pressure.

  14. Sandy

    This video adds clarity to his confusion.

    Does Obama fulfill Muslim prophecy?

    THE ONE . . .

  15. sgtswine

    freudian slip????

  16. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    Woopsy! Hussein made a poopsy!

    Nice of Stephie to wipe his ass for him on that one …

  17. SOC

    I been saying this guy is a closet muslim for over a year now.

  18. SOC

    I also believe that is where all the money is coming from.

  19. Eric

    I watched the full interview and on another channel, I watched Biden and yet another channnel Axelrod, Obama’s chief of staff; Dhim’s are reeling due to the McCain/Palin surge of core values, and sound judegment. Obama even admitted the surge is working. Palin is Surge II! A recent poll showed 25% of Dems like Palin and 54% of independents…those are huge numbers…

  20. RJI


  21. IP727


  22. Dr. Jerry

    Ah…I love it when a plan comes together!

    Every day this moron continues to prove how absolutely stupid he is.

    Keep it up Barry ole boy. McCain is going to win by a landslide!

  23. Steve in NC

    :arrow: IP727 :beer:


  24. Insensitive Conservative

    Do you realize, if in fact he is a Muslim, the ramifications of potentially losing to a Republican VP that is a WOMAN??????? Especially given the facts on how Muslim men treat their lady friends?????

    :shock: :shock:

  25. Hussein Tells America He’s A Muslim, Stephanopoulos Intercedes With Video « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] He’s A Muslim, Stephanopoulos Intercedes With Video September 7, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, John Murtha, Obama, […]

  26. Jarhead68

    BUSTED! :twisted:

  27. Jarhead68

    :arrow: IP727

    Is that you, P Diddy?

  28. Mike Mose

    Can you imagine anyone that is seriously engaged in politics voting for Obama.

    He covers for his radical wife, radical friends, radical political connections, and now he clearly states “His Muslim faith”.

    Is Obama the ultimate sleeper cell?

  29. CPLViper

    Holy jihadi, batman! No wonder why he had no idea what Rev. Wright was preaching … he was at the mosque.

  30. Jenny Girl

    CPL Viper - hahahahahahaha!

  31. Mart (just another infidel)

    Opps….Did I say that out loud?

  32. GRIZZ


  33. Q_Mech

    Well, as always, its nice to have the media there to cover for ya, ain’t it, Hussein? :roll:

  34. GRIZZ

    ip727-Mix O reilly in there and send it to the no spin zone

  35. mike3481

    One more nail in his “political” coffin.

  36. GRIZZ

    This FART will pass soon.

  37. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    And all that is hidden shall be revealed.

  38. infidel

    There was no teleprompter to tell him what to say. Sometimes the truth just comes out. :)

  39. Baroness W.

    Gateway Pundit: Figures. Michelle Obama Quotes Lines From “Rules For Radicals” In Her DNC Convention Speech (Updated)

    (Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals is dedicated to Lucifer:
    “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer”)

  40. 31Mike

    :arrow: SOC

    I also believe that is where all the money is coming from.

    You got that right!!!
    He’s getting a shitload of money funneled in from the mid-east.

  41. Gary in Midwest

    Just call him Barack “Sleeper Cell” Obama. I, for one, would never challenge his Muslim faith or question his 57 states. Nor would I question his warp speed rise from nowhere to the staging area of the most powerful leader in the world.

  42. ROCK

    you know, he could be

  43. ROCK

    you know he could be atheist for all i care. but it’s the fact that he has to lie to the American public about something that is supposed to be important to him. Why? to make the American people happy. he will say anything to make the other person happy. what will he say when he is supposed to be talking to our enemy? “alright, we will give you Texas if you will be friendly with us”

  44. Brian H

    Can you imagine what was going on in his brain in that blink after George “corrected” him?

    ||Holy houri! I just admitted I’m Muslim! How smooth can I make “Christian” sound? Here goes nothin’ ….||

    :lol: :lol: :gun: :evil:

  45. Brian H

    Here’s a bit more of it.

    That should help accelerate this trend:

    Zogby, Sept 6: M-P 49.7, O-B 45.9.
    McCain-Palin 3.8% lead!

    This is a 6.3% swing from one week ago. :) :) :beer: :beer:

  46. Jim C.

    No way I’m voting for the guy, but this was just a slip.

    I think the deeper truth is that his former church is Christian in name only because of its so-called “black liberation theology”. That makes it a lot closer to Black Muslim.

  47. Mr. Standfast

    :arrow: Brian H

    Thank you for that link. Regardless of what he is; either a muslim visiting his 57 states (previous gaffe) or some crazy christian sect that aligns itself with the muslim faithful such as Calypso Louie, he’s not smart enough to go up against the likes of Putin. Hopefully he will be buried in the pages of history as an almost was.

  48. Gary in Midwest

    When you watch the vid in it’s entirety it appears Snuffeluffagus was the putz by throwing a quick rope to save “his guy” from embarrasment when that wasn’t the point the dipshit was making. But all that aside, he IS backed by a mighty large collection of radical muslims and terrorist groups. You just can’t ignore that!

  49. Cridhe Saorsa

    I will bet you Barak has never been baptized. And if he claims not to be a muslim then he must be an apostate as his father was a muslim and he took his son to worship in the mosque and sent him to study the koran.

  50. momps

  51. Eric

    As a Christian for 30 years, I have never heard another “Christian” make, nor can I even imagine, such a “slip-up”. While real Christians do talk about their faith often as a source of joy, peace and love, I can’t imagine accidentily talking about my Jehovah Witness faith, Morman faith, Hindu, Buddist or Muslim faith. Can’t happen - have you ever heard such a mistake from anyone?

    Therefore, the truth is he must be a Muslim and as such it is perfectly ok to lie to the infidels!

  52. brovato

    hey hussein, thats the first f*kn thing you said that is true! keep up the good work you muzzie :beer:

  53. M.J. Bee

    Barack Obama is nothing more than a socialist con man. Given his stance on the Patriot Act and the NSA programs (designed to keep America safe) it’s obvious he’s just another phony progressive (code word for communist) liar.

    His association with Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko, Wright and others is what it is. When was the last time YOU had a meeting or dinner with a guy and his girlfriend who tried to blow up a building? President? He shouldn’t be allowed hold any public office.

  54. JASON

    why do you have a muslim marriage site advertisement on this site?

  55. Zertndo

    :?: I would have liked to have heard this in context and more of the clip. What was said before? Did the interviewer mention anything about him being Muslim earlier? I don’t know his religious affiliation and I am not voting for him at all. But I bet all of us have made a Freudian slip before and I bet some were more embarrassing than that. There’s enough about this guy that merits not voting for him. We don’t have to make things up. The clip was way too short which makes me suspicious of it at all.

  56. goodtimepolitics

    Remember what Bin Laden said awhile back…The next attack on America would be from inside! People he’s talking about inside the government and isn’t that where Obama is already and trying for even a higher office. Obama has lied so much that he will slip up every so often. He said he was muslim and I agree with him, he is a muslim his sister said he was.
    Obama does not like John McCain because he knows that McCain will go after the terrorist! Obama has now made fun of John McCains wounds from serving his country and from being a POW!

  57. helen of troy

    THe Bible tells us that he will come like a thief in the night. This obama is a danger to us all.

  58. Bob

    I think I saw this live or on Lou Dobbs the other day, but I think “Barry” (change his name to Barak Hussein, Why?) slipped up and made that slip Twice to Stevie and was corrected both times___or am I just gettin too old. Did anyone else catch that?

  59. hilarydiamond

    Hmmmm… can’t seem to find this on you tube or anywhere else for that matter! What’s the deal?

  60. David

    Without his teleprompter or script, he is just another political hack and a terrible speaker. Just listen to the “uh’s”. He can’t string together 3 words without 1, 2 or more “uh’s”. He is a Harvard graduate? Affirmative action strikes again.

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