Gibson Tries To Make Palin Look Crazy For Believing In God

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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20 Responses

  1. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    Someday, Charlie here, will be standing before God Himself. And he is going to be pissing his pants.

  2. reaganmarine84/0311

    as much as I love and respect Mrs. Palin. I think she caved in a bit here. don’t get me wrong I still think she can kick the shit outta Hussein and Biden’s ass in a street fight any day;but I just think she caved in a little to the leftist pressure. I’ll say it loud and proud. Hell yeah its a Holy war. Our enemies say so and so do I. I’m sure God wants us to kick the shit out of anyone who would threaten his sons and daughters. What father wouldn’t. Look at all the ass-kickin Israel did in the Old testament. Islam is not the only ones with ‘holy warriors’. The true God and creator of all life and the universe,and father of our savior Jesus Christ had them first and still has them. I AM ONE. I EAT FEAR FOR BREAKFAST AND DINE ON DEATH (jihadi). Marines stand guard in heaven,who else would God trust? You Jihadi’s want some? Come get some! SEMPER FIDELIS!!!!

  3. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    Gibson is a tool.

  4. Texas Mom (Nobama, No Socialism)

    I wanted to slap that smug look off Charlie’s fat face . . . What a pig.

    See him throwing softballs to BO in this interview:

  5. Rhune

    WTF.. I would have punched him the face

  6. cal270

    she hit it out of park again :cool:

  7. Lock and Load

    What a typical elitist prick :evil: Could he make his disdain for Ms Palin any more obvious? A blind person could pick up on that body language. Try to show some respect, you retard - you’re looking at the next vice president of the United States - whether you like it or not :twisted: :twisted:
    Funny how it is OK for Bin Ladens “god” to demand war against the infidels, since muslims are so downtrodden an’ all, but it’s not OK for our God to wage war on the mindless haters and murderers of islam. :roll: Charlie and those like him will bow the knee one day, either by choice or in judgment… :twisted:

  8. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    Oh, ABC is just gonna prop this woman up even higher than she has been in the last two weeks.


    What [beam of light] was Hussein talking about that’s going to come down and shine upon us and we will have to vote for him?

  9. sully

    She should not have given ABC an ‘interview’. They have zero cred. Jake Tapper at ABC sometime but that’s it.


    Yep, she caved a bit. You have to give the plain unvarnished truth to these pukes. No watering down the message, no apologies, take a stand and hit back. Something Jesus did with great regularity was to answer questions with questions to put his critics on the defensive.

    I think she should have said, “Charlie, the enemy is purely motivated by their religious idealogy, they call this a HOLY WAR and they are willing to commit terrible atrocities in the name of their god in order to destroy our way of life, so Charlie, don’t YOU think this is a HOLY WAR?

    Would have liked to have seen the look n his face after that.

  11. Professor Bill

    The elitist establishment is getting old with most Americans. Most of us who attended college did not go to an Ivy League school and don’t much care for them either, especially out here on West Coast. And to the average ham and egger the elites are even more offensive.

    I have an undergrad and graduate degree in chemistry and teach at a local college, I am also a member of Mensa and I have no trouble believing in God and that Jesus was His Son and died for my sins. And for Matt Damon I do beleive that the Creation Account is how the earth was made and that Noah had an ark and dinos ran around the earth about 6 - 8000 years ago, not 4. You see Matt and Charlie, I actually am a scientist, I don’t pretend to be one on TV or in movies.

    Keep talking Charlie and I’ll keep clingin and you’ll help Barry loose the election.

  12. John Doe

    Of course where fighting a fucking holy war. We are of peace theirs is of torture and head removal for dumb asses like charlie. What a dumbass!!!!!

  13. dadeo

    Allah Akbar, Charlie :gun:

  14. billie (barracuda)

    I like how Sean Hannity responded today to Alan Colmes’ criticism of Sarah Palin’s appearance on ABC. He quoted John F. Kennedy and other Democratic presidents who essentially said the same things about God that Sarah did! So, if the Dems are going to mock Sarah, then their hero, JFK, is coming under fire, too.

  15. Phil Byler

    Charlie Gibson is a jerk.

  16. AmericanJarhead

    I wish she’d have pulled out a colt .45 and blown his head off and said, “God told me to do that, what do you say now f**k face!”

  17. Howie

    :arrow: reaganmarine84/0311: :twisted: :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer: :beer:

    I wonder if Charlie will ever ask BHO how exactly he will lower the waters and heal the planet.
    Gov. Palin believes in God, BHO thinks that he is god!!

    Semper Fi!!!

  18. Mike Mose

    Just like Obama, Gibson was talking down to Palin.

    Perfect example of arrogant Obamaism.

  19. Obey Truth

    I have no trouble with hard hitting interviews such as this. If she can’t even stand up to this schmuck Charlie Gibson, how can she be expected to stand up to the Rummys and Cheneys and Wolfowitzes once she is elected? How can she be expected to disagree with McCain if she thinks something is wrong? How is she going to stand up to the Ahmadinejads, the Kim Jungs, the Putins and the like? There needs to be a strong VP on the ticket in today’s world as Cheney illustrated in the last election, one who can make tough choice and have the President’s ear in confidence. I cannot honestly think that McCain would seriously listen to anything she has to say to him in terms of national defense or foreign policy. I would love to vote for McCain, I am just overly skeptical about Palin right now.

  20. RVN68MIKE

    When I hear people say “I just don’t know who to vote for yet”, I tell them they are either a fool or a commie. This works really well at family get togethers. So if you are still in doubt at this point you need to look inside yourself because you don’t measure up to the ideas that made this the best country in the history of the planet and you really just want to be one of those mealy mouthed, socialist Euro slugs!

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