Hussein Begs Hillary To Protect Him From Scary Palin, Hillary Tells Him She Has Other Commitments - Can Only Help A Little

September 5th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The fag who would be king, runs and hides behind mommy’s skirt


ST. PAUL — Senator Barack Obama will increasingly ask prominent Democratic women to undercut Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator John McCain, persuading Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to go Florida on Monday and hastily throwing a plan to deploy female surrogates to battleground states, Obama advisers said Thursday.

Advisers to Mrs. Clinton said that she stood ready to help the Obama-Biden ticket, but they urged the campaign not to overestimate the impact Mrs. Clinton could have, noting that she had other commitments this fall, like campaigning and raising money for Senate candidates. Obama aides insisted the Clinton trip had been in the works before Ms. Palin was named the running mate.

Mrs. Clinton’s campaign event in Florida, her first for Mr. Obama since the Democratic convention, will serve as a counterpoint to the searing attacks and fresh burst of energy that Ms. Palin injected into the race with her convention speech on Wednesday, Obama aides said.

Palin Weighing Heavily On Obama’s Mind

Mr. Obama, speaking to reporters on Thursday at a campaign stop in York, Pa., brushed aside any worry that he might have about Ms. Palin’s criticism of his biography and political record in her convention speech.

“I’ve been called worse on the basketball court, so it’s not that big of a deal,” he said.

Yet Ms. Palin seemed to be weighing heavily on Mr. Obama’s mind. At a rally in Lancaster, Pa., Mr. Obama asked an audience of several thousand people if they had “caught any of the performances” at the Republican convention.

Mr. Obama did not mention Ms. Palin by name, but added, “They may have found some new faces to present their message, but it’s the same old message.”

Many powerful Democratic leaders were urging Mr. Obama’s campaign not to underestimate the potential power of Ms. Palin’s speech, even among voters not aligned with either party: On liberal talk-radio shows and on left-leaning blogs, some Democrats said the Obama campaign should fight back hard to avoid being caricatured as Senator John Kerry was four years ago when he ran against President Bush. Some party strategists warned that Mrs. Palin’s personal narrative as a “hockey mom” with a special-needs child, would appeal to some undecided women voters.

With the McCain-Palin team courting undecided female voters, including some who backed Mrs. Clinton in the Democratic primaries, Obama aides said they were counting on not only Mrs. Clinton but also Democratic female governors to rebut Ms. Palin — and, by extension, Mr. McCain. Those governors include Janet Napolitano of Arizona and Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas.

Still, within the Obama campaign and among Democratic officials nationwide, talks are well under way about how the party should treat Ms. Palin in the campaign — and what Mr. Obama and his running mate, Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., need to do to regain the offensive after the Republican convention.

“What McCain has done with Governor Palin’s nomination is aim right at a demographic that Obama needs to address quickly: noncollege-educated women,” said Mike McCurry, a former spokesman in the Clinton White House. “They need to maximize Biden’s ability to reach out to them, but at the end of the day, it is Obama who has to get that very, very critical group.”

Advisers to Mr. Obama predicted that the buzz over Ms. Palin would fade and that the race would quickly turn back into a contest between Senators McCain and Obama, despite the McCain campaign’s efforts to compare Mr. Obama’s experience unfavorably to Ms. Palin’s. At the same time, even as Democratic researchers pore over Ms. Palin’s record in Alaska, a rapid response team is being created in Chicago to dispatch female surrogates around the country.

David Axelrod, the Obama campaign’s chief political strategist, said Mr. Obama would not raise questions about Ms. Palin’s experience. Mr. Axelrod said the campaign would work instead to impress upon voters the seriousness of the race and continue to try to link the McCain-Palin team to President Bush.

While Mr. Obama did not aggressively challenge Ms. Palin, his advisers opened a new line of criticism to brand her as part of the Republican establishment.

“For someone who makes the point that she’s not from Washington, she looked very much like she’d fit in very well there when you see how she brings the attacks,” Mr. Axelrod said. “They all felt very familiar to Americans who are used to this kind of thing from Washington.”

The Obama camp also plans to keep Mr. Biden campaigning steadily in swing states. Obama advisers said that one advantage they had was that Mr. Biden, as a six-term senator and former presidential candidate, is well-prepared for his single debate with Ms. Palin, in October.

With both conventions seen largely as successes for their tickets, the importance of the three presidential debates — the first of which is Sept. 26 — and the one vice-presidential debate become even more crucial for either side to gain a political advantage, Democratic strategists and elected officials said.

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30 Responses

  1. David Marcoe

    Who knew Hillary could be such a stalwart ally?

  2. RTLM

    Yams are peekin’ in the Obama camp.

    (get a bucket before they seriously soil themselves)

  3. PDizzle

    “I’ve been called worse on the basketball court, so it’s not that big of a deal…”
    -Sen. Obama
    So, thats all you got? “Worse on the basketball court?” Sen. McCain was tortured for 5 years and you want to say the playing basketball with some trash talkers built character in you? What a tool.

  4. Brian H

    Best Palin-drome to date:
    “buddy larsen:

    Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?”


    As for Biden, he’s a paid shill for the Iranian Mullahs, and that should torpedo him.

  5. mp NO ob

    Why are the msm comparing Obama & Palin. Who is running for
    the #1 spot?
    Obama is not gonna debate Palin or does he not know that?

  6. RC

    C . O . W . A . R . D

    lol what a :cry: baby.

  7. Steve in NC

    :arrow: PDizzle, exactly. :beer:

    “I’ve been called worse on the basketball court, so it’s not that big of a deal…”
    -Sen. Obama

    Sticks and stones may break John’s bones but words are gonna hurt the child king.


    “On liberal talk-radio shows and on left-leaning blogs, some Democrats said the Obama campaign should fight back hard to avoid being caricatured as Senator John Kerry was four years ago when he ran against President Bush.”

    :arrow: caricatured? or should they say exposed?

  8. ROB

    They tried the whole Bush Campaign last election and it didn’t work. Hell if they can’t do it back then then they sure as hell cant do it now

  9. CBL

    Well this is no big suprise. I have to admit the Clintons are not stupid, far from it. If Obama wins this its over for Hillary in terms of being president….period.

  10. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    Obama refers to what John McCain laid out last night as “the same old message”. i dont think so Barry. its more like your idea of change has been mentioned by every other liberal who has ever run for President. just look at the do-nothing congress. do we really want that kind of incompetence at the excecutive level too? i dont

  11. Wino

    Barry Hussien and Osama Bin Biden are scared as shit that the Sarahcuda is gonna eat them alive!!! Funny thing is she’s not running for POTUS. While they freak out over her Mcain can stick a knife in there politcal hearts! :gun: :gun: :beer: :beer:

  12. CBL

    I will say that if McCain and Palin get elected…or I should say when they get elected. The democrats are done for at least the next 12 years. With Sarah Palin becoming the first female POTUS.

  13. DC

    Hillary isn’t gonna help him………not after he kicked her to the curb.

    This is a perfect example of what gay-boy Barry will do if he gets into the white house, pussy out on every difficult decision and leave it for someone else to do because he doesn’t have the cahones, nor the support, to do it himself

  14. Joe NH

    So much for the whole Oprah pro-women movement. I hope this blows up in her and Osama-Bama face!

  15. Larry In NC

    Obama is like an octopus….no spine & slithers around trying to stick his tenticles into everything.


  16. AmericanJarhead

    Hillary won’t help as she is a nasty person as compared to Palin.

    FWIW, I made a Photoshop of McCain/Palin for my blog and thought I’d share it with you guys and gals…


  17. Elvistheslug

    The call has been put out, Barry and his team of mangina’s have told the media to cut all coverage of Palin in an attempt to kill the coverage that got Barry where he’s at.

    Drudge is saying that Oprah is putting her hoof down and not going to bring Palin in the show even against an overwhelming inflex of requests from viewers.

    When will the Lemmings see this wacko for what he really is..

  18. GF

    Even Oprah is scarred of Sarah Palin. She is refusing to have her on her show. Execs are running scarred that there may be a backlash. :lol:

  19. bill-tb

    Bambi wants women to protect him from scary moose hunter.

    A whole lot of liberal elite touchstones are going to be busted this election cycle.

  20. Robbie

    Larry In NC

    Obama is like an octopus….no spine & slithers around trying to stick his tenticles into everything.


    I love that!!! So true. that guy is a POS.
    as for HOprah she will hopefully tank faster than one of those stupid gay friendly SITCOMS!

  21. 1LT JAF

    We have to pray that Hillary REALLY wants to be POTUS. if so, the only chance she has is to run in 2012, she probably can’t afford to wait until 2016 as she will be McCain’s age and that will be 25 years since Bill was Prez..

    hopefully she is smart enough to realize her best shot is to get Mccain elected now, and then run against him in 2012. You can do it Hillary- stick that knife in BHO’s back..

  22. doubleglock

    This Saracuda reminds me of my daughter - she can also field dress a moose and run a major corp. The lop-eared mutt couldn’t clean a fish - they have people for that


    Larry in NC

    Ha HA good one! I’m thinking Baractopussy! For obvous reasons! :lol:

  24. Atom&Yves

    Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    just look at the do-nothing congress. do we really want that kind of incompetence at the excecutive level too?

    >> I’ll wager the electorate ‘is’ looking and ‘will continue to look’ at the dO-nOthing cOngress, as we near election day. We need to take back both houses of congress as badly as we need McCain/Palin in office.

  25. righteous anger

    We may have an actual dilemma here, the dumocrats have actually fielded a party that has two pussies compared to the Repubs party. I am sure that Hillary knows how to take care of hers, she doesn’t want to waste any time taking care of the party’s pick, especially after they trashed her during the primaries. I would say that Barry and Biden are on their own. Hormones anyone, I think I am about to tear up.

  26. John Goodrow

    He knows it’s over. :twisted:

  27. sully

    Ummm…. so he wants a girl to go fight His battles for him? :lol:

  28. IP727



  29. Gmoney

    “caught any of the performances” WHAT WHAT WHAT! Who and what is he calling a preformance. Would you not call his Mile High Stadium speech a preformance! You know what I have to say to that :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun: :gun:

  30. Jay

    Give up Obama. Cry ucle and go back to Rev. Write for council.

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