Hussein Starts To Let America See Him Sweat Over Palin

September 8th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


He’s actually been growing quite obsessive about her, having quite a bit to say about her daily. He knows that unless he can smear her for everything he is, he’ll probably lose the election because she in fact is everything he claims to be, but is not.


Obama on Palin: ‘You can’t just reinvent yourself’

Not long after the Obama campaign signaled it wouldn’t go directly after Sarah Palin, the candidate goes right at her.


“Well, how about Gov. Palin? She’s you know, an up and comer from Alaska. She - they’re starting to run an ad now saying she opposed the bridge to nowhere. Well now, let’s get the facts clear here. When she was mayor, she hired a Washington lobbyist to get earmarks - pork barrel spending - all the things that John McCain says is bad, she lobbied to get! And got a whole lot of it. When it came to the bridge to nowhere, she was for it until everybody started raising a fuss about it and she started running for governor and then suddenly she was against it!

You remember that? For it before you were against it? I mean you can’t just make stuff up. You can’t just recreate yourself. You can’t just reinvent yourself. The American people aren’t stupid.

It’s unusual to see the presidential nominee so focused on his rival’s running mate, and a sign that her wattage is changing the race.

On the other hand, Obama may have felt compelled to go at her directly in part because Palin is now starring in a McCain ad that touts, and overstates, her opposition to the “Bridge to Nowhere.” Dems claim that after supporting the project, and seeing it founder, she decided to spend the money elsewhere.

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10 Responses

  1. cnchess

    He cannot tolerate an honest person. His whole life has been a lie and now he is going to get beaten by an ex-military man and a mother of five. His commie handlers will never speak to him again!

  2. momps

    obama’s fake colloquial conversational style is starting to piss me off.

    “well yeah…how about uhhhh ummmm 4 more years of bush bla blah”

  3. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    I think I’m going to go ahead and dub her with the new title “Teflon Alaskan” nothing sticks.

    Watching the Dem’s unleash triad after triad against her, like so many 3 year olds in a massive temper tantrum, you have to just be amazed at what’s happening. Psychiatrists could make a friggin fortune off of these people, and probably do, in research studies.

    I’ll tell you this much if Obabma pulls a win out of this, then his ass must be the Anti-Christ.

  4. Knottie (Go Packers!)

    At any point has Mrs. Palin denied first supporting the bridge before seeing that it was a lost cause and moving away from it? Maybe it is just me but I do not mind a person changing their opinions or stands. I in fact respect it. It means they are willing to listen to other perspectives, ideas, and learn. It is when they try to hide their original stand and sound as if the new one is the only one they have every had I question the reasons for the change. I don’t like sunny shine blown up my backside. I however truly respect a person who is willing to grow and educate themselves and admit they were wrong or had based their opinion without having full knowledge of the topic.

  5. Kermit

    I just emailed his campaign to go ahead and surrender like he wanted to do in Iraq. Pull that white hanky (I should have said Mr. Hankie but he is not white) out of your pocket and wave it around over your head.

  6. CymKnowlton

    There is an old principle of military tactics known as the “forlorn hope” actutually a mistranslation of the original Dutch principle “Verloeren Hoop(lost troop}” from the 16th and 17th century. It was a suicidal attack led by
    by a volunteer junior officer in an effort to seize a critical position and change the tide of battle. One of the more famous examples of this tactic occured during Napoleans campaign of 1805 against the Austrian Empire before the fortress of Ratisbon. Two assaults by French Ligne troops across the bridge against the fortress were repelled with heavy losses.

    Marshall Lannes grabbed a scaling ladder and challenged the
    demoralised volunteers, ” I will show you I was a grenadier
    before I was a Marshall” and charged across the bridge. Reinvigorated by Marshall Lannes example the troops around him made a third assault and carried the bridge, the bastion, and the gates to Ratisbon.

    What is the significance of this? As late as 2 weeks ago it seemed this Republican election campaign was stagnant and destined to failure; that is until Sarah Palin’s selection by McCain to be his running mate. Sarah, you see,
    was McCain’s “forlorn hope”.

    Grabbing her and surging to the fore you can hear him shouting, ” I was a maverick before I was a Senator”.

    I was voting Republican before a candidate was decided on,
    Fred, Mitt, John it didnt matter. I knew it would be a hard fight and that any chance of victory would truly take a miracle. Congress? Thats lost. But now with McCain/Palin
    I am actually seeing a chance to not only most certainly take the gates of the Whitehouse but perhaps even hold the line in Congress and the Senate. Losses sure but the horrible outcome of losing 22 more seats is starting to fade.

    If her coat tails can pull in some good Republican reps
    it would be an election victory beyond anyones wildest dreams.

    A headline after McCain’s pick of Palin read:

    “Palin: McCains Hail Mary Pass?”

    Shoot, he got the Immaculate (Con)reception!!!!

  7. sierrahome

    He want to sit down and have High Tea with terrorists making nicey-nicey but he thinks he gonna stick it to some American Mom.
    …shruuuuuude !

  8. Eric Kossian

    Palin = Surge II. It’s hard to be right! Go McCain. Remember folks, John led by advocating surge when no once else did and John led when no one (Bill Crystal of Weekly Standard on FOx News Sunday)did, and John kept leading even when his campaign imploded in Jan.

    That takes political guts and no has that like John McCain.

    Oblahblahma deserves the trouncing on Nov 4th that he will get…the AMerican people have always rejected the loony left: Hart, Mondale, Dukakis, Gore, Kerry and now Barry Sotoro - When did he change his name back to Obama anyway? I saw a documentary on him the other night and high school girl said “we knew him as Barry then”??

  9. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    This all kind of reminds me of this old movie

  10. The Sage

    I have been a registered Dem my entire voting life…I am ashamed to admit that this year. I am still registered a Dem but you can bet your bottom dollar that I am voting for the Pres and VP who I think are best for America. It is not Obama/Biden. I am so sick and tired of Obama’s rambling speeches and evasive answers to every question he is asked. I still don’t know who he really is and that scares the hell out of me. Yep, McCain/Palin are my choice to get America back on track. I like the way they look you in the eye and give you straight answers. I am ready to have someone who has good moral convictions, who has actually served his country in the military, and can actually make a yes or no decision regarding major issues.
    I am a Dem voting Rep!!!! Go McCain/Palin

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