Hussein Swears He Would’ve Joined The Military If Only There’d Been Combat For Him To Go To
Politico and Swamp:
Obama disclosed that he had once considered serving in the military. On military service, which was touted by McCain at his convention and which Obama lacks: “I always thought the military was a noble.., option… When I came of age in 1979, the Vietnam war already had come to an end. We weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at that point. And so, it’s not an option that I ever decided to pursue.”
He probably did consider it. A lot of people do and decide against it for whatever reason (and given what poor soldiers a lot of us would make that’s probably a good thing!). But I do like the part about how we weren’t engaged in an active military conflict at the time so he decided not to join. I guess that’s as good a reason as any. If the country had really needed him, he would have been all in. Well, maybe so. We’ll never know.
September 7th, 2008 at 8:16 amNo fucking way do I believe the poser. The POS wrote TWO autobiographies (before he’s even 45) and I don’t recall a word of it where he considered joining the military. He’s a fucking liar.
September 7th, 2008 at 8:23 amWhy would we need to be in active military conflict? A strong defense is as good a reason to join as any. Besides that.. let’s look at recent history.
Grenada 1983
Beirut 1983
Panama 1989
Gulf War 1991 –2001
Somalia 1992
Yugoslavia/Bosnia 1990
Afghanistan and Iraq 2001- present.
No active conflicts worthy of his joining the military????
September 7th, 2008 at 8:23 amFunny that. I enlisted in 2000 and it didn’t stop anyone else serving at the time from joining during a prolonged period of peace. Of course by prolonged I mean there weren’t any declared wars for a while. A lot of NCOs when I went had seen some shit in Desert Shield/Desert Storm or those pointless fights Clinton got us involved in.
Obama’s lack of character and moral integrity shows more and more with each passing day. Almost doesn’t count. Almost served his country, almost fixed chicago schools, went to a church that’s almost Christian, almost voted yes or no on a number of bills as a senator, almost held a definite opinion on something that didn’t change with the next audience…
September 7th, 2008 at 8:26 amMy BS Alarm has just gone crazy!
September 7th, 2008 at 8:27 amThat’s a croc of shit. Barry was a devotee of Sol Alinski. He wrote extesively about Alinski’s ideas on “social Change” in college. Alinsky, like Chompsky was no fan of self-less service to this country. Alinsky and patriotism are anathema to one another.
To be a soldier or a Marine or to join any other service in or out of combat requires an attitude of self-lessness, service to a higher calling and the willingness to die if necessary to preserve, protect and defend this country.
No man can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one or love the other. Barry can’t have it both ways.
A man who cannot bring himself to place his hand on his heart when the National Anthem is played is no patriot.
A man who studies Alinsky and writes glowing essays on his ideas on “change” is a socialist or a Marxist…definitely not soldier or Marine material.
So Barry is a fucking liar.
September 7th, 2008 at 8:28 amObama, the military????? A marine??? The same wimp who sought to hide behind Hillary’s skirt in fear of Sarah Palin?
Ha ha ha ha, this jerk is so full of it. He’s always wishing, he’s always reneging and backtracking, “but that’s not what I said”, all he ever does is run his mouth and fantasize.
There’s no greater barometer of measuring his lack of bravery and resolve than this:
They know he’s a pushover & lightweight.
September 7th, 2008 at 8:35 amTotal BS,maybe the Taliban army
September 7th, 2008 at 8:38 amI hate barack obama. This guy is so f-ing pathetic! He has no record of doing anything worthwhile for this country so he has make shit up. John McCain is such a badass, and we all know what a badass Sarah Palin is - They make obama look like an even more useless piece of shit - so he has to try to include himself in something that has to do with our military. By saying he thought about it thats supposed to make people think he did something important. F*ck him. I hate him. He never thought about it. He hates the military. He is such a f*ing pansy. I cant even watch TV when hes on. I cant stand looking at him. I cannot fathom how the hell he is running for president of the Greatest country in the world.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:00 amBoy, the Military dodged a bullet by him not serving. Can you imagine the damage he could have done as a leader? He would have been the Norman Dyke type of officer; he would make bad decisions (trying to sound “intellectual” at the same time) or no decisions at all! No telling how many he could get killed in training accidents or combat. The shit of it is, his time in the Senate has done those very things; whether by encouraging the enemy or depriving our troops of the funds needed.
All that aside, I have a very hard time believing he ever seriously considered serving.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:02 amSo, he was FOR the military before he was against it
I think Barry is eligible to enlist under current rules. Show us what you’re made of big man.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:02 amBarry wants to follow in the footsteps of his imaginary WW2 uncle who somehow liberated Auschwitz single handedly before the Reds got there to demarcate it.
He’s certifiably insane and needs therapy.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:20 amSteve he doesn’t have the balls. The man has no courage and no virtue.
Watch any of his television appearances notice how often he goes “ah” “uhm” “aaaah”. He doesn’t even know what he’s saying without a prompter and that’s not even Lance Corporal shit. Hell I’ve seen PFCs give a period of instruction and not have to go, “ah, uh, err, eh” once. Because they know the materiel. The frequent verbal pauses speak of someone with no self confidence who does not know what they’re doing.
While no doubt someone like him would have benefited from military service he didn’t. His campaign platform shouldn’t be change it should be ALMOST. They should play King Nothing in the background as his theme.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:22 amAnd here I thought me joining for the G.I. bill was a bit selfish.
I should have waited for an “active military conflict,”.
U.S. Army 1986 to 1993
1/2 ACR, 7th ID(L), 44th Chem. Co. 5th ID(M)
Operation Just Cause (Panama 1989)
Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (Gulf War 1990-1991)
U.S. Army 2006-2008
3rd ID(M)
OIF V (Iraq)
Maybe if I can go in for a third tour, I’ll wait to make sure that we are truely in a “active military conflict!”
September 7th, 2008 at 9:24 amI was not even going to open this story, the headline was nauseating enough. But like slowing down as you drive pass an accident, I had to look.
OK, let’s take the words of berry to be true on this. This aligns with his view on defense, which is by using words only.
He does not understand that you maintain peace through strength. Having a strong and potent military available at all times to will make our enemies, world tyrants and terrorists take pause before trying to challenge us and our interests.
He may be willing to take up arms against our foes, but only after we have been hit.
His statement about leaving Iraq immediately, but with the provision that he would re insert troops if alquueeeda was going to overrun the country aligns with his comments about serving.
This is jimmy carter part 2. Our enemies see weakness in talk and defensive posture they will take advantage. Afghanistan was overrun by the soviets, the soviets entered Central America as we gave away the panama canal and we allowed islamic radicals to take over iran all during the administration of jimmah. They are waiting for obama to take the office.
September 7th, 2008 at 9:36 amspam can silences me
September 7th, 2008 at 9:47 amBig Sarge
Doesn’t matter what benefits you hoped to gain you still chose a honorable way to earn them. Service in the military, for what ever reason, is something to be respected and held in the highest regard.
Thank you for serving!!
September 7th, 2008 at 10:55 amDan (The Infidel)
“That’s a croc of shit. Barry was a devotee of Sol Alinski.”
That is exactly right. As a matter of fact, Alinski dedicated his book, which Obama quotes from time to time, “Rules For Radicals” to, and I quote, “Lucifer, the first radical.”
Look it up. It is true! Read , “The Case Against Obama” it will scare the shit out of you.
September 7th, 2008 at 11:16 am[…] Military If Only There’d Been Combat For Him To Go To September 7, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, John Kerry, John McCain, Obama, Obama Bin […]
September 7th, 2008 at 11:56 amIMHO had there been a draft, B Hussein Obama would now be a resident of Canada.
Well, I guess if Hitlary can claim she was gonna join the USMC Obama can claim anything he wants, but I sure as hell ain’t buying it.
September 7th, 2008 at 12:13 pmNow Barry is trying to convince us he would have been the secomd coming of Audie Murphy. Can you say, “FRAUD”?????
September 7th, 2008 at 1:03 pmi don’t know how many times i have heard ” i almost joined but”…a thousand reasons to NOT serve and not one legitimate.
(NOTE: Some of this section exists in the form a proposed site plan)
Timeline - Events leading up to 23 Oct. 1983 | After
History - Significant events
U.S. Embassy Bombing - 18 Apr. 1983
Marine Barracks Bombing - 23 Oct. 1983
See Brochure (Also in the Monument Section)
Marine Barracks Bombing - 23 Oct. 1983
See Marine Corps Service Support Schools
The Mission Statement
The Rules of Engagement
The Bombing Itself
Aftermath - Events after 23 Oct. 1983
Department of Defense Statement
Colin’s Powell’s Reaction & Thoughts
Photo: Reagan prepares speech to nation
President Reagan’s Speech
Photo: A nation mourns
Commandant’s Remarks to Senate Armed Services Committee
The Long Commission
Culture of Region:
A Contrast in Culture - Jewish, Christian, Muslim life as children life as adults (NOTE: This could go under the SUPPORT section as it helps us understand cross-cultural differences)
Research Contributions/References - On cross-cultural mannerisms & inferences
Beirut, Lebanon - Rebuilding a war-torn city and country
Lebanon Today - Link to Lebanese tourism sites
Terrorism: (Historical, cultural and psychological perspective)
Terrorism - What defines a terrorist group? etc.
(NOTE: maybe a small brief section on the different groups)
U.S. Military: (An informative historical and cultural perspective)
USMC and USN [United States Marine Corps and U. S. Navy]
[1] Rank w/Insignia Pictures | Uniform Photos
The most this section hopes to accomplish is an explanation to a general public audience [vs. assumed military audience] of the US Navy and Marine Corps ranks. (For the purpose of enhancing the understanding as one reads the servicemans names.)
[2] ‘General’ Mission of each Service Component
Example: MARINES
Most people think of the U.S. Marine Corps as trained for combat readiness via a variety of specialized training, cold weather, desert, etc., which is true. Most people do not realize the many other roles that the Marine Corps is involved in and community programs they support. This is not meant to misrepresent their role by any means, but do wish to emphasize the other jobs they are tasked with that people may not be aware of.
Support amphibious landings, special operations
The Marines are a component of and fall under the Department of the Navy
Peacekeeping/rapid deployment/misc. missions
Emphasize ‘ambassador’ role as they are utilized very heavily in foreign embassy duty as guards
Perform a strong Community Service Role
Honor guards | parades
Military funerals
Escorts to beauty pageants
Hospital visits
Elementary and High School speakers - Anti-drug, motivation, etc.
Toys for Tots
Example: NAVY
The Navy has always been an ‘ambassador’ service. In that I mean that you can move ships around the globe and position them offshore and this makes a statement of presense. It makes the statement of “we are watching and have an investment in what is going on”. To land troops or commit ground forces is another statement.
Non-Combat Support Roles - Since the Marine Corps is an armed service that falls under the Department of the Navy, Navy support personnel are assigned to USMC units. Medical, dental, and religious support is provided by Navy doctors, dentists, chaplains, hospital corpsmen, and dental technicians, who are considered non-combatants by the Geneva Convention. Administrative Sailors, such as religious program specialists[chaplain’s assistants], personnelmen, and yeomen, are also assigned to the Marines, but do not hold non-combatant status. (Thanks to: Mark T. Hacala HMCS(FMF) USNR Director Education Institute U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation for wordage)
Eighteen [18] such Navy servicemen were killed in the bombing.
Three [3] Army servicemen were also killed in the bombing.
Chaplain Danny Wheeler - A Lutheran, administered Last Rites, a Catholic ritual, to a Jewish Marine killed a few days prior to the bombing by a snipers bullet. The Marine was SSgt. Allen Soifert from Nashua, New Hampshire. Chaplain Wheeler was injured in the bombing.
Lt. John R. Hudson, M.D. - A medical doctor who reluctantly went to a Navy scholarship to fund his last two years of medical school because he could not afford it anymore, was killed in the bombing. He had tried unsuccessfully to save SSgt. Soifert just days earlier.
ETC Michael W. Gorchinski - A Navy electrical technician, was killed in the bombing.
This site is under constant ongoing evolutionary change.
Created 07/21/96 | Last Modified 04/26/2000
Please relay any questions, comments, discrepencies, or inquiries about this web site via E-mail to :
September 7th, 2008 at 2:09 pmJeffrey A. Hamman
I came of age in 1981 and did pursue it.
No one gave the message to me that there had to be a war on in order to enlist.
September 7th, 2008 at 2:12 pm100% Pussified Bullshit….coulda woulda shoulda.
Shut the fuck up and do something meaningful…even if it doesn’t benefit YOU…that’s why you didn’t join…because it is not in your mental Lego blocks to serve others’ interests, only your interests and how it will benefit you.
Fuck Off, Douche-Bama
September 7th, 2008 at 3:36 pmObama is a liar. He’s so smart to teach in law school but when he told his lie that he would have joined, he forgot that there was the cold war going on.
Like other Muslims, Obama need to learn there must be basic morals and ethics when one debate:
September 7th, 2008 at 3:54 pmOf course Bari is lying. Any serious look for hazardous duty could then and now have found that service. The Coast Guard is out there every day fighting an enemy who will kill you dead and swallow your corpse, the Sea.
This peril is challenged to save lives and to protect our coastal border day and night 365 days a year as a matter of course.
We war fighters have an opportunity to kill our enemy thereby lessening the risk and by destroying the foe we can in fact end the conflict. The Coastie can only cope with his enemy, live with the Sea, being Always Prepared.
September 7th, 2008 at 8:03 pmIncidentally
You can ’serve” your country in many ways it doesn’t have to mean join the military.
Sometimes I wonder if that isn’t a ploy to make kids (who don’t really stand a chance of being successfull in the private sector) feel they are superior to people they could never be superior to any other way. Kind of builds a false sense of greatestness and imprtance to said person.
We shall see how they do when its time to come home and join the workforce. Or is the plan to have another conflict so they don’t come home to face said reality.
Also if your over 25 forget college join a trade school. The market is saturated with college graduates. Enough already.
September 8th, 2008 at 8:02 amPost 11/4 defeat option for Hussein…..
Run for President of Indonesia at least his birth certificate wont be a problem there.
September 8th, 2008 at 2:44 pmYes but he would have had to put aside being that community organizer in 1983 which we all know is much more important than defending our country. I mean promoting kwanza and getting deals for Rezko is much more important than defending women and children isnt it.
September 8th, 2008 at 4:51 pmObama is not being honest. He had no intention whatsoever of joining the military. Now Obama sees the political advantage to having done so. But that is all it is.
September 8th, 2008 at 5:03 pmHell, if Hussein was itching to go into battle in 1979-1980, Iran was just begging to have their asses blown away for the hostage crisis.
Oh, my bad, Iran is a Muslim country. He wouldn’t take up arms against his cuz.
September 8th, 2008 at 6:47 pmMy Two Cents:
Roughly, the same age, roughly, the same time period.
You folks are missing the point with the Saul Alynski stuff, that was later. In 1979, when he came out of High School, he registered for Selective Service. I did the same thing in ‘78. He’d never been to Chicago at that point, or likely heard of Alynski.
Obama’s grandparents were from Kansas, but they moved to Washington State in before his Mom, Stanley Dunham (they wanted a boy), was in High School. They moved to to the Bremerton area near Seattle when she was of High School age, because a new school was being opened, by (honest truth) Communists and radicals. Check for yourself on the history of his Mom. She left Seattle and went to the U of Hawaii as a devout Communist. Both of her parents were devout Communists. I have always wondered, “Who paid?”
When Obama came back to Hawaii from Indonesia and I was at Aina Haina Elementary, down the street, Obama was at Pounahou, the most exclusive, expensive school on the island of Oahu. We hear stories about his Mom being a single parent on food stamps, but how did he then go to Pounahou?
My family wasn’t poor, but I sure as Hell never went to Pounahou. It seems reasonable that his step-Dad, Soetero, paid, but we don’t know that; nor do we have any idea whom supported the Dunham family, the “Kansas Farmers” that were his grandparents.
Now, I was in Hawaii, because my Dad got transferred from Laos (where we could be together), to Saigon. I was smart, probably at least as smart as him, but I didn’t get into Columbia, or Harvard. Who was paying for him? My grades were very good and I had a solid SAT score, but who put him on a greased-path to Columbia?
I applied to the Naval Academy, but couldn’t get a Nomination from a politician (which you have to have, if your Dad is still serving and wasn’t Killed in Action), so I went to a State school. That’s the real point, here.
Obama, nor I, ever really considered enlisting in the military at that age. At that age, at that time, what we would have done was apply to an Academy. To me, that’s the fallacy.
Nobody would ever take seriously that a smart guy, at that age and time, would have put off school for a few more years and enlisted. He would have applied for a slot in an Academy, for cheap and respectable schooling.
That’s what he didn’t do. Whom was paying for Obama to attend the most exclusive school in Hawaii, then paid for him to go to Columbia, then paid for him to go to Harvard?
Soetero? I don’t know; I’m just guessing, but I just assumed this guy had a free ride from his step-Dad at every phase. Certainly, Obama never met many of the military people he describes as being so common in Hawaii, when he was at Pounahou. My family was relatively well-off, compared to most military families, and we certainly didn’t go to Pounahou or belong to that upper-crust set of people.
Nor did my Mom, basically a single Mom raising all of us kids while Dad was in Vietnam, accept food stamps, while trying to keep us together as near to Dad as we could be.
Obama is a complete fake. That is your first clue, to him. There is no Kansas farm and grandparents; they were from Kansas, but were Communists and raised his Mom, Stanley, in Seattle. There is no single Mom, raising him on food stamps. She was a radical leftist and brought him up that way, underwritten by somebody’s cash.
This is why this guy is so dangerous; he’s a complete fake. Every aspect of his life’s story is a charade. Everything I have described, above, is known, simple to find information. Nothing complicated; no fake birth certificates, no religious questions, just the obvious stuff. Those are the basic pillars of his life, published by him.
September 8th, 2008 at 7:19 pmSully0811
We call that syndrome the “Wizard of Ah’s”
More seriously … “O-Baby” would never have made it out of boot camp … he just couldn’t handle the discipline it takes to do so.
Seriously .. can you see him doing a “Sir yes Sir” to a DI/TI/MTI and a “Yes sir yes sir three bags full” to a 2Lt??? LMAO ROFLMAO “Now drop and give me 20 maggot”
September 8th, 2008 at 10:52 pmChris, St. Petersburg
“You folks are missing the point with the Saul Alynski stuff, that was later.”
Exactly how are we missing the point?
No later than 1981-82-83. Obama was a PoliSci major in International Relations. I can tell you from personal experience touring the Columbia campus and speaking with Profs that Columbia is in no way supportive of an American view of either politics OR international relations.
But Obama may have had influences prior to leaving Hawaii…
Nevertheless, you can’t read Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicals’ and NOT see that it is the Obama playbook.
Packaged for a national audience by the adeptness of Axelrod at Astroturfing.
September 9th, 2008 at 3:09 am