Hussein’s Growing Pattern Of “Disturbia” - With Videos

September 12th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


I am noting a very disturbing pattern here. I use $20 and up (and sometime a bit of loose-change thrown in) words usually to slam Hussein (my using his middle name is more a recognition of HIS problem with it than anything else). I have used sociopath to describe Hussein in a handful of words. But my usage of the term is being proven MORE true to the source of my disdain, than just a personal shot at the man I am observing.

Recently, we are seeing Hussein ‘thoughtlessly’ (as in stupidly not having foresight to see he was using very recently used words of the opponent to make a anti-McPalin point … and then claiming it wasn’t taken in the context by which he meant it). You know, the “lipstick” gaffe … Or stab.

Now, we see him and his ‘people’ NOT properly sitting down and vetting the new anti-McCain-can’t-use-the-computer ad. He and his people KNOW McCain’s POW history, unless they are of the Randi Rhodes ilk and think McCain lived like a prince in the Hanoi Hilton. One of two things happened here.

1. Either the Obama ‘people’ are too fucking incompetent and stupid to make the connection of this man’s “noted” wounds and torture ramifications from 6 years in a POW camp’ and too fucking incompetent and DUMB to think to check (as in ‘vet’) the complete problems McCain has physically on a fucking google search … ON THE COMPUTER! What?!? You dumb-ass Obamabots didn’t “vet the Vet”??????

2. OR they knew full-well exactly what they were doing in tearing down this man’s stature in being a former POW who was strong enough to survive the horrific treatment inflicted on him for 6 years.I am sure yunz can/will come up with your own theories about the calculation of this ad … other than the usual democrat tactic of make the republican look too old or too dumb.

However, my growing ‘disturbance’ with this, especially factoring in my two scenarios I offered … Is that an Obama Administration cannot be trusted …

THIS is how his ‘administration’ would vet information and make extremely important decisions on security, economy, taxes, and war???

They can’t even make certain their political ads aren’t backless bullshit … and possibly even intentionally cruel attacks on a man’s physical condition while in service to his country.

These people’s minds are dangerously … idiotic.

THIS is how desperation looks and smells. And the fact is, unless Hell freezes over, you’ll NOT see Barry Hussein come out after backlash from this ad and apologize for it publicly to Sen. McCain. You’ll NOT even see a head roll for this …

In 1970 most of the Marshall College football team was killed in a plane crash returning home from a game. I say ‘most’ because back then NCAA rules did not allow freshmen to play, and they, in addition to a couple injured players, remained home. If you have not yet seen the move “We Are Marshall” do so. I was a very young teen when that happened, and not aware of the news … But this story jumped out at me and stayed with me my whole life. For me it was an example of ‘context’ in that an entire team of humans was wiped off the face of the earth in one instant. And that everyone in that small town was directly effected.

Watching the POWs returning home shortly after that event I was struck again by ‘context’ in that the human strength and spirit was so strong enough to overcome such horror and evil and to survive. And hearing reports about how our returning Vietnam vets were being treated put it in even more context for me.

How we overcome such horror and pain in our lives, rebuild, and carry on to be successful in life are lessons such people who survive teach the rest of us. And THAT depends whether or not those who need to ‘learn’ are paying close attention … and listening with more than their ears. And some are just asleep in class …

McCain Talks to Marshall Football Team About POW Experience

Barack Obama derides America’s seniors

by Vasko Kohlmayer - (American Thinker)

By releasing an ad mocking John McCain’s lack of IT skills, Barack Obama has offended millions of America’s senior citizens who have never quite made the leap to the computer age. Many of them will not appreciate this kind of sophomoric derision from a young elitist, whom many seniors consider nothing more than an arrogant upstart.

After offending women and all decent Americas with his comment linking lipstick (Sarah Palin’s iconic identifier) to a pig, Obama now apparently seeks to alienate this country’s senior citizens. This is just another episode showing how insensitive, rude, tone-deaf, and just plain nasty Barack Obama is.

Barack Obama is seriously mistaken if he thinks that voters give greater importance to a candidate’s ability to send an e-mail than to wartime heroism and a lifetime of service. Seniors vote at the highest rate of any age group. The Obama campaign has just insulted millions of them.

READER COMMENT ON American Thinker:

List of US Presidents that lacked Obama’s level of IT skill:

1 George Washington 1789-1797
2 John Adams 1797-1801
3 Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809
4 James Madison 1809-1817
5 James Monroe 1817-1825
6 John Quincy Adams 1825-1829
7 Andrew Jackson 1829-1837
8 Martin Van Buren 1837-1841
9 William Henry Harrison 1841
10 John Tyler 1841-1845
11 James Knox Polk 1845-1849
12 Zachary Taylor 1849-1850
13 Millard Fillmore 1850-1853
14 Franklin Pierce 1853-1857
15 James Buchanan 1857-1861
16 Abraham Lincoln 1861-1865
17 Andrew Johnson 1865-1869
18 Ulysses S Grant 1869-1877
19 Rutherford B Hayes 1877-1881
20 James A Garfield 1881
21 Chester A Arthur 1881-1885
22 Grover Cleveland 1885-1889
23 Benjamin Harrison 1889-1893
24 Grover Cleveland 1893-1897
25 William McKinley 1897-1901
26 Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
27 William Howard Taft 1909-1913
28 Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921
29 Warren G Harding 1921-1923
30 Calvin Coolidge 1923-1929
31 Herbert Hoover 1929-1933
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1933-1945
33 Harry S Truman 1945-1953
34 Dwight D Eisenhower 1953-1961
35 John F Kennedy 1961-1963
36 Lyndon B Johnson 1963-1969
37 Richard M Nixon 1969-1974
38 Gerald R Ford 1974-1977
39 Jimmy Carter 1977-1981
40 Ronald Reagan 1981-1989
41 George Bush 1989-1993
42 Bill Clinton 1993-2000
43 George W Bush, 2001- 2008
44 John S McCain 2008 -

Posted by: Jack P

Earlier post with the Obama political ad at the center of this found here.

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11 Responses

  1. DC

    Yep….just keep it up dumbass…’ll eventually manage to piss everybody off, including your base! :roll:

  2. sully

    Heh… as long as we’re not “good white folks” and continue to refuse to succumb to His Majesty, we’re not far from seeing his true self…..

  3. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    :lol: :arrow: sully

    DAMN! I’m fucking stealing that one … :twisted: :gun: :beer:

  4. sully

    lmao…. uh OK, I did :mrgreen: :beer: :gun:

  5. RC

    Barry is depressed - all is gloomy in the Democratic War room …

    :beer: :beer:

  6. mindy abraham

    Sheesh, how pathetic :roll:

  7. Max

    :arrow: RC

    That video was hilarious!

  8. Real America

    I say it’s incompetence and stupidity. Remember that someone in the campaign made a remark about Govenor Palin right after she was annouced as the VP pick) being a mayor of a town of 7000 (or something like that) and Obama made a remark about some people having hair triggers and that he didn’t agree.

    That doctored picture of Obama as some crazed cult member is funny but creepy. 57 states, my muslim faith, and pigs in lipstick. If he “slips” and says God is great in Arabic, he should get a one way trip to Gitmo. ;-)

  9. sierrahome

    BHO is an SMF…IMHO

  10. 83delta (dry heat)

    Sure is fun watching the wheels come off this street MO-FO,
    whatcha got for us today ACORN man?

    Hey bro–where’s that grumpy ass wife of yours lately?

  11. Hussein’s Growing Pattern Of “Disturbia” - With Videos « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Growing Pattern Of “Disturbia” - With Videos September 13, 2008 — budsimmons Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, Islamic […]

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