I Figured Out What It Is About Sarah Palin…

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


I watched the “Forum” tonight and nodded off, just like John McCain did.

As I sat listening to Barry Insane Obama, I realized that that this guy is simply an idiot. He has no idea what the heck he’s doing. One thing’s for certain, in light of all of his “I will castrate and eviscerate our Armed Forces” talk of the last two years, he’s changed his tone in that direction and I think he’s simply lying.

How can you trust this guy to tell the truth?

I saw John McCain sort of stumble through the first several minutes of this complete waste of time. This forum of “Service” was clearly an unnecessary exercise.

Who’s idea was it, anyway?

To the point of my headline. I suppose it should more appropriately read “I Figured Out What It Is About The McCain/Palin Ticket That Attracts Me.”

I’ve given it a lot of serious thought, and all sorts of reasons and attributes and all those little things that go into making up a good Presidential ticket have buzzed through my mind over and over again, but despite all that buzzing around, the bees swarming around the party plank hives, they always seem to land on the one hive that matters most to me.


I trust John McCain won’t fuck it all up. And I trust Sarah Palin would do a great job as VP, and as President should she ever have to step in.

I do not trust Obama.

I simply don’t trust him.

Biden seems like a wart. Completely useless, unnecessary, and undesirable. Could have just propped up old Robert Byrd with an earpiece telling him what to say and when to say it and he’d be as good as Biden.

Boil it all down….I trust Sarah Palin. I trust John McCain. They seem to be very genuine people, who aren’t putting on airs or pretense or trying to seem to be something they think people want them to be, but in truth are not.

McCain and Palin, they’re just themselves, and I trust them.

It seems that Obama isn’t comfortable being himself in public. I get the sense he’s always putting on some kind of act. Playing to his immediate audience.

I don’t trust that kind of person…

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13 Responses

  1. sully

    Bash he’s just trying to ‘appear’ Centrist.
    Clinton did the same thing. Promised a middle class tax cut and got into office and raised taxes ‘now that I’ve seen the books’.
    Obama is still the most liberal member of the Senate, Biden is 3rd.
    Hell, the only Senator to admit he’s Socialist, Sanders of VT, is to the right of those two.
    This ‘center’ stuff is his circus act.
    I’ve seen alot of his ‘300 foreign policy advisors’ on different panel discussions the last year and there’s not a pair of balls between them.

  2. Brian H

    I get the impression that “appearing” whatever is expedient is a full-time life mission for Oblabla. He has the manner of someone who is always “on”, playing his audience for all it’s worth.

    It is noteworthy that Iraqi sheikhs who spoke to Biden and Oblabla had the same experience: all talk, no listen.

  3. Real America

    Bash, I agree. I think Obama is hiding something. I don’t trust him either. I pray he either sees the light and changes or fades in to oblivion and we never hear from him again.

  4. billie (barracuda)

    Obama clearly stated in his so-called memoirs that he learned to put on one face with the “white” community and another face for the “black” community. He recounts how he learned that, if he just kept smiling, people were comfortable around him. In short, he learned how to put on an act.

    I would like to know how Obama kicked his drug habit. He makes it sound as if he was hooked for years; one T.V. documentary quotes him as saying he didn’t start making a full attempt to withdraw from illegal drugs until he attended Columbia University in New York (early 1980s).

    What are his coping skills for when he’s under pressure?

    Also, besides relishing sarcasm, Obama seems to have a short fuse. It’s going to be interesting to watch him handle the pressure that’s going to occur these next two months.

  5. billie (barracuda)

    :arrow: BASH:

    Interesting photo. How did the parachute catch on fire, and did the parachutist live?

  6. AmericanJarhead

    Obama is simply lying to try and get the center vote. There has never been a case that I can recall that is more clearly a lie. Judge Obama by what he said 2 years ago or longer. Nothing he states during the campaign is going to be an accruate represetation of what he thinks. It is all poll driven.

    McCain, he’ll say what he believes come hell or high water.

  7. trapper

    i agree on trusting SARA because of her record. that’s why i don’t trust mccain,obama, and biden! lets not forget mccains record with illegals, freedom of speech, and taxes. SARA gives us the hope of keeping mcccain on the conservative side.

  8. Steve in NC

    Bash, your on it.

    President Reagan was trusted by all but the dedicated leftists. Whether you ultimately agreed with him or not, you could believe him. What else is more important than to be able to trust a leader?

  9. Gary in Midwest

    I think Palin has reignited some of her shared core values in McCain. Since he added her to the ticket he seems to have a more focused campaign. I hope he takes her lead on some other issues as well.

  10. MarkN

    I think Obama is finally showing what he really is…an old style Chicago politician. Sarah Palin truly is a Washington outsider/reformer…Obama is a poser. McCain has been in Washington, but he’s walked his own path and hasn’t ever been a lock-step Republican…Obama is a Mayor Daley Democrat.

    McCain/Palin are what we need…a breath of fresh air, and at least a chance of some real changes.

  11. Jewells

    I really tried to stay awake and watch this idiotic forum, but it was just a total snoozefest. What a waste of time.

  12. Moultrie

    Greta point Bash. Trust is the one thing that Obama/Oblabla will never have and is exactly what Palin has in abundance. The contrast is truly the ‘game changer’ in this election. McCain, by his choice of Palin has restored a certain amount of his trustability….the next step will be very important. If Palin were to support true Immigration Reform aka Soverign Borders with actual security, enforcement of immigration law and emloyer penalities the McCain Presidency will be insured, IMO.

  13. trustme1013

    I forced myself to watch the Obama half of it, and what woke me up was when he suggested that we start offering similar benefits of those in the military to other ’service’ positions.

    Um, no. Over my dead body will someone get the same GI package that my twin has the RIGHT to for fighting in Iraq. Over my dead and rotting body.

    But yeah — this was a waste of time. Blah blah, service is ‘important,’ ‘let’s cheer for the democrat,’ and the one interesting part where McCain was affecting being as bored as we were.

    Way to go, Johnny Mac!

    But to those of you commenting about BHO and his shifty eyes: I’m not lying when I see -nothing- in them. I see, sometimes, just these voids like he’s an automatron or something. I wouldn’t trust him with $0.50, much less this nation.

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