Listen To Last Night’s “The Jihadi Killer Hour” - Part Two Of Our Four Part Interview With Corporal Rock - After-Show Comments, Archived Broadcast - .

September 21st, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the show that after only 3 months on the air, was voted you the listners as “Best Show” on Blog Talk Radio, “Most Informative Show On BTR”, “Most Eloquent Host” - sheeeit. Not even when I’m drinkin, and “Funniest Host” and “Biggest Throne or, uh Thorn In The Side Of The Left”. And I think my bull mastiff also won best groomed dog.

Alright, here’w the new working button for the show. Jesus Christ smoking sucks, I have old it between my lips when I type and the smoke just starts burning the shit out of my eye. I should quit. Holding them like that:

Listen to Pat Dollard's Jihadikiller Hour on internet talk radio

Drill, here. Pat’ll be back shortly.

College and NFL football is over for the weekend. Time for the real game plan in Dollard Nation.

Seems the team has had a busy weekend with ‘personal’ life stuff … But tomorrow’s a new week.

Politics clicks on like the counting down of a bomb, and we are hoping McPalin is the key to defusing that bomb come November.

Meanwhile, this nation’s brightest, bravest, and strongest fight on in Iraq and A-stan. And we can never thank them enough.

Seems Pat tossed out a list of possible topics for tonight’s show in Deep Thoughts

Short and sweet:

“Which one sends out the dirty emails?”

Oh, come on-n-n! Who the fuck do you think? Sheeeeyeah!

“Why aren’t they competitive”

Because Peg (LBA) and I know each each other’s strong points and aren’t afraid to ‘hand-off’ the ball when the ‘play’ calls for it. No “ball hogs” here, eh, Peg??? LMFAO!!!

“Which One Suggested A Jihadi Killer Lingerie Line (not kidding”)

ME! And I’m STILL fucking waiting … May just have to buy a couple Ts and cut `em up myself.

“Which One Lost Their Virginity Under A Tractor; At A Tractor-Pull”

A what? I recall a swimming pool, about 3-ish a.m. …

“Which One Gets A Medal For Being Married To A Marine”

Peg/LBA … BIG time.

“Which One Has A 3 Year-Old That Brooks No Fools And Kicks Anyone’s Ass In Sight”

Peg, is that the same one with the marker all over the bedroom, the infamous cookie fight at the neighbors, and the grape Kool Aid in your chicken salad lunch?

“The Effects Of Blogging On Menstruation”

Ummm … more like the effects of Menstruation on blogging.

“Why Do They Never Sleep”

Sleep when we’re dead …

“Couldn’t Either One Of Them Kick Pat Dollard’s Ass If He Was Unarmed?”

I think, although married to a Marine, Peg/LBA is the more ‘passive’ of the two of us … but it’s those ‘quiet’ ones ya gotta watch out for. Pat, I probably could, but what would be the point? You’re already falling apart … HEH!

I guess DOLLARD’s napping … and since he doesn’t answer his phone, a wake-up call from me ain’t gonna do a whole hell of a lot of good … (Pat’s right fuckin here, I just put up something in “Deep Thoughts”. About you.)

Corporal Tyler Rock might just make for a better show … He always does.

Tune in tonight Showtime 8 PM PST 11 PM EST, Live everywhere except once it’s archived. But not exactly dead then, either. Check back later for the little connect-you-to-the-show button that works now. Chat room opens 17 minutes prior to show.

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21 Responses

  1. T-Bagg (I was kidding)


  2. Mike W

    :arrow: Drllanwr can you please put a link in here after show starts in case BTR doesnt update the date. BTR shows the show as 10/12/08. Thanks

  3. Lftbhndagn (AMERICAN)

    :arrow: Mike W

    Drllanwr can you please put a link in here after show starts in case BTR doesnt update the date. BTR shows the show as 10/12/08. Thanks


    As soon as the show starts - I will make sure a lINK to the show is posted here.

    And for the record - I have never been to a tractor pull

    And yes, I am very passive, until I’ve had enough.

  4. Mike W

    :arrow: Drillanwr Thanks!!!! I just learned to update BTR I have to reboot my computer. It now shows 9/21/08 as next show.Stupid Computer!!! Thats why I missed a cple other shows during the conventions. Live and learn
    BTW tractor pulls rule!!!!

  5. TBinSTL (just typical)

    First in the chatroom….lulz I R PWNING U ALLZ!!

  6. Lftbhndagn (AMERICAN)

    for the show

  7. POD1

    Communist 45 point to do list:

  8. AZ Patriot (Si vis pacem, para bellum)

    Showed up late but what was left was excellent! It’s always a great show Pat, Drill , LBA, Bash and all the guest speakers!

  9. John Goodrow

    Best show so far.

  10. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Big stuff! Do NOT miss this story…

    Extensive research was conducted by the Jawa Report to determine the source of smears directed toward Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin. Those smears included false allegations that she belonged to a secessionist political party and that she has radical anti-American views.

    Our research suggests that a subdivision of one of the largest public relations firms in the world most likely started and promulgated rumors about Sarah Palin that were known to be false. These rumors were spread in a surreptitious manner to avoid exposure.

    It is also likely that the PR firm was paid by outside sources to run the smear campaign. While not conclusive, evidence suggests a link to the Barack Obama campaign. Namely:

  11. James Hooker (will blow Sharpton for Sarah)

    7:38 AM London+1
    clicking replay button….NOW!

  12. Andy (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    Good show!

  13. Mike W

    Excellent Show Thank You!!!

  14. POD1

    I think I’m in love.
    Danger Girl is sexy and she can cook too. :wink:

  15. Sandy

    That was a great show again. I wish Pat and Cpl. Rock could go on all the major news networks to speak. They are not interested in the truth though.

    The chat room was really funny tonight! :wink: :mrgreen:

  16. Sandy

    Thanks for the link to that list POD1.
    I will have to read that one later.

    James Hooker - Your song “Get Some” is better every time I hear it. You did a damn sexy great job on it! :cool:

    :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer: :gun:

  17. James Hooker (will blow Sharpton for Sarah)

    Wait until you hear the up-dated version. Pat insisted on tuba and banjo. I thought the tuba was a little much and told him to fuck off.

  18. Sandy

    Tuba hugh. Ah, yeah, James good call there. :lol:

    I am anxious to hear the new version.
    Keep both available. :beer:

  19. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: The Hooker

    You’re so wrong on the tuba, but one can’t win every battle.

    Thanks for listening everyone. I told Coporal Rock he has a real gift for communication. He says he’s very much considering picking up camera and pen to do his own version of the types of things Yon and I do.

    His other stated option was to be a tatpp arrist.

  20. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: Mike W.

    Thank you.

  21. Pat Dollard

    :arrow: John Goodrow

    “Best show so far” = well damn, thank you very, very much. I was afraid it might be just geetting to be too much of me and the ladies just chatting, rambling, about topics that might not be so grabbing.

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