Iran Wants OPEC To Cut Oil Supply - With Video

September 3rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


That’s swell … No, Really it is. Honest. Because Republican VP candidate Gov. Sarah Palin wants us to dill the hell out of her state … Alaska … you know, drill ANWR! Why? So that one of our highest natural resources states can ‘contribute’ to the rest of the country in this time of energy need and price crisis. Oh, and so that we aren’t held hostage by countries that just don’t like us for much more than our money … Think she has Amydidherdad, Iran, and the rest of the spiteful Middle East in mind??? Yuh.

(Press TV)

Iran’s OPEC governor says the oil cartel needs to decrease its output to balance the global markets which have faced oversupply.

Mohammad-Ali Khatibi said the market is oversupplied and that demand for oil from OPEC is expected to be around 31 million bpd in the first quarter of 2009, compared with current output of around 32.5 million bpd.

“Oversupply cannot continue for a long period. It will definitely have an impact on the price and on investments in the oil industry,” Khatibi told Reuters by telephone on Tuesday.

The Iranian official urged OPEC members to consider a two-step plan to cut supplies at its Vienna meeting next week.

Khatibi said as the first step the members, that are pumping above their informal targets, should cut back to the agreed levels, explaining that this step would bring output down by 500,000 to 700,000 bpd.

He said the second step which is to begin a formal cut in production could be left until the producer group meet again in Algeria in December.

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4 Responses

  1. cooter

    Then lets bomb the pigs in Iran. Once they attack Israel oil is going to be tight anyway.

  2. Knottie

    I like Sarah Palin. Just is just so realistic. Obviously she understand foreign and domestic affairs more than Obama. How can anyone question that after listening to this interview?

  3. Mike Mose

    Iran Democrat, Saudis democrats, Syria Democrats, Venezuela Democrats etc etc etc ………….On the same team

    OPEC and Obama a match made by Allah

  4. SOC

    I believe we should declare war on oil usage from any hostile country. These OPEC people need to know that we can live without their oil and we should raise our prices of food to them . Two can play at that game. I am sick and tired of OPEC sticking it in our ass. Fuck them and the camel they rode in our. Arabs are living proof that Iranians fuck dogs.

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