Is There A Bigger Hand Behind The Obama/MSM Meltdown?
With the naming of Sarah Palin as his running mate, John McCain and his campaign organizers have set in motion the chain of events that will culminate with Mainstream America’s (the Silent Conservative Majority & Swing Voters) rejection of not only Barry Insane Obama, but of the far left leaning lunatic fringe mainstream media idiots like Keith “Do You Like My Hair Color?” Olbermann and Chris “Leg Tingler” Matthews.
At least for now.
The Obama lead is crumbling.
Biden is politically impotent.
MSNBC is crumbling.
The rest of the Mainstream Media is impotent.
The anarchist groups crumbled, and were shut down during the conventions, all they achieved was humiliation and temporary eye discomfort followed by incarceration. Very possibly, many STDs were exchanged.
The far left is crumbling.
And All because of a Mom?
A Bible-Believing, Gun-Toting, Child-Loving, praying Mom?
A mother of five kids, who initially just wanted to see change in her community?
She hunts, she fishes, she braids her daughter’s hair while giving interviews, and she can field dress a moose better than I.
She is the real deal.
When Jesus met Nathanael in the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verse 47, He said that in Nathanael, there was no “guile” or “deceit.” In fact He said, “Behold! An Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.”
He was saying Nathanael is the real deal.
The Greek word used in the original writing of this text that Jesus used to describe Nathanael is “dolos”…which literally means “tricky, deceitful, crafty, subtle (liar).” He was saying that Nathanael was an honest young man (one of the highest compliments He ever gave a person in the Bible).
This absence of “dolos” is the complete opposite of what Moses wrote when he said in Genesis Chapter 3 regarding Satan, that the “Serpent was more subtle than any other beast of the field.”
Pardon the little Theological Biblical lesson there.
But I said that to say this:
Sarah is an American woman, indeed, in whom is no guile.
She’s the real deal.
That’s why she doesn’t blink when sharks like Charlie Gibson waterboard her.
Because she is straight-up.
She comes across as being honest and genuine, what you see is what you get. The kind of operator who doesn’t have to worry about covering his/her ass, because they never do anything that is going to require it later.
And because of the entrance, or infusion, if you will, of Sarah Palin, this good woman, the forces that drive entities like the Left Leaning Mainstream Media and the Obama Campaign are driven to insanity.
There is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Olbermann & Matthews, cut out of political coverage, at the behest of–of all people–Tom Brokaw.
The rabid dogs behind the Obama campaign have had their tails tied together with torches between them, and they are running amok through the corn fields of the Democratic Party and destroying it.
Destroying their own campaign with knee-jerk reactions and petty accusations.
The Obama Pedestal, nay, the Barackopolis is shaken, and centrist leaning, socially conservative Democrats are leaping from it as it crumbles. The daily polls indicate this.
Does anyone believe there may be a bigger hand behind all of this?
I do.
Do you?
[…] There A Bigger Hand Behind The Obama/MSM Meltdown? September 13, 2008 — budsimmons Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, Islam, Islam […]
September 13th, 2008 at 1:03 pmYou bet I do look at McCain’s incredible recovery to take the race then the master stroke of choosing Palin.
September 13th, 2008 at 1:06 pmLooks like a put up job to me !!!!!!!
The higher power, is something most believe in, It brings us together and it makes things happen. But sometimes, when the need arises, at the right time and place the Big Man makes a move to change the game.
I would wager he pulled an Ace!
September 13th, 2008 at 1:20 pmI hope the Secret Service can protect her from the Clintons
September 13th, 2008 at 1:27 pmThe Hand that should be recognized is that of Great Love and Forgiveness. The direction of events have cause the end for the fools of the world. The Democrats will lie, deceive and all will know.
September 13th, 2008 at 1:29 pmAbsolutely God is behind Sarah Palin. Jesus is her teacher.
September 13th, 2008 at 1:30 pmBash: Proverbs 21: 1 (KJV) “The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He [God]turneth it [the king’s heart] withersoever He [God] will.” Sounds like “The Bigger Hand” you are looking for.
My personal prayer is that God gives us a conservative President, Vice-President, Senate, and Congress as soon as possible. I’ll keep making that prayer.
“Agios, Agios, Agios Kurios, Theos, Pontonkritor…”
September 13th, 2008 at 1:48 pmAmen BASH!
Let the marxist libs, jihadi sypathizers, and straight up jihadi supporters burn in Hell! They react to Palin like a crucifix in the face of the devil himself.
God is in charge and they will never have the final say in anything. He will. He wins every time.
September 13th, 2008 at 2:05 pmThe Libs are already crying foul. They want to blame someone because they can’t accept that they have been outplayed. If they want somebody to blame, let them blame God and see how far that gets them.
September 13th, 2008 at 2:28 pmWell personally, I don’t like her inexperience at the federal level. That’s the main reason I’d never vote for her as President. However, she’s not president. And if John McCain’s genetics proove anything it’s that he still has a while to live.
Basically, the Democrat’s biggest criticism of Palin is that she’s a Bible Thumper. Basically they’re Criticising her for her religious beliefs. I personally am not a Christian, however I see no problem with this. A person needs faith in something. Moreover, the founding fathers were..Oh my God…..Christians. Which is why the Liberals must be pushing their Socialist Agenda so hard. After all Christians are nothing but hate filled demons that must be destroyed.
September 13th, 2008 at 2:30 pmBash, bringing it in heavy on a Saturday.
Even before 9/11 hit, I thought it was though an evil had come across the democrat party. No longer the usual tax and spend liberals anymore, but a party that was becoming intolerant and a threat to those that did not agree with them.
I think that is true now. Is the evil I sense from the growing marxist philosophy within the democrat party?
Or is that evil something more?
Is marxist philosophy an element of evil inside man?
I have held these questions for years now.
Is there a hand helping us now? It can sure seem that way. I believe we are facing a definite choice this election, a definite choice of clearly defined sides, as I have stated for a while now.
Is it the good within us rejecting the evil now presented in the democrats?
McCain, has shown he is tough, and can overcome and outlast evil. Palin is a symbol of personal strength and family love.
September 13th, 2008 at 2:42 pmIs McCain and Palin here at this time by Providence? Not mine to answer. But it can look like it from here.
God does work in mysterious ways…
September 13th, 2008 at 3:22 pmI said it before, and I think it’s worth saying again, that Sarah Palin reminds me a lot of the Biblical Esther, whom God elevated to be Queen of the Persian Empire about 2500-odd years ago to do a specific work for Him.
I’m not presuming to claim to be a prophet nor the son of a prophet; I’m simply observing the very interesting Biblical parallel that I see between Sarah and Esther. I do believe God is at work here, because I don’t see how you can explain what it happening any other way.
Vice-Presidential Candidates just do not have this much impact on a Presidential race. Historically, VP’s have had either zero impact on a Presidential race or a negative one: but NEVER a game-changing positive impact for their running mate.
Sarah Palin is breaking entirely new ground with the huge change in McCain’s fortunes after her selection. It can’t just be a coincidence that she is a Bible-Believing Christian.
Either way, I think you have to be in incredible denial of the evidence before your eyes to say that God does not exist, and that the True God isn’t the God of the Bible (Sarah’s God). Who else could move an entire nation in such a dramatic way to favor someone who trusts in Him?
September 13th, 2008 at 5:52 pmGod certainly does bless America!
September 13th, 2008 at 6:29 pmWill Olberman move to Canada with Matthews after the election, please, please, please.
September 13th, 2008 at 7:39 pma defining moment in Americas history…keep God in the equation or take God out of the equation..we dont choose
September 14th, 2008 at 3:11 amGod, but God chooses us..God has seen McCains soul and he has choosen him to be our next president
this election is the most important election in our keep God in the equation or take God out of the equation
September 14th, 2008 at 3:13 amI agree Bash, this election is so bizarre, almost surreal in many ways—
Where did this street mo-fo from chicago come from? Slaying the dragon (klinton)
Palin, out of nowhere–”go tend your sheep” punk from AK. they yell—
David/Goliath really works here.
September 14th, 2008 at 4:27 amThe veil is being lifted. People are starting to see the truth and becoming able to determine truth from falsehood.
September 14th, 2008 at 6:25 amThis is a no brainer, and this is precisely why the God haters, the death worshipers, the liberals in our society hate Sarah Palin. Because good is prevailing and they can’t stand the thought of goodness and light in a dark evil world.
September 14th, 2008 at 7:45 amMany times in our lives we each witness little miracles and wonder how they could have happened. Some times we chalk it up to luck or fate or some other reason than a merciful Deity. But I believe that America has been blessed far more than random fate allows and I feel now a breath of fresh wind racing across this country and the chaff is being blown away. I believe it is an epic miracle on the order of Moses leading the people away from the worship of idols and on to the chosen land.
September 14th, 2008 at 7:49 am