A Matter Of Judgement: Hussein Says Surge “Succeeded Beyond Our Wildest Dreams”, But Still Would Not Have Done It

September 4th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Fox News:

The troop surge in Iraq has been more successful than anyone could have imagined, Barack Obama conceded Thursday in his first-ever interview on FOX News’ “The O’Reilly Factor.”

As recently as July, the Democratic presidential candidate declined to rate the surge a success, but said it had helped reduce violence in the country. On Thursday, Obama acknowledged the 2007 increase in U.S. troops has benefited the Iraqi people.

“I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated,” Obama said while refusing to retract his initial opposition to the surge. “I’ve already said it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”

However, he added, the country has not had enough “political reconciliation” and Iraqis still have not taken responsibility for their country.

Speaking on other national security matters, Obama said he would not take military action off the table in dealing with Iran, but diplomacy and sanctions can’t be overlooked.

The Islamic republic is a “major threat” and it would be “unacceptable” for the rogue nation to develop a nuclear weapon, he said.

“It is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon, it would be a game changer,” Obama said. “It’s sufficient to say I would not take military action off the table and that I will never hesitate to use our military force in order to protect the homeland and the United States’ interests.”

But Obama also warned against the current U.S. administration lumping radical Islamic groups together.

“They have fueled a whole host of terrorist organizations,” Obama said of Iran, but “we have to have the ability to distinguish between groups. … They may not all be part and parcel of the same ideology.”

Obama sat down with O’Reilly in York, Pa., after holding a discussion on the economy with voters nearby. The Illinois senator has been campaigning in battleground states since accepting the Democratic presidential nomination last Thursday at his party’s convention in Denver.

Obama repeated his campaign’s foreign policy position that Afghanistan must become the “central front” in the War on Terror.

Obama was first asked to come on “The O’Reilly Factor” in early 2007.

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30 Responses

  1. ROB

    They’re Muslim. Their Ideology is a global caliphate. Enough said.

  2. mike3481

    I’m…well, I’m stunned.

    It’s almost as if the person pulling his strings wants him to lose for whatever reason.

    I mean really, stupid is the only honest way to describe those comments.

    And yet I’ve got to give them the benefit of the doubt that they don’t want to lose.

    So WTF are they thinking? Because my brain simply doesn’t work like that, maybe, I guess because I’m not a narcissistic, ego-maniacal Sociopath.

  3. deathstar

    [[Hussein Says Surge “Succeeded Beyond Our Wildest Dreams”, But Still Would Not Have Done It]]

    In other words, you are totally unsuited to be president.

  4. dad3-7

    odumba and the bible”

  5. Faith of Judas


  6. 83delta (dry heat)

    “They may not be all part and parcel of the same ideology”,

    They may not?—- well hell you punk Chicago POS, that makes it all better now doesn’t it. Thanks for your insight, street boy.
    P.S.——fuk Islam :gun:

  7. bill-tb

    Who to vote for, the racists anti-American black guy and the doofus, or the all American war hero, and his all American Conservative woman running mate. Tough choices, unless you know what country you live in.

  8. Steady

    So Barry has the benefit of 20/20 hindsight regarding the SURGE and he still gets it wrong!! WTF is with this clown??????????

  9. Q_Mech

    He’s basically reading off a list of things that he thinks Bush did right, saying that he’s essentially going to keep doing what Bush was doing.

    I don’t know if we’re watching this guy struggle up the learning curve, or if he’s trying to confuse people, or if O’Reilly used his Jedi mind tricks on him (they only work on the weak of mind, it is said)…

    Any way it goes, it is going to be absolutely fascinating to watch 1) the Kos’ Kiddies’ meltdown, and 2) the completely cyclonic spin that’s primed to come out of this.

    I’m sparking up some popcorn… :???:

  10. Steve in NC

    Me thinks the sun is setting on the berry campaign.

    The surge statement is asinine, but beyond that he is fully just another run of the mill democrat party politician. He went center and brought in an old school Washington entrenched VP. He is not the candidate of change in a political sense, the only change he offers is that we have not had a President that looks like him, as he has stated.

    If McCain’s campaign can continue to paint him as the same old, and that him and Palin are the real reformers, he can take this election.

  11. Laura

    This guy is so totally clueless…

  12. 007 (Alaskan Native)

    I dont care. Wont care, Never will care, And simply dont give a fuck what this Asswipe has to say about anything!!!

  13. dadeo

    :arrow: Steady

    :beer: :lol:


    Actually I think Hussein is on the other team. :gun: :evil:

  14. John Goodrow

    When the fuck is someone going to show Obama the FACTS about the Iraqi police and army stepping up and army taking control back!?!?!?!?!?!

  15. mindy abraham

    If he thinks it helped, why is he still against it? Is he crazy?

  16. GRIZZ

    This FUCK would rather have U.S. on a DIRTY FUCKING RUG facing mecca than WIN a war against THE HEATHEN

  17. GRIZZ

    I would take VICE PREZ PALIN backing me up in a fight any day over this skinny waste of space

  18. sully

    Marxist doublespeak. Every bit of it.
    Guy bloviates any more and he’ll become Bush and start running against Himself.
    Except the Christian part of course.
    Bambi tried the ‘faith based’ route and he got run off.
    Cuz OreoOne ain’t in no ways a Christian.

  19. GRIZZ

    Scary how a piece of communist shit can come this close to being a prez

  20. Vanessa

    you have to have faith and vision and be willing to share blood for freedom.
    It comes forth no other way.

    Obama lacks the vision because he does not value our men and women in uniform.

    Hey actions speak louder than words.

    Who goes to Iraq and does not speak with or shake hands with our military personel? OBAMA

    Who goes to the gym instead of the military hospital? OBAMA

    Enough said.

  21. RC

    “If he thinks it helped, why is he still against it? Is he crazy?”

    I see him no different to a person of unstable mind and character who wakes up one day and believes they are batman thereof. This guy really is in need of specialist help, he’s a pathological liar and coward who lives in a fantasy world alongside many other cognitive dissonance sufferers of the Democratic party.

    “I will have nought to do with a man who can blow hot and cold with the same breath.”
    - Aesop. 620BC.

  22. GF

    stupid is as stupid does

    Run democrats run!
    Even I have compassion for the poor deluded souls.

  23. franchie

    “Marxist doublespeak. Every bit of it.

    Except the Christian part of course.”

    don’t forget to add the french lignée, and your source :

    Burke… now, that revisionist Himmelfarb

    Jesusss, where goes the world !!!

  24. Wino

    However, he added, the country has not had enough “political reconciliation” and Iraqis still have not taken responsibility for their country.

    Does this Asshat not realize that the surge has won the war!!! The Iraqi’s have already taken control back of most of the provinces!! How in the world can this communist puke try to justify that he is qualified to take control of our contry and our military.

  25. Falshrmjgr


    “I don’t want to tip my hand” is code for “I would have to know what the polls are on that day”

    No character, no spine.

  26. sully

    “Jesusss, where goes the world !!!”

    > Those meds not helping with the Tourette’s eh?

  27. franchie

    your deep conviction in a “superior” order is making it, ya see Im gettin olridy thou vocabulary

  28. Phil Byler

    Foreign policy and national security are above Obama’s pay grade.

  29. sully

    “ya see Im gettin olridy thou vocabulary”


  30. fan

    As I heard Sarah P. say at a campaign stop, in which she summed it up perfectly. Obama was so wrong about the surge he has to make you try to think it “I’ve already said it’s succeeded beyond our wildest dreams.”. It didn’t succeed above most intelligent peoples wildest dreams with Gen Petraeus and his men planning it, we think the surge succeeded as planned as carried out by the greatest military. I agree with her belief, it succeeded as planned. Nobama or zero as he is now called after the convention is a zero. Why else would the surge be planned and carried out, if no one thought it would work as it did? zero is an idiot, and if he wins it shows how bad or in the lefts point of view good our public education and “higher education system are. Good as in their use as liberal indoctrination centers. Main reason dems dont want any school choice, and in California want to end home schooling, if kids are not in public schools cant indoctrinate them in liberal bullshit.

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