Looking For Dirty Palin Laundry CNN Is Caught In A Wreck With Dirty Gutchies
Some of us remember when we were kids our moms warning us to be sure we had on clean underwear before leaving the house … just in case we were in a car crash or some-such …
Seems the MSM just don’t listen to Mom.If you click on my name when I make a comment with the rest of you guys it’ll take you directly to the snopes.com page that debunked this over a week ago.Once again the MSM prove themselves to be lame and lazy … and wearing dirty gutchies …
CNN Duped by Sarah Palin Bikini Photoshops
By John Stephenson - (NewsBusters.org)
CNN got duped! The supposed photo of Sarah Palin in an American flag bikini holding a rifle is a proven photoshop.
But Lola Ogunnaike, entertainment reporter for CNN’s American Morning, seems to believe the image is authentic. Yesterday she told Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz that Palin should maybe avoid posing with guns like this, because it might come back to bite her in the ass:
I mean, McCain has been really good about painting Obama as this lightweight, using the word “celebrity” as a pejorative. They don’t want to have a boomerang effect. They don’t want that to come back on Sarah Palin, and people say, yes, she looks good in a bikini clutching an AK-47, but is she equipped to run the country?
Oh well, CNN isn’t known for doing any actual fact-checking. They leave that to us bloggers. But, they could at least keep updated on the stuff we debunk.
Are you serious? I mean hell EVERYONE in the WORLD knows that this photograph is a fake. I guess facts won’t stand in the way of their prejudice for their Messiah.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:19 amFACTSES? THEY DON’T NEED NO STINKING FACTSES!!!
September 10th, 2008 at 10:21 amYeah. I thought fake the first time I saw it.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:22 amI thought it was pretty funny/cool anyways ^^
I don’t doubt that she would look good in that bikini…
Seriously though, what’s new? CNN is a bunch of idiots - and that’s not a fuckin’ AK-47.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:24 amLOL………it’s a BB gun.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:31 amOf course it’s a fake. That’s a BB gun. Way below the Saranator’s caiber.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:31 amSarah has a better rack…and I KNOW racks
September 10th, 2008 at 10:40 amI’m also thinking Schlitz has JUST been reintroduced and not to Alaska yet.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:48 amIs it a BB gun or a .22?
For a good laugh check out
Movie comes out October 3rd, so after watching Sarah school Joey get another good laugh.
Got that pic in my email days ago, obvious pshop 1st time I saw it, and just clicked delete. Are they stoopid at cnn? I guess so.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:49 amAnother example of not letting reality get in the way of ideology.
Good photo shop job but not so good that the MSM should have bought it hook line and sinker. And I don’t think they did. I think it was put out there on purpose. They’re desperate though.. and they figure the average American is too stupid to realize it is fake.
September 10th, 2008 at 10:58 amWow the tin hats have taken over CNN, tomorrow they will be running reports of how 9/11 was an inside job.
September 10th, 2008 at 11:19 amGrasping at straws again. CNN, Newsweek et al are just leftist smear merchants anymore. We’ll get our payback in November when McCain-Palin kicks the Messiah’s ass.
But seriously, if the Lame Scream Media didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.
And what the fuck is a gutchie? Are you trying to say shit in their drawers? If so, I would have to disagree. The Kos machine has shit on their faces.
The Germans have a good word to describe the Kos diaper-babies at CNN and Newsweek: scheissekopf.
I fart in their general direction.
BTW, I had a Dhimi try and sell the latest Newsweek smear of Palin as facts. I challenged him to a public debate and told him to bring his Muslim friend. Of course he chickened out. Dhimis can’t handle facts or truth. Just another reason to keep playing hard ball with their asses.
Hit em high, hit em low. No slack!!!
September 10th, 2008 at 11:25 amWow, we’re getting true scoop from The Enquirer, ala Edwards.
And we get tabloid crap from MSM. I think there’s some alternate universe being lived out on a parallel dimension by these people.
Time for a remake of Outer Limits!!
September 10th, 2008 at 11:30 amDan (The Infidel)
“And what the fuck is a gutchie?”
The only thing sadder than yesterday’s newspaper, is yesterday’s underwear worn by a self-righeous liberal suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome. (Actually, all liberals are an Irritable bowel syndrome). That defines the grand daddy of all gutchies. The Gutchie of Gutchies!!
So may a 1,000 gutchies befall the Messiah’s comrades, the MSM.
September 10th, 2008 at 11:52 amgutchie = duker ?
September 10th, 2008 at 12:04 pmIt’s got a tiny .22 or BB gun scope.
September 10th, 2008 at 1:43 pmIts a Crossman air rifle BB or pellets. I know, I’m looking at one right next to me. So many ways this is wrong. Stupid and wrong.
September 10th, 2008 at 2:24 pmTBinSTL
Right you are! I’ve got two of them bought for my sons who are now grown. Pump model, .177 caliber pellets or BB’s - kept them all these years just in case someone would want to Photoshop me holding them in my underwear>
September 10th, 2008 at 4:04 pmCome on LOWLA,get DAN RATHERS dick out of your mouth
September 10th, 2008 at 4:21 pmAir rifles can look alarmingly like the real thing. Check this out.
(My wife says Sarah Palin has thinner thighs than the woman in the photo, so she knew it wasn’t her. Women know these things.)
September 10th, 2008 at 5:06 pmUgh! Yunz guys!
gutchies -
1)Article of clothing worn by them there yins guys big mamas in Pittsburgh (Pixburgh), PA, to cover, albeit not attractively, their posteriors. Usually come in a multi pack, also known as granny pants. Underwear for the uneducated. Commonly heard at Walmart.
2)Large underwear designed specifically for women in the Northeastern U.S., primarily rural areas (OH, WV, VA, PA) and urban hick, po-dunk centers (Pittsburgh).
Dave: “I can’t wait to go down the Burgh n’ watch da Stillers n’ drink some of that there Iron City with yins.”
Judy: “Yah, after I get wasted n that I’m gonna ask a Stiller to sign my gutchies, ain’t that kewl??”
September 10th, 2008 at 5:33 pmObviously a fake - Sarah has a much better body than that, and the firepower is way below her skill level - ain’t gonna bag no moose with that
September 10th, 2008 at 6:44 pmHey Lock and Load while I have her figured for using 30.06 on up for big game I’ll bet she can get some tight groupings with a 10/22.
September 10th, 2008 at 7:06 pmSully0811
September 10th, 2008 at 7:21 pmYou’ve inspired me to wonder… which US President (or VP) was the best shot with their preferred weapon……