Matt Damon: Sarah Palin Choice Is “Absurd, Like A Really Bad Disney Movie”

September 10th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Hollywood Clowns…

Yeah, Okay, Matthew, your opinion is more valid than someone else’s because…why? You’re a Hollywood star?

I would say that immediately disqualifies you to open your fukn trap regarding politics, these days.

Pay attention, folks, we are watching a spiritual war take place, and the enemy is losing.

The enemy is resorting to real downright ugliness here, and I have a bad feeling that we haven’t seen the worst yet.

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35 Responses

  1. Andy (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    Matt Damon! Matt DAMON! MATT DAMON!!! :lol:

    Am I the only one who cheered when he got offed in “The Departed?”

  2. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    you could see that fucker twitching. watch that closely. but really, who cares what Ben Aflecks boyfriend has to say about politics. you could put that dude in a round room and tell him to find a corner, he would be busy for months.

  3. Mark in WA




    Yes you are, and you are an ass clown.

  4. Jenny Girl

    “Matt Da-mon”

    Gosh Team America sure did get his character right.

  5. TO (twp)

    I can’t bring myself to watch the video. It breathtaking to watch and see how emotionally crippled these people are.

  6. Old Chief

    The guy wears makeup for a living, and is trained to say what other people write for him.


    Is anyone taking names so that we know our targets when the shootin’ starts?

  8. Laura

    Hey, guys, how can you be so critical of his opinion? He’s good looking, so that must count for something.

  9. Kentucky Jim


    …and he is a member of Arec Bahrwin’s Film Actor’s Guild (FAG)

  10. deathstar

    “Absurd” is a good description of all the Bourne movies, Good will hunting and every other fucking POS you have acted in.

  11. Professor Bill

    James Caan put it best “Noone should give a shit what an actor/actress says”. For the life of me why does this jackass think he is so smart, is it because he played a genius in some stupid movie? It’s this kind of nonsense that’s why I have stopped seeing most movies.

    Actors/actress = whore, both paid to pretend

  12. Knottie

    Sarah Palin’s story is what this country is all about. It’s the story I was raised believing. That as Americans we all had an equal chance. It is what we do with those opportunities and how hard we are willing to work for our goals that determine how far we get in life. If this jackass doesn’t get that then he is just complete moron! For him to not see it from that perspective having gotten to be the name he is then he really needs to stop and start counting the blessing in his own life instead of judging others.

  13. z4hos

    Since Matt Damon is an actor I suggest that he take the role of Vladimir Putin. Have Obama across the table from him with the sound bites of how he will cut the US military and get rid of all nuclear weapons. Maybe have Rev Wright there saying “God Damn America”, along with Ayers standing on the American Flag. Obama can then point his finger at our actor and tell him through numerous Uhh…Uhhhhh…..Uhhhhh and waitwaitwait, hold on hold on, how he will kick his ass after he kisses it.

    Then let Palin sit across from our actor with a back drop of a pelt of an Alaskan grizzly bear. Have her point her finger at our actor, and tell him through articulate red lipstick, pit bull lips how she will not only kick his ass, but cut his nuts off. i suspect Mr. Damon might walk out of the room holding his nuts, and just have a change of heart.

    Putin and the people like him only understand power. He will chew Obama up, spit him out and laugh at what a pussy America has become. I have this deep fear that he will be the next president. Don’t forget it’s the electoral college that puts the person in the White House

  14. Drew

  15. BoomBoom

    To date, I’ve enjoyed his movies regardless of his political leanings. He has now exercised his “freedom of speech”, I shall now exercise my “freedom of spending” of the fun coupons. Please vote at the polls and your $$.

  16. Tyler

    i think its funny that the left either doesnt realize or they dont want to bring it up because it will make them look even less qualified, but its funny that they are basically saying, Sarah Palin is running for PRESIDENT against Obama. she is only the VP for McCain. so it is pretty bad when dems are having to challenge their presidental nom against the republicans VP nom. i guess McCain is WAY out of their league.

  17. dvldok

    I kinda liked his movies…..too bad gotta spend my $$$ elsewhere.

    Hollywood keeps this up and I’ll nothing to watch on deployments :cry:


    he’s a chicken fucker, isn’t he
    he fucks chickens

  19. Gary in Midwest

    To Robert Duvall, Tom Sellek, Jon Voit, Gary Sinise or Patricia Heaton:

    If you see this son of a bitch, punch him in the eye for me!

  20. 96RinLA

    As a Disney employee, I am offended. :evil:

    Never was a fan of Matty’s worthless drivel he calls “acting” anyways… IMHO, Matt Stone and Trey Parker had his character in “Team America” spot on!

    Everyone should take a page from BoomBoom’s book as stated above.

  21. Poe

    @Andy “Am I the only one who cheered when he got offed in “The Departed?””

    Nope, and I freaking cheered when his bitch got whacked in “Smoking Aces”…

  22. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    Okay, I ONLY clicked on the vid above to see why none of yunz commented on what I had just seen on Bill O`Reilly’s Patriots and Pinheads …

    But this was a different clip (Hey, Matt, you shithead, PEANUT FARMER!)

    Anyhow, Bill O’s clip had this bubble-headed booby saying “I want to know if Sarah Palin believes there were dinosaurs … I NEED to know if she believe there were dinosaurs … I need to know that …”

    Uh, Matty … YOU are basing your vote (which you would NEVER throw McPalin’s way anyway) on her religious beliefs about dinosaurs? Do you listen to yourself? CAN YOU HEAR THE WORDS THAT ARE COMIN’ OUTTA YOUR MOUF?

    Come on now … Admit it. You’re a Dennis “Mother Ship” Kucinich kinda feller, huh? :wink: :wink: :wink:

  23. GRIZZ


  24. Real America

    Hollywood has been full of itself for a while now. It’s all about creating and maintaing images. I wonder if publicists hyperventilate whenever their clients speak out and totally ruin the image that’s been created. Elitist Hollywood and the media that manipulates the public is way over due for a backlash from real America.

    Yes, Matt, dinosaurs did exist. God made them.

    He looked and acted a bit strange. Nerves?

  25. GRIZZ

    White bread mother fucker.Probably still breasts feeds from mommy

  26. Real America

    Bad Disney movie? What does that mean? Someone, please help me out with Damon’s comment. Thanks.

  27. shelly

    If this this “shit” keeps up I’m gonna run out of refills on my ativan!

  28. billie (barracuda)

    Damon has lost touch with the real world. He’s been immersed for too long in fantasy-rich Hollywood and the snotty, filthy-rich L.A. jet set, and prefers that small town reformers who combat corruption appear only in movies. Funny, isn’t it, how he’s forgotten his humble beginnings, and the honest, religious people of his working-class youth.

    I noticed Damon never asked Obama, who’s attended the same church for 20 years and has boasted how his faith permeates everything he does (can anyone find that clip?), whether he believes in dinosaurs. Just tell him to f*ck off, Sarah. That’s the only language people like Damon understand.

  29. cnchess

    Even CNN blew the lid off all of the stupid blogisphere lies about Sarah.

    Maybe Matt should stick to reading lines written by someone with a brain.

  30. CPLViper

    Hey it’s the Bourne Idiot … go fuck yourself Matt.

  31. Tom

    First Damon dismmisses small towns. I love it! Only millions of Americans come from small towns. Second he makes fun of the movie-like rise of Palin. He mocks the PTA. He mocks the Carpa quality of her story. This from Hollywood. The great assertion about America is that ANYONE can rise from obscurity and become the leader. Damon mocks this narrative.

    He mocks creationism. That is a debate to welcome. That ther is evidence of intelligence in the universe is becoming almost as hard to deny as the success of the surge. It is almost as easy to see as the “work” Damon has had on his proud face. (Hair plugs, Matt?)

    Damon made his first movie about working class people. I always suspected they were great props for his rise but of course, he never met an actual working class person in his foo-foo white boy life. Cambridge is not Southie, if you know what I mean and they would have KICKED HIS ASS up and down South Boston had he the balls to show up there. (And he didn’t. And you know he has not showed up there since he exploited that community to get his leg up in the world of fellow foo-foos.)

    Frankly, Palin could kick Damon’s ass. And Maher’s. (Do they get their botox and hair plugs from the same place?)

    Damon is a metrosexual mama’s boy who loves working class people as long as they stay in Dorchester and South Boston or since he is now a loft owner in Tribeca, out in Ozone Park and Staten Island. His effete, girly ways let us know that having a pedicure is more important to him in a candidate than scars. His fear of showing his balding pate shows he has no guts. His botox and cosmetic surgery show his vanity and insecurity. (And they show, Matt. Sorry.)

    Sarah’s wife could put him face down in two seconds. Hell, Sarah could probably put him face down in three. She is more of a man than him and Maher, combined.

    A wealthy, white, elite, foo foo like Matt needs botox, plastic surgery, and the liberal democrats to reassure him that he is wonderful. Real working class people? Well, his cleaning crew and his nannies are about as close to actual working class people as he has ever come and will ever come. They can’t afford Nantucket in the summer, Matt. But since he knows no actual working class people and would call them white trash if he encountered them, Matt cannot understand why the tens of millions who he has never met are going to -once again- throw the elitist, effetist foo-foo ticket overboard.

    Obama will lose Matt.

    Matt, can you tell Obermann that the toupee screams I AM A TOUPEE WEARING CLOWN! He looks like he glued a dead squirrel to his head. If Keith takes if off, maybe Ben A. will too. His looks worse than Keith’s.


  32. James

    Matt Damon is such a shit talking Hollywood tool, just one of many but he really gets under my skin, next time I’m traveling in Asia and at a bootleg DVD store, I will buy his lastest DVD and use it as an ashtray…4real.

  33. mindy abraham

    I think Palin could hold her own against Putin, more thanObama could :lol:

  34. TedB

    :arrow: Andy

    Am I the only one who cheered when he got offed in “The Departed?”

    No, you weren’t. That scene in the bar where two “fatcat Republicans” were talking still pisses me off.

  35. TerryTate

    You do the actuary tables….

    Ya, Matt, we all do that. Hell I do the actuary tables in my spare time, every chance I get….

    What a joke.

    Guess I shoulda just said….

    What’s up my retard?

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