McCain Overtakes Obama

September 7th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.



John McCain has overtaken Barack Obama in the Gallup daily tracking poll and has his highest level of support in that poll since early May.

McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 45 percent among registered voters, by Gallup’s measure. McCain has so far earned the same convention bounce as Obama, though at a more rapid pace.

Obama peaked at a 5-point convention bounce in polling published last Tuesday. He was ahead 49 percent to 43 percent in the Gallup poll conducted before the Republican convention. He then soared to 50 percent for the first time of the election, by Gallup’s measure, while McCain fell to 42 percent.

McCain’s 5-point to 6-point bounce so far, like Obama’s, remains at par with historical expectations. In the 22 major-party conventions since 1964, the nominee walked away with, on average in most years, a 5-point to 6-point uptick in Gallup’s polls. The presidential polling will likely remain in flux until the middle of next week.

Today’s Gallup report continues to include some polling conducted prior to McCain’s acceptance speech. Tomorrow’s report will be the first to include interviews solely conducted following the close of the GOP convention.

Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll also reported today that when “leaners” are included, Obama and McCain are now tied at 48 percent. That means that, by Rasmussen’s measure, Obama’s 6-point bounce has been erased. CBS News polling had shown the same outcome midway through the GOP convention.

McCain’s resurgence in the polls comes as Nielsen Media Research reported that the Republican convention earned more television viewers than the Democratic convention. Republicans earned an average audience of 34.5 million, while Democrats earned an average viewership of 30.2 million.

Obama, McCain and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin all earned a similar and record audience for their convention speeches, each nearing about 40 million viewers.”>Politico:

John McCain has overtaken Barack Obama in the Gallup daily tracking poll and has his highest level of support in that poll since early May.

McCain leads Obama 48 percent to 45 percent among registered voters, by Gallup’s measure. McCain has so far earned the same convention bounce as Obama, though at a more rapid pace.

Obama peaked at a 5-point convention bounce in polling published last Tuesday. He was ahead 49 percent to 43 percent in the Gallup poll conducted before the Republican convention. He then soared to 50 percent for the first time of the election, by Gallup’s measure, while McCain fell to 42 percent.

McCain’s 5-point to 6-point bounce so far, like Obama’s, remains at par with historical expectations. In the 22 major-party conventions since 1964, the nominee walked away with, on average in most years, a 5-point to 6-point uptick in Gallup’s polls. The presidential polling will likely remain in flux until the middle of next week.

Today’s Gallup report continues to include some polling conducted prior to McCain’s acceptance speech. Tomorrow’s report will be the first to include interviews solely conducted following the close of the GOP convention.

Rasmussen’s daily tracking poll also reported today that when “leaners” are included, Obama and McCain are now tied at 48 percent. That means that, by Rasmussen’s measure, Obama’s 6-point bounce has been erased. CBS News polling had shown the same outcome midway through the GOP convention.

McCain’s resurgence in the polls comes as Nielsen Media Research reported that the Republican convention earned more television viewers than the Democratic convention. Republicans earned an average audience of 34.5 million, while Democrats earned an average viewership of 30.2 million.

Obama, McCain and GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin all earned a similar and record audience for their convention speeches, each nearing about 40 million viewers.

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6 Responses

  1. Tom in CO

    Git sum

  2. Anderson S. Wise (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    No surprise here. Excellent job, Team McPalin! :beer:

  3. Vince

    agreed anderson, no suprised!

    has always beleived in mccain from the start.

    heres to our future president :beer:

  4. momps

    Mccain and palin are now 10 points ahead with gallup

  5. Brian H

    Since Gallup and Rasmussen use 3-day rolling averages, the numbers will continue to climb. Add more points for more Palin coverage, and it could start to look like a dominating lead. It’s enough to make you nervous about getting over-confident!

  6. displaced Ched Head

    I agree with Brian H, don’t get cocky kid we got 8 rounds left.
    But you are tatooing that left eye and it is partially closed. Once it’s closed he can’t see the overhand right and then and only then do I want Sarah delivering the KO.

    I ordered a magnet on Friday for my SUV, it is 3 ft by 2 ft 6 in. it says Vote Palin, Oh Yea
    and that other guy
    Think Conservatives are pumped about her?

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