Megyn Kelly Slaps Around Hussein’s Gen. About CiC Qualifications

September 4th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.

I think our gal has been drinking my coffee …

Here’s hoping WHEN Sarah Palin becomes VP she taps Kelly to be her Press Sec.

Hussein’s suit is falling off piece by piece to show … ain’t nuttin’ there.

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18 Responses

  1. mike3481

    Gen. Eaton, the answer you were looking for is “no”.

    You, me and everyone else knows it.


  2. Hardball1911

    It doesn’t make a terrific amount of sense because you have no fucking clue what to say.

    General Eaton, you had no clue in command, you have no clue now. You were promoted for your political views during Clinton’s reign, after hobnobbing all over D.C. with your aspirations of Supreme Leader.

    Your answer is simply, ‘No’ as stated before. You know it, I know it, we all know it.

    Your candidate has less experience than the VICE Presidential candidate for the Republican party and it pisses you off. You are making money off of your political cronies as they pay to you stand tall as a former “General” on their side. You, (and I use this term loosely) SIR, are a dumbass. I wouldn’t follow you if you tried to lead us to salvation. I choose to find my own way. Get bent REMF.

  3. cnchess

    Apparently, Megyn has learned from her appearances on the O’Reilly Factor… she stomped on the pathetic spin cycle answer dribbling out of this old burn out general’s mouth.

    Way to go!

  4. DC

    This Gen.( :roll:) Eaton, is dumber that a sack of hammers.
    Either he genuinly doesn’t know or he’s just being a good soldier and following his last order, to spin and re-direct.

  5. mike3481

    I just watched Megyn Kelly on O’Reilly’s show and damn that woman’s gorgeous.

  6. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: mike3481

    Wouldn’t you love to see her as Mc’s or Palin’s Press Sec.?

  7. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    My skin crawls at the idea that this creature led men into battle.

    I really hope he never did anything more relevant than counting paper clips.

  8. hegelbot

    Questions, questions, questions, growing in the mind of this hegelbot. What is the deal with all these generals supporting Hussein, are they all just Clinton era generals? Cause if that is the case, my second question is what the fuck good did they ever do?

    I remember in my radical days, when Clinton was president attending meetings about the plight of Iraqis, how millions of Iraqis had died because of the 8 year campaign of bombings which not only led to direct casualties but to the destruction of valuable infrastructure, such as water and sanitation systems of Iraq. All this destruction without bringing them one step closer to freedom. Are these the generals who are supporting Obama?

    I also remember back in those wild days, of hearing about the destruction of thousand year old Buddhas, and the violent oppression of women in Afghanistan, and the radical lefts outcry about Americas inaction in the face of the evil that was and is the Taliban. Are these generals who support Obama? The same generals who for 8 years lifted not one finger to rid the world of the evil of the Taliban?

  9. ji

    A PAID staffer. Not there for any other reason.

  10. Hardball1911

    Those are the very same generals supporting BHO. These generals were promoted not only to further the agenda of the Clinton “legacy” but to rid the military of the generals who were forced to retire for their disagreement between themselves and the Clinton Politburo.

    Your estimates that millions died during the eight year bombing campaign are also off, though, with no offense intended in your direction. The problem was, and is this: Those who did not do what needed to be done between 1992 and 2000 are directly responsible not only for the deaths of many of the innocents in Iraq, but for the WTC bombing and 9/11, as well as the bombings in Kenya, etc. Those who chose to listen to Clinton’s Politburo and hide their heads in the sand chose to ignore the basic principles established during the cold war. Those principles were peace through strength and strength through economic and infrastructure development.

    It is sad to say that these generals, like BHO today, made the decision to prosper and accept defeat for furthering their careers instead of driving victory down the throats of those who would do us harm. The views of these “generals” are skewed to promote their own agendas, keep their names in the spotlight, and keep their careers prosperous instead of honorable. Their word is nothing more than rhetoric spewed from the DNC.

  11. foxops

    Translation: What do you mean experience? He doesn’t need any of that, he was born to be king!

  12. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    STFU asshole.

  13. sully

    Of COURSE running a campaign qualifies TheOne to be ANYTHING. Including Messiah.
    He’s spent 19 months making very tough decisions about….er, Himself.

    Oh… and who gets to ride in the bus or under it.

  14. Allen TX

    :arrow: Hardball1911
    :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
    Here’s a six pack for you man. The precision of your words stirred me.


    An empty uniform tries to explain the empty suit.

  16. the bushbeater


    Please choose the answer that best describes the following men:

    Ben Butler/Al Haig/Wesley Clark/The moron featured in this video:

    A) Inspiring Leaders
    B) Exceptional Battlefield Strategists
    C) Accomplished Motivational Speakers
    D) Political Whores.

  17. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    I wonder if he wants the Court of St James, like Admiral Crowe got after he endorsed Clinton in 92?

  18. righteous anger

    Come on,Gen. Eaton, you mean to tell me that you got your two stars by just starting out community organizing. Give me a break, some long forgotten enlisted platoon sgt stood by you and shaped you into a platoon leader, while some other long forgotten company commander had his ass chewed while you dallied with all the t-crossing and i-dotting, It takes time, of course, and some times it takes alot of time but by most standards , some wet nosed glib talking fool, be he a lt. or a senator of less than 2 yrs, hasn’t the knowledge or experience to run his mouth much less a country. How many of your superiors thought you should run an army before running a company. As a CO of an company were you prepared to run a division or some one with more experience doing that task. We are all subject to review by our superiors, except for the CiC, he is reveiwed by the vote, This makes it all the more important to do something of relevant importance and community organizing is right next to whale shit collecting if you catch my drift.—— former enlisted pltsgt.

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