Michelle Obama Endorses McCain/Palin ‘08

September 7th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

Im a military wife of a military family and I approve of this message…

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5 Responses

  1. cnchess

    Michelle was talking about the whimpy military families who whine and cry about how hard they have it. McCain and Palin know what it is to be Americans and to have their children love the country enough to be wliiling to take risks for it. As a communist, Michelle does not think that America is worth defending.

  2. Knottie

    :arrow: cnchess

    You are correct. It is assumed that all military families are victims of the military by the left of this country. Well we aren’t! I’ve faced all the steps of being a military mom. recruitment, bootcamp, deployment and taps. NEVER once has the military done anything but been there by our sides. The only time I have ever felt like a victim due to my son’s service is when I find his name being USED by organizations like Gold Star families against the war, Unity party, Daily KOS, Youthrights.org, Code Pink and many others to further causes he had no belief in and was strongly against. And I can’t stop these bastards from USING my son. The law is on their side. The Army has done nothing but support and honor my son and this family.

    Ms. Obama needs not speak of thing she has no experience or knowledge. Although on this she is correct.. we military families want somone like McCain who understands.. truly respects those who serve and their families. Sen. McCain would be welcome to refer to my son because I know he would do it honoring and respecting my son.

  3. cooter

    This a very well put together feature I just wish more people would see it. :gun:

  4. Sandy

    Jon makes the best videos! He knows how to put things together to get directly to the heart of the matter. We cannot afford to be weak now or ever. :beer:

  5. Donnie B

    Does anyone know if there has been a candidate and vp candidate that both had active duty children in harms way during an election or while service as president and vice-president in our history? This is an important fact that needs to be repeated!

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