Monsters From The Id: Good-Bye To All That’s ‘Democrat’

September 13th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


Yeah, THIS is pretty much how it hit me in the 1990s … and I escaped the democrat gulag and sought rebirth in the conservative ranks.

(American Digest)

The monsters from the id that now control the Democrat Party have transformed that party into a mob of undead extras from The Dawn of the Dead. It’s an indecent and disgusting spectacle and I suspect there’s more than a few million long-time Democrats who are revolted by it. That certainly seems to be creeping into the polls. No matter the good it once did, the Democrats today present as sick and crazed political party that is so greedy and hungry for power that it will do anything, including selling its country down the drain, to get it back.

Regardless of the race of the Democrats’ selected nominee, Martin Luther King’s dream of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin has been transformed into a tawdry thing; a dried husk in which they wrap their skeletal remains, a hollow phrase spewed by the ascendent race hustlers of the party and lapped up by their acolytes.


Until 2004, with the exception of Guiliani’s second term as mayor, I voted the Democrat ticket in every election since 1967. In 2004, offered the Insane Clown Posse of John Kerry and John Edwards, I voted for George Bush. The spectacle of the last four years of various Democrats reaching for the gold ring did not inspire me to change my view. Only the dead enjoy parties in a crypt. Not even Roman columns improve the Charnal house atmosphere that fumes through the party today.

From the party that gave us FDR, Truman, JFK and even, yes, LBJ, the Democrats have gone through a process of gradual but inexorable devolution to the party of such weak, tepid and compromised souls as Carter, Clinton, Kerry, and now Obama - the ultimate bargainer, the race hustler with an Ivy League sheepskin. But these chestless men the Party puts up are only the shadows cast by the compromises it has made within itself. It has made many compromises over the years, taken in many “causes” each one more dubious and rotten than the last.


As a result of this unremitting ideological promiscuity, the “progressive” party has become progressively more diseased from each submissive encounter. The gangrene that has rotted the body of the party has transformed it into some transnational Dorian Gray. Strutting and noble and handsome when preening before the cameras and the crowds, but putrid and pestilential when you see it as it is in the dull light of its polluted “new morning.”

Politics is a profession founded on and fueled by hypocrisy. This we all know. But, at the same time, we also need a politics that somewhere within it has a shred of uncompromised decency, the understanding of honor, and more than a little courage. None of these qualities exists in the Democratic Party today.


For some time, I expected there would be a turning around among many Democrats. I expected that the better angels of their nature would triumph and lead them out of the moral swamp into which they were wading deeper with every passing month.

In the last fortnight, however, I have come to the place where the whole sorry spectacle and circus of the Democrats has finally filled me with disgust and revulsion. The party whose ideals once excited me has become a mockery, a dumbshow, a parody of itself, and a dangerous parody at that.

Instead of inspiration the Democrat Party delivers shopworn socialist solution, numbing boredom, sheer despair, intellectual and spiritual poverty, sexism, and the worst sort of racism seen since it gave birth to the Klu Klux Klan. Classical racism loathes “the other.” The new racism of the Democrat requires one loathe oneself first and last, and to accuse those that do not of racism. To paraphrase Bob Dylan, “The Democrats want to get you down in the hole that they’re in.”

Instead of telling us what sort of New Jerusalem it would have us build as our City on the Hill, the party requires that its members root about in the ghettos of the soul, to ponder the rightness or wrongness of the very babies of its opponents. Instead of waving the bright banners of America triumphant, the Party dons the rags and bones of defeatism and appeasement and moves about the country like a tarted-up Typhoid Mary, infecting all who kiss its chancred lips. As a party, it’s a poxed whore for whom no condom is thick enough. It’s a death trip.


No more dates with Demy for me. I’ll have no more to do with it. I know I’m not the only one. Day by day over the last fortnight, more and more are coming to this conclusion.

In a way, what the Democrat party is somewhat like a first wife thought about at a safe distance from the divorce.

You know you loved her at some point, but you can’t really remember why.


You know she was beautiful to you then, but now you can only see the ruins of that beauty, and you are glad you had the best years.

You know that, yes, you must have been happy with her and had a lot of good times, but now you can’t remember where or when.

In fact, when you think about her now you can’t really believe you wasted all those poisoned years with her just because you believed that somehow, some time, she would grow sane, beautiful, and young again.

In some way, in some universe, that hope should be true about the people you loved. When it comes to the politics you once loved it is never true. When a party goes insane and degenerates into a diseased mass of hate, “an old bitch gone in the teeth, / A botched civilization” it never really reforms.

Like they say in the National Parks, “Once a bear is hooked on garbage, there’s no cure.”


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12 Responses

  1. sully

    “The Presidency is not worth a compact with extremism”
    - Hubert Humphrey, 1968

    Hmmm…. and 40 years later all they are is extremists.

  2. Lftbhndagn (Family, God, & Gun Loving AMERICAN)

    :beer: :beer: :beer: READ of the DAY!

  3. Max

    Well said. Only I wouldn’t have had anything to do with the party of Hubert Horatio Hornblower any more than the Dem party of today.

    Socialism has been at the heart of the dems since FDR. Some of the things they have accomplished have done a lot of good, but the overall trend toward bigger and bigger government and higher taxes has been bad.

    Their trend toward acid, amnesty, abortion, and homosexuality from McGovern onward has completely destroyed whatever was good in the party before then.

  4. Word-Drum

    I had a similar thought…

  5. German Dragon

    God is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. God can handle power as easily in the hands of a few as well as it spread thinly from coast to coast. Satan, however, shares none of the attributes of God. From a strategic perspective, Satan needs power concentrated in the hands of an elite few; otherwise, it becomes an impossible burden for him to manage. That is why God commanded the Israelites not to have a king over them, for God would be their king. But the Israelites rebelled and went downhill from there.

    The Founding Fathers well understood our fallen human nature, and our overriding desire to “play God” over the lives of others, and in their Biblically-inspired wisdom they spread power as far and as wide and as rice-paper thin as they could get it.

    “Big Government,” therefore, is a strategy of the Devil, for it concentrates power into the hands of an elite few where the Devil can marshal his forces to control it. For this reason, anyone (Republican or Democrat) who espouses Big Government should be viewed with suspicion.

  6. HugoDePayenz

    :arrow: German Dragon
    I never heard that before, that is great.

  7. Jarhead68

    That about sums up the state of the democRAT party these days. It’s a sad state of affairs. Well-written and well-posted. Thanks.

  8. RVN68MIKE

    In my youth I was a Democrat, but the party left me decades ago. Now I can’t even understand how anyone that truely loves America’s ideals can be a member of such a twisted organization.

  9. 007 (Alaskan Native)

    :arrow: Drill

    Thank You for the Cartoon, I have been looking for that!

  10. Kim

    :arrow: “As a party, it’s a poxed whore for whom no condom is thick enough.”

    Such an appropriately graphic depiction of the Democrat party. A party that has sold itself to the devil for its lust of power and has become mentally diseased from its venereal associations.

    :arrow: German Dragon

    Well said and so true. :beer:

  11. Brian H

    a note: as I’ve mentioned before, even the Self-Chosen’s “identity” around which his politics orbits is bogus. He’s 8/16 Caucasian, 7/16 Arab, and only 1/16 Negro. That doesn’t make the official cut ( 1/8 ) for Affirmative Action, not even for Affirmative Action POTUS.

  12. Storm 0311

    The test to me is if a person see’s themselves as a citizen of the world or a citizen of the U.S.A.

    No loyalty to the U.S.A. is tantamount to treason.

    I can love the world, history and other cultures and see my self as an American(Rifleman)

    the citizens of the world typically despise America.
    These are the useful idiots.

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