MSM Musings: CNN’s Dobbs Slams Treatment Of Palin And Hits The Mark On Olbermann … Baba Wawa Threatens Hasselbek’s Job On “The View” - With Video

September 12th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.



Lou Dobbs, a self-described ‘independent populist’ that espouses his anti-free trade and protectionist viewpoints on CNN nightly, appeared at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit. It was there that Dobbs revealed his disdain for Olbermann. (


Are Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s days on ‘The View’ numbered?


Last month we reported that host Sherri Shepherd had drawn the ire of The View’s grande dame, Barbara Walters, and that Barbara was considering letting her go. Shepherd was involved in a minor controversy in which she said some regrettable things to a Christian woman’s magazine about how she’d had more abortions than she’d cared to count and that she’d like to see her boss Barbara “saved” by a televangelist.

Fast forward to the heated discussions on the show about the contentious US Presidential race and it’s token conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck who’s pissing off the 78 year-old co-creator and co-producer. Elisabeth got upset in a discussion on air about VP Republican candidate Sarah Palin and Walters had to tell her to “calm down” and the show went to a commercial. Off air, The National Enquirer reports that Walters scolded 31 year-old Elisabeth and told her that if she can’t be measured in her opinions she should get a new job:

Elisabeth… got snippy [with her “View co-hosts] during a heated discussion of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the show’s September 2 season premiere.

Sensing the debate was spinning out of control, Barbara ordered Elisabeth, an ardent Republican, to “calm down,” and the show immediately cut to a commercial.

“During the break, Barbara lashed out at Elisabeth,” an insider revealed. “In her typical style, she maintained her composure so it appeared everything was OK, but she made it clear to Elisabeth that she needed to calm down…”

When the taping was over, the… TV veteran had more to say to Elisabeth, according to the source.

“Barbara told Elisabeth that everyone welcomes her opinions, but demanded that she find an appropriate way to express them, and she said that if Elisabeth can’t do that, then maybe she should consider a new line of work,” said the insider.

“Elisabeth got teary-eyed and told Barbara that she feels as if the others are always ganging up on her. But Barbara quickly pointed out that Elisabeth brings most of that on herself.”

[From the National Enquirer, print edition, September 22, 2008]

It seems like they could get another conservative on The View to back up Elisabeth and represent the other side. Sherri Shepherd doesn’t count because she’s not informed enough, has admitted she’s never voted, and just comes off as a ditz. Elisabeth is decent with the guests, but she does try and dominate the conversation when they’re talking politics and her points aren’t that educated. She also gets too upset when people don’t agree with her. I like to see Whoopi because she’s funny, kind and a breath of fresh air on that show. She’s liberal but really measured in the way she presents things and is mellow and friendly. If Barbara wants a balanced panel she should create one. As it is, a lot of people say it’s skewed left and that Hasselbeck is a weak voice for the right.

If everyone got along though the show would lose some of its appeal and we definitely wouldn’t be talking about it as much. When Hasselbeck’s liberal nemesis Rosie was there The View got some of its best ratings despite being difficult to watch. With good-natured Whoopi running things it’s not as contentious and just doesn’t generate as much buzz despite being a much better show. Add a conservative version of Whoopi and it will be more sweetness and light and agreeing to disagree.

Whoopi’s View Spew Video

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17 Responses

  1. Caligula

    CAT FIGHT!!! :lol:

  2. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    :arrow: Caligula

    Hasselbeck is a light-weight debater at best … Her heart is in the right place, but she’s too meek and polite.

    IF she suspects Walters is about to can her, I say she should have a major blow-up on air about how biased and leftist that show is … and then storms off the set.

  3. Steady

    Walters is an ASS.

  4. Jimmyb

    Women……….. :roll:

    Nothin’ but love for ya ladies! :mrgreen:

  5. Knottie

    Hasselbeck does become far too emotional. I like her stands from the clips I have seen ( I don’t watch the show) but she has a lot to learn about calming talking the left into a corner.

  6. Lee__

    Elisabeth Hasselbeck for chairperson of the FCC in the McCain administration.
    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  7. NickD

    I nominate Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter. :mrgreen:

  8. Barb

    Michelle or Ann!!! Right on! Now I could watch THAT!

  9. David Ross

    Sorry to disagree but Whoopi is a buffoon! Especially after her “as a black woman I would be worried about the return to slavery” racist card she has shoved up her sleeve among other orifices that she whipped out.

  10. Goodbye Natalie

    Ha ha…Baba Walters is a hag whose days were over years ago. She ought to be put out in the same pasture that Dickhead Dan Rather grazes.

    Babs has been relegated to a soap opera with morons like Whoopi Goldberg as the host; a fitting end for some old fart that smells like flowery bath soap and rotten teeth.

  11. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    Walters is a HAGGGG. Just a fucking witch HAGGGG…

  12. Indy

    None of the women on that show seem very informed about anything. I say the invite Ann Coulter to be the conservative voice. She would rip them all a new A-hole :lol:

  13. JJIrons

    Look at how Hussein fits right in with the women on that set. Look at the picture for a minute and ask yourself if he’s really even a man? He’s a pussy! He’s a wife beaten down, nagged, overrun sissy. It’s a great thing to have a wonderful relationship with one’s spouse, don’t get me wrong, but this guy looks, acts and probably smells like a pussy. He’s a dead trout. Sickening little man.

  14. Gary in Midwest

    Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin on one side and Whoopi and Behar on the other. Walters can retire to the old lib seed farm.

  15. Mike Mose

    There is a reason that only one republican is on the show.
    Weak debater, those women only fool fools.

  16. Dan(The Infidel)

    Hasselbeck is cute, but a weak debater. Too emotional. Replacing her with someone who’s female, articulate and likes the jabbing, would be an astute move. I’m talking about a Coulter type of personality.

    However, seeing as how Babwa Whawha is such an old bitch hag, there’s no way that is going to happen.

    As to Whoopi Goldberg? I just can’t take seriously someone named “Whoopi”. She’s not much brighter than the dimwitted Joy Behar.

    “The View” is about as dumb as TV gets these days.

    Seriously Elizabeth, move to another venue. You’d be good on Fox And Friends.

  17. Dan(The Infidel)

    Oh and Lou Dobbs. I thought he was taking the place of Louis Rukyser. Dobbs is every bit the shmuck the rest of the LLMSM is when it comes to “liberal” bias. The only difference with Dobbs is occasionaly he gets “it” right.
    Picking a fight with the mentally-challenged Keith Overbite
    is a great line; but all-in-all, I don’t waste my time watching his show; any more than I watch any other liberal news-wanker.

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