Muslims Say, “Fuck Al-Qaida”?

September 15th, 2008 Posted By Sgt Welsh.


AP - Top U.S. counterterrorism officials Monday said al-Qaida is “imploding” and that its violent tactics have turned Muslims worldwide against the organization. “Absolutely it’s imploding. It’s imploding because it’s not a message that resonates with a lot of Muslims,” said Dell Dailey, the State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism.

Al-Qaida still remains the most dangerous threat to the United States. But of growing concern are organizations like Lebanese Hezbollah and Hamas, which combine social services, local governance, national politics with extremist attacks, said Undersecretary of State James Glassman.

“These are models that have a lot more popular appeal than al-Qaida, that has almost no popular appeal,” he said.

Vastly more Muslims than Westerners are killed by al-Qaida car and suicide bombs, particularly in Iraq, where local tribes have largely turned against al-Qaida in Iraq in the last two years. Extremist violence claimed more than 9,500 civilian victims in Muslim countries in 2007.

U.S. intelligence agencies caution against predicting al-Qaida’s demise too soon, noting its Pakistan safe harbor and the persistent efforts of its affiliates to conduct attacks in North Africa and elsewhere.

U.S. intelligence officials told The Associated Press in July that al-Qaida leaders learned from Iraq to temper their local activities to ensure continued access and freedom of movement throughout the organization’s safe haven in Pakistan. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive intelligence.

Some hardline religious leaders who once wielded significant influence in al-Qaida have begun to criticize its violence against civilians, said Ted Gistaro, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, in an August speech. Gistaro said al-Qaida senior leaders have devoted nearly half their airtime this year to defending the group’s legitimacy.

Despite these apparent fissures, al-Qaida is the most potent threat to the United States, according to U.S. intelligence officials and reports. A national intelligence assessment released last year said al-Qaida had regenerated its leadership and ability to conduct attacks in the ungoverned tribal region of western Pakistan.

Afghanistan has grown increasingly violent because of the close ties and collaboration between the Pakistan tribes, the Taliban and the terrorist organization. Al-Qaida continues to attract new fighters to fight U.S. forces in Afghanistan, and radical Internet sites that provide religious justification for attacks and violent anti-Western rhetoric are spreading.

Glassman said he is “skeptical” about claims that al-Qaida is changing its ways, or is even capable of changing its ways.

“The death-cult mentality is part of al-Qaida’s DNA. An al-Qaida that could adapt would be a far more dangerous al-Qaida,” he said.

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7 Responses

  1. sully

    I absolutely can believe that AQ is imploding.
    I absolutely do not believe that is because the ‘message does not resonate with Muslims’.

    Maybe if I heard that from Muslims……….

  2. franchie

    “I absolutely can believe that AQ is imploding.”

    So do I, they have become more sofisticated, they recruit educated westernies, that have problems for gaining their life, existential problems, social harassements… weak persons

  3. al

    Al-Quaida are not Muslims, they are Nihilists. They dont serves any Gods will, they only uses his name for their evil purposes. The muslims know that, they are the first victims of these freaks, and in the arabs states, when they catch some, they treat them without all the Human right craps, they hang them first and talk after… That cleaning work are the task of the muslims in first, Amercia lead the way and help a lot, but you can be sur that the Real Muslims are eager to do the job too. The media and all the leftist broadcast the idea that Muslims and Islamists are on the same side, because America is the devil, but that’s only the kind of filthy Al-Quaida use for justify their sickness. There is only two sides on The Global War On Terror : The Good and the Bad and the Good side are open to every men of goodwill, from all the races and religions. This is a fight for civilisation.

  4. Rob

    Yea yea same old same old. The Pentagon knew that this would happen. However usually it takes a decade or two before any result actually show. Amazing what can happen in only 7 years.

    BTW this is what always happens. Radical Islam throughout history has sporadic support at certain times due to world events. At that time the Arab/Muslim populace gets behind the populace. And ever time this happens the radicals eventually drive away the populace through harsh rule, or through killing the populace in the name of Allah and the future of the people they are actually killing. As they kill the people the populace eventually comes to the light, and the radicals will run out of new recruits and the support of the population. The only difference today is that we live in a Global World now. In the past this cycle was limited to the Islamic regions. I chance to theorize that due to globalization it allows the Radicals to attack other nations easier [the Western World] however because of globalization the population realizes what happens and sees what their future could possibly behold [Peace] and thus turns them against the radicals quicker. The only lasting downside I can see to this Globalization is the political correctness that comes with it. This can be seen in Great Britain, France, Spain, etc where the Muslim populace is demanding more autonomy. The only solution to this is an increase of nationalism/national identity which is looked down upon by these same countries.

  5. Rob

    :arrow: Sully

    Most Arab Muslims are like most American Christians. They consider themselves Christians/Muslims however they want to live in the modern world, and moreover make their lives easier. Just as there are Christian Radical movements “Liberation Theology” “IRA” etc there are Muslim Radical Groups. The question here is how many Christians do you know who actually follow/fully believe in these “sects”? Very few. The same goes for the majority of the Muslim Populace.

  6. sully

    :arrow: Rob

    Thanks for the reply but no sale. I saw the panel discussion this article came from and the panelists miss a fundamental understanding of Islam and it’s quest for world domination and a return to an 8th century social ‘order’.

    ‘Liberation Theology’ is not Christianity. It is a political ideology clothed in theology to make it acceptable to a broader base. As is Islam.

    Are there people throughout the ages who would use religion to evil ends? Yes. Much like they would use any other weapon. Do they find an eager and erstwhile companion in Islam? Yes.

    This is not a war of civilizations. It is a war ABOUT civilization.

  7. Marc

    “Muslims Say, “Fuck Al-Qaida”?”

    Yeah right, I hear the Pope said ‘Fuck Catholicism’

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