Oprah Denies Christ

September 6th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.

Do you recall from last night’s Jihadi Killer Hour (well, 90 mins.) we discussed how leftists/liberals core problem is that they cannot and do not commit to anything, especially believing in something greater than themselves.

It is, and has been for quite awhile, evident Oprah cannot think for herself enough to make her own beliefs and commitments without seeking the words of other people from their books.

Now, I am NOT a Bible thumper or even a Bible reader of any real measure … but I do know the only way anyone can come to the right and correct conclusions and commitment to the One True God is through His Son, and the path to Him and Paradise it through The Word Of God … and THAT book, Oprah, IS the Bible.

And while I have not been as devout or learned with The Bible as I sould be I can honestly say I have NEVER denied Christ, nor will I ever.

Intellect is a wonderful gift to humans. However, some of us abuse that gift by over intellectualizing the simplest yet strongest trait we have … faith.

But don’t fear, Oprah … that’s IF you are of a fearing mind … Peter denied Christ three times as he helplessly watched his Master being tortured and marched off to certain death … and Christ STILL returned to Peter and his brothers, as He promised. And I do believe His promise to return to us again …


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60 Responses

  1. Bryan J

    I hear ads for Oprah’s XM station (yes she has her own station) It is all about new age BS & twists on religion.

  2. Joshua

    Matthew 10:32-33 Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I also deny before My Father which is in heaven.

  3. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
    (Joh 14:6)

    Hey Oprah, That sounds pretty “singular” to me and seeing since the bible is the only book with a 100% track record on fulfilled prophecy’s, being fulfilled just exactly as they had been prophesied, then I’m going to be putting my faith into the guarantied winner and that winner is Jesus Christ.

    I won’t belittle or demean you or make fun of you Oprah, but I will pray that you in someway see the light, before it’s too late, and come to know that Jesus is your savior.

  4. Steady

    Oprah is a moron. Can anyone tell me how this woman became as successful as she is???? It’s beyond me.

  5. Oprah Denies Christ–OPRAH REFUSES: PALIN WON’T BE ON… Any connection « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] https://pat-dollard.com/2008/09/oprah-denies-christ/ […]

  6. Oprah Denies Christ–OPRAH REFUSES: PALIN WON’T BE ON… Any connection « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] https://pat-dollard.com/2008/09/oprah-denies-christ/ […]

  7. Gooddad

    “Oprah is a moron. Can anyone tell me how this woman became as successful as she is???? It’s beyond me.”

    She sold out, and the Devil doesn’t resist her. She doesn’t have to struggle.

  8. Dr. Jerry

    My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father which gave them me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. John 10: 27-29 (KJV)

    There is one God, one Son of God, Jesus the Christ, and one indwelling Holy Spirit. Salvation is provided by the single vicarious sacrifice of that one Son of God on the cross of Calvary. He, by His mercy, grace, and love, all wrapped up in His shed blood, on that rugged cross, provided the only way to God’s eternal heaven and the only escape from the punishment of eternal hell.

    Regardless of what Oprah or anyone else has to say about it. Jehovah, the Almighty God, is the fianl authority!

  9. ji

    Those who knew not God/Jesus will be resurrected at his return. Thus to learn of God/Jesus and THEN the final judgement.
    Someone should ask Oprah if she has ever read the bible and if so, what part of the bible she is quoting from.
    Those who wish to know God will seek God, not some esoteric crap made up by man.

  10. HugoDePayenz

    Someone i know said he thinks Oprah is one of the most dangerous people in America (in terms of leading people astray and into the occult/new age crap)

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof leads to destruction”. Prov 14:12

    Best get with the program Okrah. All roads and all religions DO NOT LEAD to the same place. “Enter ye in at the strait gate, says the Lord, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:13-14).

  12. 83delta (dry heat)

    Every knee will bow and every tongue confess.

    Many sadly will come to know the meaning of “wailing and gnashing of teeth”.

  13. GRIZZ

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  14. GRIZZ

    moderation of course

  15. sully

    The OPRAH show…. Black Liberation Theology prep school. Whites only.

  16. Spencer

    Religion is a problem for the most part.

    Inquisition. *
    Catholic Crusade.
    Islam. *
    Satanism. *
    Hitler. *
    Those protestors at Soldier’s funerals. ***
    cults. *
    the occult.
    scientology. ***
    and the list goes on…

    very little good comes out of Religion in relation to how much bad does. So many wars have been fought in the name of God, Allah, and other pegan religions.

    It would be nice for people to not do things that are nice in order to get on the good side of their God, but instead to do nice things because its the right thing to do.

    Anyways, if you study Religion as a whole, you’d find that they are all linked and all have the same basic ideas (depending on where they orignate(east or west)). Judaism, Islam, and yes, Christianity are all based on a astrotheological calender, and are directly linked to the first pegan religions, even the Egyptian religion.

    When it comes to this sorta topic people need to be alot more open minded, cause if a good person didnt believe in Jesus or allah they arent going to burn for eternity. Good is Good, bad is bad.

    oh, and the bible was written by man, and no one really knows who wrote it, it is a collection of mythic stories that were never written down in history. Until there is real evidence other than a personal vision or a dream, it is no more than a long story book. and yes, i’ve read parts of it.

    I place my country, my family and myself way above anything that i cannot see or feel.

    Reading passages from the Bible doesnt prove anything, its like reading a line from the Book “everybody poops”. you’ll learn somthing about yourself and the world around you, but its not going to enlighten anyone but a sheep in society.

    Thats my 2 cents.

  17. Mark Tanberg

    I can add nothing. Agreed

  18. Spencer

    let me add on, i dont like Oprah, im not siding with her. Im just making a point.

    She can fuck off.

  19. sully

    I’ve read your post twice and don’t see any “point” other than you seem comfortable with drawing moral equivalency. Just like Oprah. So why don’t you like her? Amazingly similar “points”.

  20. Dan (The Infidel)


    You’re a moron. I don’t see Catholics or Protestants cutting off the heads of people they don’t like. I only see Islamniacs doing that. Maybe you don’t read much, there is no modern-day religious equivalence to what Islam does to those that oppose it or anyone who tries to leave it.

    Your relativist comments are graet fodder for the university circuit, who continue to try and paint the past as the present.

    Where are all the atheistic charities these days? I don’t see any? What I do see are the Red Cross (founded by Christians), Catholic Charities, and a host of Protestant churches that continue to minister to the hungry, the needy and the poor throughout the fucking world.

    Not so for the Isl;amniacs who rape, pillage and steal wherever they are presnt.

    Be advised that religion is a man-made construct. I use the term because idiots like yourself fail to grasp the meaning of faith and abiding respect for the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Those that follow my religion, as they get more and more like Christ turn into Billy Grahams, Paul the apostle, or Wiberforce.

    Western law is rooted in Christian Scripture,. Slavery ended because Christians fought against it. The Magna Carta, the US Constitution were all written by men of Christ.

    If it were not for Christendom, Europe would have been conquered by Muslims in the 7th 10th, 15th and 17th centuries.

    So fuck you shithead.

  21. Pete

    Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
    (Joh 14:6)

    That is the truth even for people that never heard of Him. He does not say only people that heard of me get to the Father.He does not say anything about those people. Oprah should read C.S.Lewis mere Christianity

  22. Spencer

    i suggest you re-read my post Dan. im pretty damn sure i wasnt saying religion was all bad. And im not an Atheist, its called Agnostic, im open to the Idea of Religion, but because i know what Religion is i have the ability to make my own judgements without wondering “What would Jesus do?”.

    I certainly was not defending any hadji or chink religion either.

    Western law does have base in Christian scripture, true, but that isnt what i was talking about, was it.And Slavery didnt end anywhere because of Christian beliefs, infact, along time ago a shit load of christians owned slaves, it only ended here because Lincoln used it for his political agenda, England wouldnt support The CSA if Slavery was one of the things being fought for.

    And btw, The founding fathers were not just men of Christ, they were also men of the Masonic principles. Masons teach understanding and freedom of religion and other beliefs. Unlike the people of the salem witch trials and other events of that sort.

    “if it were not for Christendom, Europe would have been conquered by Muslims in the 7th 10th, 15th and 17th centuries.”

    True, Christianity did stop Islam from reaching Europe, 5 hundred or so years ago, i’ve got no arguement there. The fact that Islam is in Europe now has to do with politics. Fact is, like i said, this isnt somthing i was argueing. in fact, this would support what i said in my previous post, Islam, the *religion* was used by politics, much like the way the catholic religion was used to defend Europe.

    “Your relativist comments are great fodder for the university circuit, who continue to try and paint the past as the present.”

    No, the past is definetly the past. But isnt that what you are doing as well, using past events as points for the present? Religion is past present and Future. as well as University libs can kiss my ass, they use it for political purposes instead of personal purposes.

    “I only see Islamniacs doing that. Maybe you don’t read much, there is no modern-day religious equivalence to what Islam does to those that oppose it or anyone who tries to leave it.”

    Your right, but the reason why this is true is because our culture isnt run by our religion, it is because we have the freedom to choose and make our own judgements. not because we are a Christian based country, our people have developed way past the islamist whome are still in the stone age.

    and the reason why i cant stand Oprah is because she started shit talking Palin and McCain, shes with the whole Black liberation bullshit. as well as the whole cult that surrounds her. its ridiculous.

  23. littlefox(JAG )

    :arrow: Spencer
    My guess is you are young. Your statements about the reliability of the Bible are uneducated and ignorant. If you want to make an argument against the bible and claim it is
    a collection of mythic stories, have a debate with
    Lee Stroble. He was an atheist. As a well known lawyer and journalist he set out to dis-prove the Bible. It changed his life and he is now an outspoken Christian. He wrote The Case For Christ. I suggest you read it.

    :arrow: Drill….Well said :beer:



    Jesus actually said that true religion is taking care of widows and orphans. Those were two groups that needed help just to survive in his day. If they had no family they were in bad shape as family was the principle way that people of lesser circumstances were taken care of back then. I think that Jesus’s message was broader than that and that his followers at that time understood that he meant that true religion was taking care of the downtrodden and less fortunate, something that organized religion has done rather well over the centuries, despite the dammage done by certain reiligious types who were typically motivated by something other than God’s love.

    As for your statement about the Bible, there is more manuscript evidence that authenticates the Bible than there is for any of Homer’s works, or Plato’s works, or Socrates’s works…the list is actually quite long but do some independent research and you’ll see.

  25. sully

    :arrow: Spencer:

    You said… “…And im not an Atheist, its called Agnostic, im open to the Idea of Religion, but because i know what Religion is i have the ability to make my own judgements…”

    Tell me how, as an agnostic, you decide values. How do you decide that Oprah being “with the whole black Liberation bullshit” is bullshit?

  26. charlie

    OK you can be from the jungles of Africa or be Eskimo from Alaska but if you don’t believe in god or Jesus or the prophets then that’s where the diversity stops and you believe the lies god must be weeping of what we have become fools idiots liers adulterers nonbelievers pedophiles and murders

  27. azbastard

    God is the light that lights every man that comes into this world…the alpha,the omega, the beginning, and the end

  28. billie (barracuda)

    Obama is Oprah’s God.

  29. franchie

    Spencer, bravo,

    as Greecs and Romans shaped our civilisation, so did christians ; I don’t see how we would be modern democraties without one third of the ensemble

  30. doubleglock

    Spencer - yer not alone out here :beer: :beer:

  31. sully

    “as Greecs and Romans shaped our civilisation, so did christians ”

    So which one are you? Greecs or Romans?

  32. ROB

    Call me a heathen bastard, but I more or less agree with the concept. As long as you live a good life trying to better both yours and others you will reach “Heaven”.

  33. Mike Mose

    Opray is a teacher of false doctrine, and will reap the results of her teaching. A teacher is held to a higher account. Instead of teaching the love of Jesus and the resurrection she has dis avoid the very thing that every believer believes.
    God is truth and light. Their is no confusion in the hearts or minds of believers. Opray is a new age guru that has been taught in a black liberation theology church and quite obviously other unknown places. If she can attend that church and not realize the death that is preached and taught, then God is not within her. The results are not eternal live but separation.

  34. franchie

    So which one are you? Greecs or Romans?

    I suppose you’ll tell me :lol:

    anyway I find it signifiant that you didn’t mention “Christians”

    though, behaviourally, I was bred Christian
    culturally, I owe a lot to the Romans for our language and our social infrastructures, at a lesser point to the Greecs, that “néanmoins” settled in many parts of the mediterranean coast of France, the most famous place is Marseille (Massilia)
    Artistically, I owe a lot to the greecs, for having defined the codes of the ideal human mensurations, and thus aesthetic ; should I recall you Plato definition of what is “good” ?
    socially, I owe to France my education and my roots.
    otherwise, genetically, I owe to the Francs and to the Croates what I am today : an impertinent commenter. :mrgreen:

  35. doubleglock

    franchie - cute. impertinent commenter :mrgreen: cute. Your an ornorary American. Myself - all red, white and blue - but in my heart I’m 1/8 jeep cherokee.

  36. Jerb

    @ Spencer

    Common mistake in logic. Religion is not what’s wrong with mankind. Politics in not what’s wrong with mankind. countries is not what’s wrong with mankind. It’s us. It’s the fact that Adam and Eve sinned in the garden and since then, we all are sinners. Once you add man into any equation, there is a possibility of it going bad. It can happen in any and all aspects of earthly existence.

    God sought to correct this by taking a group of people (the Israelites) and hammering into them for centuries about what kind of God he is. However, they, like too many in our country, failed to understand it, and became ritualistic, political, and insincere. This is where Jesus came into the equation.

    With Jesus, you don’t need to be born a Jew, sacrifice lambs, be a “good” person, lead a “good” life, or give enough money to the poor to get to heaven. Not that any of those are wrong things, but they, in themselves will not get you into heaven. That is what God sought to correct. The Jewish leaders in Christ time thought they we’re “buying” or “earning”, so to speak, their way to heaven because of how “spiritual” and “holy” they were in the eyes of their fellow men, er, uh, I mean God.

    So Jesus evened the playing field and made it a simple choice: You either believe that Jesus is the one true son of God and, by extension, his death on the cross guarantees your salvation or you don’t. This is a choice anyone make, no matter who you are. That’s what it all boils down to.

    Now, it would be nice and grand if all you had to do to get to heaven is be a “good” person and lead a “good” life, but if that were the case, why did Jesus need to come down here at all? Seems a bit unnecessary for God to send His one and only son to die a horrible death for me to get to heaven if all I have to do is be a “good” guy.

    Now, you don’t have to believe what I have just said, Spencer, and that is your right. Nor would I ever dream of imposing this view on you or anyone else, but neither will I water it down or play down the message of Jesus as being “Just be nice, and kind, and pleasant, and don’t worry about the details”. That is not how God wants things done.

    Jesus did not send us out into the world to force people to convert, but to speak the truth. After that, it’s up to them.

    @ ROB You heathen bastard! …sorry, couldn’t resist :P

  37. littlefox(JAG )

    :arrow: ROB

    How do you live a good life?

    I suppose most PEOPLE think I am “good”
    I try to help others all day long…but I KNOW what EVIL nature lies in me…who would I be lets say had I been born in the ghet of Bangkok (I’ve been there and wrote a story about it in ‘96.)
    My point is we are ALL capable of the worst evil given the right or wrong circumstances.

    :arrow: Hey Pat, Bash will you help me out here

  38. sully

    “anyway I find it signifiant that you didn’t mention “Christians””

    Why? You aren’t one. That left only Greecs and Romans.

    “..though, behaviourally, I was bred Christian..”

    Yeah. What the likely source of any values you do possess.
    At least when they are convenient.
    At what point did you decide you were better off worshipping yourself?

    “..should I recall you Plato definition of what is “good” ?”

    Ever the poser eh franchie? Would that be the “absolute good” that you deny exists?

    “…I owe to the Francs and to the Croates what I am today : an impertinent commenter. ”

    You flatter yourself.

    socially, I owe to France my education and my roots.

  39. Dan (The Infidel)


    An agnostic is one who is unsure of a “God”. Not someone who is open to religion.

    So what is your basis for making a moral judgement on Black Liberation Theology?

    Seems to me Sully is right. You sound just like Oprah.

    Lstly Christianity DID end slavery. The abolishionist movements in both England AND America were led by Christians. I mentioned Wilberforce. Guess you never heard of him?

    “very little good comes out of Religion in relation to how much bad does. So many wars have been fought in the name of God, Allah, and other pegan religions.”

    You are a relativist. You are not an agnostic. Your comments reflect a background in Chomsky, Alinsky and the Orientalist ideas of Edward Said.

    You are not a critical thinker a product no doubt of whatever socialist pubic school you go to.

    Your lack of discernment and intellectual inquiry, and lack of knowledge of history is pathetic.

    You should move to Europe, you’d fit right in. But if you choose to stop in here and post your relativist nonsense prepare to be challenged.

    And I suggest you go back and read the rest of the counter comments to yours. They are all spot on. And they reflect the wisdom and discernment on the topic that you lack.

    Grow up kid.

  40. Dan (The Infidel)


    Atheism, socialism, communism, marxism, are all “isms” that subsume God and his laws. These “isms” grant mankind the right to make their own rules thus ensuring the rise of such luminaries as Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, OBL, Ghenghis Khan and host of other small tyrants of history.

    Atheism and socialism are the bane of real tolerance as expoused nicely by Chompsky, Zinn, Alinsky and Said. Their empty philosophies have ensured that Christianity is the only legalized form of descrimination in the West.

    While others, such as the WBC and Islam get to hide under the rubric of religion and get a pass for misrepresenting the One True God.

    Be advised, an agnostic is not someome open to religion. It is someone who is unsure of God’s existence. I wouldn’t call that being open-minded about religion.

    Also is a bad term. Religion is a man-made construct that offers some sort of eternal reward for good behavior….ie following some sort of man-made rules.

    Christianity on the other hand is not about religion. Its about relationship. It is only through the shed blood of Christ can one attain “Paradise”, no amount of rule-following or just being a “good” person is enough to attain that goal since “There is none righteous…no not one…except Jesus Christ”. So no amount of works is sufficient to gain entrance to heaven.

    All religions lead to the same end. Only one relationship leads to a different end state.

    You can cite all the relativist goble-dee-gook all you want to. You are an excellent parody of the modern-day school system. So when are you going to stop being a parrot and start thinking for yourself?

  41. 31Mike

    “We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not on the power of government…[but] upon the capacity of each and every one of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”

    “Before any man can be considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe.”

    James Madison

  42. Dan (The Infidel)

    :arrow: 31Mike

    Bravo Zulu 31Mike. Well said. :beer:

  43. German Dragon

    I would love to jump into this debate, but this weekend I’m up to my butt in debugging a spam filter I wrote for a company and so all I have time to post are these observations.

    In the video, if I’m not mistaken Oprah’s guest was Betty Eadie, who back in the latter ’80s wrote “Embraced by the Light” in which she described her Near-Death Experience. For full disclosure, I should mention that I, too, had an NDE back in 1992 and which led me to spend 15 years researching spirit phenomena, NDEs, religious demonology and exorcism, etc., etc. Before 1992 I suppose I was your typical Evangelical/Fundamentalist who argued from the Bible without actually having any corroborating evidence to substantiate my conclusions. Since 1992 my goal has been to understand the Bible — in its original languages — as revealed by God’s handiworks, namely His creation and how it works.

    With that disclosure out the way, let me say that science in its purest form is not the enemy of Christianity. If anything, science is the discovery of God’s creation and how it works, so that we can better understand God and His Word. Where we SHOULD be skeptical is when so-called “scientists” attempt to hide behind their Ph.D.s in order to advance an atheistic/political agenda, and use their political influence to silence those scientists that disagree. The Global Warming hoax is but one example. The “Theory of Evolution” is another that’s been rife with hoaxes, starting with Piltdown Man.

    Agendas notwithstanding, science will never disprove God nor His Word. It can and will mercilessly demolish and debunk religious traditions, teachings and doctrines, Christian or otherwise, that are NOT rooted in His Word, but it will not disprove His Word. And is that such a bad thing? Of course not!

    Since the mid-70s, when Dr. Raymond Moody published “Life after Life,” many hundreds of thousands of Near-Death Experiences (such as Betty Eadie’s) have been compiled, analyzed, and reported. A number of things about God has been revealed from this research, and, in my opinion, perhaps the greatest of these is how bolluxed up we Christians have gotten in our doctrines over the last 2,000 years, especially where God’s Love for His creation is concerned.

    Jesus did not come here to establish a new “religion.” He came here to ratify and execute a Blood Covenant between the Father and Himself, in which we come in through Jesus’ side and wherein Jesus is the “shock absorber” for when we goof up so that the Father can deal mercifully with us, rather than kill us in our sins.

    This mercy also extends to beyond the grave. When we die, we pass through a “tunnel” in which God helps us to let go of the world and, for some, to be reconciled with Him through Christ before we emerge on the other end, so that when we do stand before His judgement seat, the verdict will be favorable towards us. Why does God do this? As Jesus said, “It is not the will of my Father that any should perish, but that all come into the knowledge of the Truth.” In short, we lost sight of just how seriously God takes the salvation of His creation and His desire to lose none of it to the Devil, and instead substituted a doctrine based in fear that says, “if you don’t accept Jesus as Lord and Savior before you PHYSICALLY die, then you go to Hell for eternity.” I don’t have time to delve into it, but that doctrine is simply wrong and not supported by the available evidence.

    Now, don’t presume I’m advocating you can live a life of sin without consequences. No. If you sin, it will find you out. And if you make a pact with a demon, you’re in deep doo-doo. (Also, if you were never water-baptised, this would be a good time to do so.) But, the mercy of God extends beyond the grave. No one is beyond His reach, as Paul described in Romans.

    And which brings me to Oprah’s comments. To paraphrase the maxim, “All roads lead to Romans.” From NDE research, the path of salvation could be likened to a tree in which you start at some leaf. No matter how many leaves or twigs the tree has, they all eventually merge into one trunk. If, at the outset, you commit to following your spiritual journey to its conclusion, like the tree you ultimately come to Jesus and His Sacrifice on everyone’s behalf. And until you resolve that, you progress no further. And it’s not that God will reject you, because He’s got nothing but time to spend with you, alone, in that tunnel, as you become reconciled to the fact that Jesus truly is you Best Friend.

    And the “Jesus dilemma,” if I may so phrase it, is this: Because of our fallen human nature, God understands we can never become righteous before Him. We cannot earn salvation, because the sin nature is there to blot out our best works. And forget about reincarnation, especially the bastardized version the West created out of Tibetan tradition, you would be getting re-dunked in this sewer with every rebirth and thus going down instead of climbing up.

    No, what was needed was a means of throwing us a life-line to grab onto, so God can haul us out of here. But God had to do it in a way that kept his sworn enemy, Satan, from escaping this cesspool. And the way God did it was to require us to acknowledge that we need Him and cannot do it on our own. In short, we “bow the knee” to Him and ask His help. So, Jesus became the divine “12-step program” in which we take the first step of admitting we have a problem that we cannot solve on our own. That allows God to set the agenda for delivering us as we follow Him, while keeping Satan from escaping this place.

    As for Oprah, well, I’ll be generous and say she’s out there with the twigs. Hopefully she will eventually get down to the trunk but that’s between her and God. Even Oprah isn’t beyond God’s reach.

    Out of time, gotta get back to work.

  44. franchie

    Ever the poser eh franchie?

    yeah, you had the weakness to find me OK in the post about “symetries”, now I humbly acknoledge that your are the BIG BOSS of course, I have no word to say it, my mouth is sometime closed

  45. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Spencer:

    I place my country, my family and myself way above anything that i cannot see or feel.

    You are a sorry individual.

  46. sully

    “you had the weakness to find me OK in the post about “symetries”..”

    Nah…. Just exploring your professed creds in art and art history.
    Fail again.

  47. dilly

    Hahaha that is priceless when Oprah points out that a person could follow a loving righteous path, but still be in a remote place and have happened to have never heard of Christ, and STILL get to heaven. The religious ladies take a 3 second pause as they realize she’s correct, and then their childhood doctrine kicks in and they babble around her point. Classic childwashing. I have no love for Oprah, but she just owned these ladies flat out.

  48. Mark Tanberg

    That damn lag time post thing “I can add nothing” then I get put below SPENCER and his remark. Just my luck
    Hey Spence read German Dragons post Those are well said.

  49. franchie

    sully, you have no clue in art and aesthetic for sure, I wonder if you really teach philosophy ; but a boring preacher more probably

  50. Andria

    And all my nice stay at home Mommy friends worship Oprah and think she is a good Christian. In turn they think that her being supporting Barak Hussein makes him a good Christian too. Idiots!!!!!!!! :twisted:

  51. Jerb

    @ Dilly

    …yeah, or it took them 3 seconds for them to remember what the answer to such a question is.

    Seriously, Christianity has been around for 2000ish years. Don’t you think that maybe someone else has asked a Christian this question in the 1990ish years leading up to this Oprah show? Hearing critics of Christianity today, it leads me to believe they think that their arguments are original…

    And isn’t it conceivable that maybe a couple Christians or two in the last 2000ish years have thought of a suitable answer to such a question? I know, I’m just grasping at straws…

  52. franchie

    what is it the religion you believe in ?

    is pentecotism, methodism, evangelism… ?

    is the virginity of Mary a question ?

    seen from here, in the global communauty of the roman catholics, the different appellations seem a bit like “sects” among our former adversary, the protestant church

    which one would you yourself recall from : Luther or Calvin ?

  53. sully

    so you can look it up on the net and pretend to be knowledgeable enough to debate?

  54. franchie

    that’s were your wrong. I prefer to read your “sincere” explanation, question of empathy

    BTW, your not in rest for the “knowledgeable enough to debate”, anyone the net library for quotations, for old billets??? can’t say it’s from your own elaboration, just that you add them as exemples for enforcing your dires, “lesquels” are almost peaks of a supposed ironical humor. I confess sometimes you are good at them though.
    Anyway,that doesn’t show that your self confident.

    I have been rereading what you said on your religious beliefs and on secularity.
    methinks that you choose to adhere to that religion ( http://www.matt-sanchez.com/2008/08/a-democrat-nigh.html )club, because you don’t feel strong as you pretend to be

  55. sully

    It’s obvious that you think very highly of your meager abilities.
    Which reminds me…
    You never answered my question.
    When did you start worshipping yourself?

  56. franchie

    since I met a self worshipped fellow like you :mrgreen:

    he, your worshipping me either :mrgreen:

    I don’t expect you being honest

  57. sully

    And I don’t expect you to be edifying in any way nor any good judge of character. Mine or yours.

  58. franchie

    the eastern coast rising sun of the day says its first pukin decreat

    lots of water runnin in between

    I don’t fuckin care on the wernern coast downing sun of the day :mrgreen:

  59. J. Peaslee

    You’ve never even taken the time to study the Bible, yet you claim to know so much? Where do you get the gall to pass judgment on anyone?

    Arrogance! The first time I’ve ever met a Bible-thumper (for yes, that is what you are) who not only relishes their ignorance of the Word, they PROCLAIM it. Nicely done. I didn’t realize the two could be mixed.

  60. franchie


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