Oprah Winfrey’s Racist Comments

September 11th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.

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18 Responses

  1. Howie

    I would love to see the shit storm that would come if Bill Gates said the same things replacing white for black!!

    And people wonder why we still have race problems?

    Semper Fi!!

  2. sully


  3. SOC

    She is a racist elitest who thinks Obama’s shit does not stink…puke

  4. David Marcoe

    This woman is worth over a billion dollars, has a media empire, is beloved by millions, and yet she stills spews this crap…

    There was a time this woman had nearly as unimpeachable a reputation as Mr. Rogers or Richard Simmons; someone so truly good and wholesome that you couldn’t dislike her, even if you criticized her. Now, the mask has slipped and Saint Oprah ain’t so saintly.

  5. Jarhead68

    But…but…but…I thought she was color blind. And…and…and I thought negroes couldn’t be racist. Oh, my world is falling apart. Lawdy, lawdy, hep meh. Dem crackuhs is keeping me down.

  6. ji

    I forget the bible verse, but its something like this: The bitterness/darkness of the heart, comes out of the mouth.

  7. ji

    Or birds of a feather flock together.
    Wasnt she raped and abused by a black man when young.

  8. funny_face

    to ji
    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
    Now we know what is in her heart.

  9. RememberOurFathers

    I guess I’m bad white folk. :twisted: :beer:

  10. infidel

    What church did she go to??

  11. David Marcoe

    What church did she go to??


  12. scnative

    Funny how during the last clip she all of a sudden has an accent of a generic African origin while she’s speaking.

  13. AmericanJarhead

    Not working… Did You Tube take it down?

  14. Poe


    … not really.

  15. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: Dave M
    Richard Simmons? WTF is that comment?
    BTW; Oprah sucks an is a racist. Nothing new to me. :!: :!: :!: :!:

  16. billie (barracuda)

    :arrow: ji:

    “What the heart is full of, the mouth will utter.” Probably King James version.

  17. billie (barracuda)

    I can just see it now: Oprah and Pamela Anderson starting their own “View.” And (stoned) Sharon Stone would be a good fit, and even Cindy Crawford or Charlize Theron.

    Yep, that would be something. But there needs to be a token conservative, so, heck, let’s ask Patricia Heaton to round out the group. Isn’t Hollywood grand? :???:

  18. alan

    Id hit it

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