Pakistan Issues Orders To Start Killing US Invaders

September 14th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


All I can say, we must have gotten someone VERY big this week in the drone strikes…..

Related: From Today

Us Or Them? Pakistan Sends Their Fighter Jets To Tribal Region

The Australian
September 13, 2008

KEY corps commanders of Pakistan’s 600,000-strong army issued orders last night to retaliate against “invading” US forces that enter the country to attack militant targets.
The move has plunged relations between Islamabad and Washington into deep crisis over how to deal with al-Qa’ida and the Taliban

What amounts to a dramatic order to “kill the invaders”, as one senior officer put it last night, was disclosed after the commanders - who control the army’s deployments at divisional level - met at their headquarters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi under the chairmanship of army chief and former ISI spy agency boss Ashfaq Kayani.

Leading English-language newspaper The News warned in an editorial that the US determination to attack targets inside Pakistan was likely to be “the best recruiting sergeant that the extremists ever had”, with even “moderates” outraged by it.

The “retaliate and kill” order came amid reports of unprecedentedly fierce fighting in the Bajaur Agency of Pakistan’s tribal areas, an al-Qa’ida stronghold frequently mentioned as the most likely lair of Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri.

At the same time, a series of brutal killings by the militants were reported.

The beheaded bodies of two of nearly 40 police recruits abducted a week ago were found near the town of Hangu. Their discovery follows warnings that the recruits would be put to death, one by one, unless Pakistan stopped its big offensive in Bajaur.

The bodies of three local Bajaur men who had been shot in the neck were also found yesterday. Notes were attached declaring the men to have been spies.

In a day of what appears to have been unrelenting combat in Bajaur, helicopter gunships, heavy artillery and tanks were used to strike al-Qa’ida targets.

Officials said at least 100 militants had been killed, bringing the number who have died in the six weeks since the offensive was launched to well over 700. The figure is regarded as remarkable, given that NATO forces in Afghanistan seldom achieve a “kill” rate of more than about 30 in any single operation. Many of those killed are reported to have been “foreign fighters” - mostly Arabs and Central Asians, who have been flooding into Pakistan’s tribal areas to join al-Qa’ida and the Taliban.

Ground troops are said to have moved into key areas formerly controlled by the militants, despite a promised ceasefire marking the holy month of Ramadan.

“We launched strikes against militant hideouts in Bajaur and destroyed several compounds they were using,” an official was quoted as saying.

The order to retaliate against incursions by “foreign troops”, directed specifically at the 120,000 Pakistani soldiers deployed along the border with Afghanistan, follows US President George W. Bush’s authorisation of US attacks in Pakistan.

Washington’s determination to launch such attacks has caused outrage across Pakistan, with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani last night strongly backing a warning by General Kayani that Pakistan would not allow its territorial integrity to be violated.

The “kill” order against invading forces, and the sharp deterioration in relations with the US, has far-reaching implications for the war on terror.

Anger at all levels in Pakistani society was summed up last night in The News, not normally sympathetic to the militants.

“There is an escalating sense of furious impotence among the ordinary people of Pakistan,” the newspaper said.

“Many - perhaps most - of them are strongly opposed to the spread of Talibanisation and extremist influence across the country: people who might be described as ‘moderates’.

“Many of them have no sympathy for the mullahs and their burning of girls’ schools and their medieval mindset.

“But if you bomb a moderate sensibility often enough, it has a tendency to lose its sense of objectivity and to feel driven in the direction of extremism.

“If America bombs moderate sensibilities often enough, you may find that its actions are the best recruiting sergeant that the extremists ever had.”

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32 Responses

  1. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    That’s one hell of a big country that sure the hell ain’t got very much, if any, control over anything inside it.

  2. Max

    Let’s see now: Pakistan has a seething, infected mass of terrorists growing exponentially in the tribal areas that threatens not only Pakistan and Afghanistan, but the entire world, and they are doing precious little to stop it.

    Now they’re mad at us for trying to stop the terrorists because they won’t? Hmmmm.

  3. Eric

    “a warning by General Kayani that Pakistan would not allow its territorial integrity to be violated.” Except of course, if the violators are Muslim terrorists who behead 40 police recruits.

    As Bush said initially before Foggy Bottoms gave him “wisdom”, you are either for us or against us in the fight against Islamic terrorists.

    I guess we finally have the stomach to stop hoping against hope that the Pakistanis are actually for us. Reality stinks especially when they have nukes they give away to Iran and god know who else. But you can’t win a war till you know who the enemy is.

  4. sully

    The fucks were too chicken shit to go after terrorists in the areas we ARE going in… and they ARE going to come after us?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  5. johnF

    Sully, that is one damn fine point you make there!

  6. Andy (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    Welll as I return homee for the night: grab their nukes! A-stan iss an awfully close proximmity to Crapistan. When they dropped Musharraf, we knew things were going from bad to worst out there. If a few Pakis get killed in our attacks, too fugggin bad.

  7. AZ Patriot (Merchant of Death)

    :arrow: Andy

    Dead on!

    The only people in Pakistan that were even remotely aligned with us were Musharraf and his supporters the rest hated our guts. Now that he is gone the veil has been rent and we can now see them for the enemies that they are. There is no one left to hide behind.

    They were never afraid to go into those areas, they never would go in there and fight them because Pakistan’s military is sympathetic to their cause.

    This can be a very dangerous situation for our men and women and the other NATO forces fighting in that theater because Pakistan is a nuclear nation and theirs actually work, there is no questioning that. People can joke all they want to but these people are just crazy enough to fire a few tactical nukes in our peoples direction.

    Remember what happened when Alexander came to this part of the world, he found out the hard way that the “monkey people” didn’t fight with the same value system he was used too seeing.

    If it was me I’d pull my troops back to a safe location and just nuke them from space.

  8. This Guy

    Orders to kill us for killing the sons-of-bitches that are killing your people?

    Good. Kill ‘em all.

  9. Mike_WW

    “an escalating sense of furious impotence”

    Kinda sums up Islam.

  10. franchie

    I tell ya, Pakistan is the next war agenda, not Iran or Russia, othewise they would already have tasted it

  11. mindy abraham

    Let’s hope we can defend ourselves, I mean are legally able to do so, against them if our guys should meet up with their guys. I know oour guys can take care of themssleves physically, but I hope they are allowed to do so.

  12. mindy abraham

    I meant themselves(can’t type before coffee) :oops:


    clean up your own backyard bitches

    and when your the BDBastard where is there a source of law or even enforcement

    i didn’t see the bolsheveks pull out of gori georgia till the United States BigDickBastard gods of thunder and lightning and master of nuclear power and weapons -show up and ask whats up bitch?

  14. CPLViper

    3 words … FREE FIRE ZONE!

    Hit ‘em and hit ‘em hard. The entire tribal area is free game now. Paki jets come at us and they will get shot down, no doubt about it. A nuke pops off and Pakistan will be glowing for 1000 years.

    Fuck the middle east … we have enough oil right here and are developing the technology not to need it. Other than oil, I can fit in my pocket all of the benefits of allowing the middle east to exist and not just turning the entire place into glass.

  15. GF

    Say cheese! :shock: & :eek:

  16. franchie

    say wine :mrgreen:

  17. Dave

    :arrow: Franchie, you are starting to sound like the rest of us?

  18. Storm 0311

    We have to stay away from this one.
    That country sure is hell isn’t worth one American life.

    please no boots on the ground.
    Let’s just clean out all that old ordinance that we have stored everywhere and send in the drones.

  19. SOC

    Kayani is the taliban…. Now we have to take on Pakistan?..
    When does it end?

  20. franchie

    Dave, say that to the preacher, he still believes that I am a moral relativist dhimmy that endorses every pro pal-islam-propaganda

  21. Corey Wayne

    I think it is all bullshit talk for the Pakistani government to say publicly they will fight our troops (the same ones who are training and equipping their military) while privately they look the other way.

    They are just playing politics with their own people.

  22. streeter

    “…ordered to engage and kill the Americans…”, strikes me that the only thing this will lead to is mass desertions on the Pak side.
    Pak soldier: “fight the D-boys, are you nucking futs?!”

  23. 83delta (dry heat)

    Me thinks the Paks are talkin the talk here, for “home consumption.

  24. sully

    “…I am a moral relativist dhimmy that endorses every pro pal-islam-propaganda”

    You are and you do.

  25. Kentucky Jim


    I do not think it will end anytime soon. Last time the radical muslim forces got wound up it took the west 1,000 years to return to peace and order.

  26. tedders

    “Me thinks the Paks are talkin the talk here, for “home consumption.”

    Exactly, they aren’t going to endanger their yearly US aid check!

  27. franchie

    You are and you do.

    I don’t care, Abbé Tartuffe, that’s doesn’t empech me to vote

  28. Dan(The Infidel)

    “Leading English-language newspaper The News warned in an editorial that the US determination to attack targets inside Pakistan was likely to be “the best recruiting sergeant that the extremists ever had”, with even “moderates” outraged by it.”

    Me: Like the jihadist scum have not been able to recruit demented miscreants before? More taqiyya from the “moderate” followers of the false prophet.

    Impotent is a good word to describe the Pakis. They don’t have the stomach for the kind of warfare that is necessary to drive out their fellow members of the cult of the damned.

    The US on the other hand isn’t afraid of going one-on-one with the “misunderstanders of the religion of peace” (sarcasm intended).

    Declaring all of Waziristan a free-fire zone is a great idea. Anyone who supports a Taliban or AQP, or AQA or the MMA, IS a terrorist as is subject to the harshest saction possible….immediate death either by SF ground OPS or a JADAM fired from a Predator.

    The third most important battlespace after Iraq and Iran is Waziristan. It should be Europe’s primary target in this Third Great Jihad against the West.

  29. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Yeah, good luck with that…. :roll:

  30. sully

    “the best recruiting sergeant that the extremists ever had”,

    :roll: Just the same old ‘fighting terrorism creates terrorism’ meme the left has been spewing since 9/11.

  31. Humbled Infidel

    I really look forward to hearing what Michael Yon has to say tonight. I want all information from where he’s standing.

  32. Mark F

    Lying to your own people is standard procedure for muslim governments so maybe its fake anger to prevent suicide more attacks.

    But its good to know there are terrorists flooding into a known area.


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