Quote Of The Day: Gov. Sarah Palin

September 3rd, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


It hasn’t even been a week since Sen. John McCain’s announcement of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his VP running mate. In that short amount of time I have seen one woman … a mother of five, a woman with backbone, and a woman who gets things done … “change” the Republican Party from one that has been treated and viewed as unforgiving, unmovable, intolerant, racist, sexist and a bunch of old white men.

And this woman has even ‘changed’ the concept of feminism in this country from victim to champion.

In the last couple days we have seen the public school system that Obama and his friend ‘crafted’ disappoint and fail the families and children of Chicago.

Here you have an ‘old white man’ decide to trust a woman and mother as his second in command.

And over here you have a long-winded speech-i-fier whose Hollywood produced speech of less than a week ago has been washed away by a Hurricane called Gustav, and buried by an 8.0 Alaskan earthquake called Sarah …

Exactly whose been able to ‘change’ things more efficiently in a short amount of time, and against the slings and arrows of a vicious media?

Who do you trust to ‘change’ things the right way … and to leave things alone that should NOT be changed?


“In politics, there are some candidates who use change to promote their careers,” she said in a barbed reference to Obama and his campaign theme. “And then there are those, like John McCain, who use their careers to promote change.” - Gov. Sarah Palin

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57 Responses

  1. T-Bagg (I was kidding)

    :lol: :beer:

  2. Steve in NC

    The McCain/Palin campaign is hijacking the ‘change’ and ‘not another 4 years of Bush’ campaign of the obama campaign.

    The empty suit is having his teeth pulled, it will get very ugly before this ends.

    I am popping the corn now, grab a beer and pull up a chair.

  3. RC

    A quick heads up to folks who might be trying to watch the GOP convention live online:


    enjoy! Go McCain/Palin 08!!

  4. Chuck

    :arrow: Steve in NC

    I’m right there with you. This is good.

  5. foxops

    I’m watching this right now and Palin has dead-checked every democrat within sight.

  6. Dbo

    wow! Palin! Gosh, I hate to sound like a flamin lib but I feel happy!

  7. NickD

    DAMN……..Palin knocked it out of the park, big time. This is really going to frost some lefty cookies tonight….. :twisted: :twisted:

    McCain/Palin 2008!!

  8. Steve in NC

    incredible, simply incredible

  9. Dbo

    she rocked that speech!

  10. trapper

    GRANDSLAM!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  11. IP727

    Iron fist in the velvet glove. Kicking ass and taking names.

  12. Hardball1911

    I am absolutely sitting here almost tearing up. I am entirely impressed in her ability to stand before America and speak the truth as though it is natural.

    By that, I mean that it is as natural for most politicians to speak lie after lie as though it were truth, yet they stumble when called on to speak a truth. Her ability to deliver honesty and integrity in her speech was amazing to me.

    “when the roar of the crowd dies down, and the styrofoam greek columns are back in some studio, what is his plan?” She outlined the plan very well, including the “fine print” as she called it.

    Count me in on the “hawt for Palin” crowd. Is it bad if you admire your vice presidential candidate not only for her skills as a speaker, but for that school marm look as well? (My wife has already forgiven me for that…)

  13. CPLViper

    Simply put, I fuckin’ LOVE her! She made a great speech with a brillant delivery. Joe Biden is in deep shit if he has to debate her.

  14. TBinSTL (just typical)

    and now she’s gonna make Obama sleep in the wet spot.

  15. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: foxops

    I’m watching this right now and Palin has dead-checked every democrat within sight.


    You got that too, eh? Had one shot for each of them and put them DOWN. Even Pelosi.

    Remember, as Veep she gets to sit right damn beside Nancy Pantsy … HEHEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Rock

    you know, just hearing all the things she has done for alaska, i would vote for Sarah Palin as president McCain wasn’t running. I think she is exactly what we need in the House today. And she had a great point. Obama has written 2 books since he has been in office. He has not done ANYTHING for the government that he is supposed to be working for! IF he ever became president, all the clicks and whistles will die down, the lights will go out and he will shit his pants when he realizes he is in over his head. what was his reaction to Gustav! NOTHING. what was his reaction to Georgia!? 3 days after McCain said what to do, he came to the same conclusion. when something happens off schedule and he doesnt have a script to read, he doesnt know what to do.

  17. sully

    LMAO!! Pit bull with lipstick!!! GO PALIN!!! :beer: :beer:

  18. Texas Mom (Sarah Palin Rocks)

    I watched with my neighbor and my daughter. We were all standing and cheering! My daughter said, “I want to be her”!

    We were watching on NBC, I think, at my neighbors. Did anyone else see Piper lick her hand and wipe the head of the baby? It would precious and hillarious!

  19. bd



  20. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    :beer: :beer: :beer: We’re not worthy, we’re not worthy! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  21. Anderson S. Wise (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)


    You know the Dems wish they could have another convention just to reply to THIS speech. Obama was made out to be the zero he is. She didn’t even have to mention his radical associations to do it!!!

    The ball is on our hands, time to carry it into the end zone!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  22. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    :arrow: Texas Mom (Sarah Palin Rocks)

    I watched with my neighbor and my daughter. We were all standing and cheering! My daughter said, “I want to be her”!


    Not so sure you’d hear that about Hillary, poor girl … Hey! Wonder what Hillary thought about the speech and Sarah?

    Something like, oh I dunno … “Remember! You could have had MEEEEE!”

  23. Hardball1911

    Oh, damn, by the way, has anyone else noticed that she has yet to mention that she would be the FIRST female elected into “the white house”?

    Ya think it’s because she is focused on US as in AMERICA and not her herself? Kinda gives me goose bumps a bit. Makes me thank God that Ferraro and Hitlary both suffered the defeats in order to allow a TRUE American woman be the first.


  24. AFITGrad 86

    Sully you magnificent bastard (pardon the Paton reference) you stole my line! Talk about body checking the Dems!!! Wow they are going to wake up tomorrow black and blue and wonder what the heck happened! I swear she checked Obama into the cheap seats on a couple of those lines!

    If I was only lukewarm before I’m now one convinced person that she is the real deal …. don’t screw with this lady unless you want your ass handed to you!

  25. Silver Fox

    Sarah just ripped the Dems a new asshole. :beer:

  26. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    Gentlemen, let me be the first female to apologize to you for the ‘misunderstanding’ of the last 4 decades of “feminism” …

    THIS is what [we] meant by “equality” …

  27. Wendy

    WOW!!! Kick ass and take names later… I loved her jab at spineless Harry Dickweed :lol: The libtards are in way over their heads fucking with her. She is not going to take their shit or MSM shit. Watch out!!!! McCain/Palin 08

  28. bill-tb

    WOW! Reagan in a skirt.

  29. Texas Mom (Sarah Palin Rocks)

    Drill , , , Fumin’ , , , Hillary is Fumin’!


  30. T Double Dash

    Let the Libtards keep trying to bring it now! Excellent Excellent speech, and the Obama campaign’s response is “uh, it’s it was kinda like george bush’s speeches”. Eat Sh!t Obama sheeple. We are looking at an EPIC Fail in November for the obamessiah.

  31. Vehement

    Awesome speech! CLASSIC! Loved every minute of it! “Shatter the shit outta” that glass ceiling!

  32. trapper


  33. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    Somebody call McCain and tell him when W turns over the keys to Air Force One to him in January … hide the damn plane!

  34. writekede@aol.com

    When McCain greeted Sarah Barracuda and her family today after their flight, there were tons of Secret Service, all of them wearing shades. Some were female.

    I’ve heard that Laura Bush sometimes barbecues for her detail. Sarah will probably get up at 3:00 a.m. (just like she did when she was in school), shoot a moose, gut it, dress it, and turn it into steaks for her Secret Service agents.

  35. This Guy

    :arrow: Hardball1911

    Is it bad if you admire your vice presidential candidate not only for her skills as a speaker, but for that school marm look as well?


    You’re not the only one, man. Hot damn…

    Wow… I’m in love. Smarts, looks, the ability to kick the shit out of any scumbag that comes her way (and better than I can at that!)… what more do you want?! What more can you have? :beer:

    She would definitely have my vote if she were running for president. I wouldn’t even give it a second thought.

  36. fan

    What a speech, what a great woman, and soon to be VP.
    Finally a woman on the national stage I will be proud for my daughters to look up to.
    Especially since the ex :evil: thinks my daughters should look up to Hillary.
    It will be even better when she is the first woman Pres.
    I might disagree with McCain on a few things, but there can be no doubt about which ticket is the best for this country now and for the long term impact of appointing judges and increasing domestic energy, jobs and expanding the economy and keeping us and our kids safe.

  37. Mart (just another infidel)

    Sarah has made me feel good about voting for McCain… I would go as far to say, that my vote is actually for Sarah Palin. McCain made an brilliant choice.

    Four years of McCain and then he should not run for a second term due to age….then…. eight years of Sarah Palin.

  38. dadeo

    WOW Bona Fide Badass!

    I almost feel sorry for the poor little demoncrat weasels whose best of the best isn’t qualified to carry Sarah’s ammo bag.

  39. Bob

    A Mark Messier 1994 Game 6 vs. Devils Guaranteed Win,Hat Trick, Like Performance!
    Gov. Sarah Palin Hockey Mom Rules!

  40. Steve in NC

    :arrow: fan, I understand
    I have a 9 year old daughter, energetic, smart, athletic and a total go getter, I am so happy to have Palin as a someone for her to look to.

    Worried about your daughters looking to skanks as examples of successful women? Sarah Palin is your antidote.

  41. Hardball1911

    DRILL! I STILL LOVE YOU! (And I mean that with all due respect to your husband.)

    You absolutely rock!

    THIS is what you meant by feminism…. I grew up with two older sisters that GET IT too.

    It isn’t as much about equality as it is about QUALITY and the ability to share in the journey and founding of REALITY based decisions that affect us all together. (According to my oldest sister.)

  42. Kentucky Jim

    Conan the Librarian

  43. Hardball1911

    “Somebody call McCain and tell him when W turns over the keys to Air Force One to him in January … hide the damn plane!”

    No kidding! Could you imagine being the winning bidder on eBay for the plane formerly known as “Airforce One”?

  44. Allen TX

    Let me be the first to criticize. I would like to criticize . . . the audience. The one thing I feel about modern day speeches is that the audience interrupts too f*cking much! Sit down and shut up. If you want to hoot and holler you need to do it in the comfort of your own home, when listening to someone giving a speech you should respect the fact that they have more to say and a limited amount of time to say it. You can applaud when she’s done.

    My friend Angel kept text messaging me thru-out the coverage. She has more recently been introduced to the real political battlefield and not the spoon-fed diet you get in college. I believe she would have voted for Obama a year ago. Today she could barely contain her excitement. She wanted it to be Palin on the top of the ticket she loved her so much. I told her four years of McCain and then Palin will get her shot.

    I’m not a very good barometer of public opinion or perception. My brother in law David said to me, “You know, those women, in the fall are going to walk into the voting booth, see Obama’s name and think ‘FUCK YOU OBAMA!’.” I’d have to agree with him.

  45. Mark in WA

    Now the feminazis truly know what a feminist is. I’m married to a very smart, principled, and grounded woman. She is the greatest wife a guy could ask for. From what I’ve seen, Sarah Palin was formed from that same mold. God Bless her.

    I can not wait to see her battle Biden. There are too many on the left who are licking their chops at what they perceive to be a mismatch between Biden and Palin. With a like performance in the VP debate, the mismatch will be in Palin’s favor. The ass-kicking Biden receives at the hands this fine candidate will be pleasure to watch.

  46. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    Shit …

    I’ll bet poor Oprah cried her eye lashes off.

  47. Old Sailor

    How many ways can you say “WOW”! We have certainly witnessed history in the making, friends. That was an outstanding speech, and the Big Zero and his sidekick now know that they are in for the fight of their lives this election. If McCain/Palin don’t win a landslide victory, I will be surprised indeed.

    I can see it already in 2012: Palin vs Hillary; the first women Presidential candidates on both Republican and Democrat tickets in American history at the same time. I would be delighted to vote for her any day, any time.

    Great job, Sarah! Godspeed.

  48. dadeo

    :arrow: Drill

    LMAO, bet she had another change of life too!

    :beer: :lol: :beer: :lol: :beer: :lol:

  49. Walt

    Isn’t it strange…the NOW group used to whine and cry that women should be able to do it all…have a career and have children. WELL WELL, now we have a REAL woman and now they whine and cry that she can’t possibly do this. HYPOCRITES, anyone?

    BTW, you know how to get even with the Press? Any time you see, talk or write to a reporter, ask them if their daughters are whores. If they rebel, tell them that apparently is the standard the press has established for others so why not the same for them?

  50. mindy abraham

    :mrgreen: Missed the speech, but loved the quote

  51. Steve Rogers

    “I’ve heard that Laura Bush sometimes barbecues for her detail. Sarah will probably get up at 3:00 a.m. (just like she did when she was in school), shoot a moose, gut it, dress it, and turn it into steaks for her Secret Service agents.”

    I love it! Can you imagine those SecServ guys out in the bush, dark glasses and all? “Protecting” someone who is packing more firepower and may even be a better shot.

  52. franchie

    you people that like the kind of stories, possibly Jose M Aznar is the new Edwards that denies being the father of our arab minister of justice Rachida Dati’s future baby.
    She is also about 44 years old

    wasn’t Aznar your fervent christian alliee ?


  53. Mike Mose

    Palin speaks the truth and all that see the truth recognize it. Obama and Biden have boot prints all over their asses.


  54. Insensitive Conservative

    I’m gettin’ tingly feelings running up my leg….

  55. AFITGrad 86

    Looks like Sarah is channeling Teddy Roosevelt! Charge! Charge up Capitol Hill! Take no prisoners!

    Damn … Ya gotta love this lady… And stay with the hot librarian look … “Conan the Librarian” indeed LMAO

  56. Atom&Yves

    Palin had many good lines in her speech. It’d be difficult for me to pick a favorite. Anyone know where I can find a printable copy of her speech?

  57. Emma

    Mrs. Smith goes to Washington

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