Reporter Freaks Out After Getting Pepper Sprayed At RNC

September 4th, 2008 Posted By Bash.

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21 Responses

  1. DC

    Jeezus H Christ………..what a drama-queen!

    Hey, you dumb bitch, if you were in the right place to begin with, there never would have been a problem with the PD dropping gas on you and the rest of the shitballs in that riot.

    Why are they throwing gas everywhere? Because I’m sure you were told to disburse, and as usual, you didn’t do what you were todl to do…..GET IT?

  2. ROB

    Goddamn. It’s just tear gas. If it was mustard gas it’d be differenet. :shock: there’s an idea :lol:

  3. ticticboom (Will Kill For Oil)

    This is why smart reporters (if that’s not a condtradiction in terms) either don’t get stuck in the middle of a riot or make sure they have a way out.

    And if you know that getting tear gassed is a strong possibility, like you’re surrounded by violent anarchists/domestic terrorists, bringing a gas mask might not be a bad idea. You have an expense account, right?

    By the way, find some dignity.

  4. IP727

    DFC award pending

  5. Poe

    Lol, what a tart.

    You will know you have gone the right way when they stop throwing gas at you. :twisted:


    STFU you whining leftist bitch. I wish they had the balls to club you and your assfucking friends.

  7. TerribleTroy

    WTF? She wasnt even contaminated. So much for self composure eh?

  8. Rock

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i have never seen anyone freak out that bad about CS gas. that is an annual thing for Marines! what a boot!

  9. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    STFU you leftist retarded bitch.

  10. Crowley

    HA!! Cowardly little weaklings! :arrow: run you scared little faggots. Imagine what they’d be like if a counter-protest of military showed up and beat the hell out of them. :mad: Of course that is’nt half of what they really deserve for their constant open acts of treason :gun: !! Somethings gonna give. They can’t trample on the Constitution for their own gain and bass ackwards thinking.

  11. Jimmyb

    Yeah that’ll happen…. :mrgreen:

    I guees she didn’t get the memo that there was a 5pm curfew and that all protesters were to disburse after that.

    “they kept firing more gas….” yeah that’s generally a clue…. when they tell you to leave… leave….

  12. ji

    Jimmyb. Right on Right on Right on

  13. Bryan J

    My God, was that tear gas or sarin gas?

  14. HugoDePayenz

    I lol’d, yet another feeling oriented liberal.

  15. Gary in Midwest

    I think rubber bullets were in order!

  16. MsHyde

    A Darwin Award nominee.

    Mama Nature is brutal in culling the gene pool.

  17. Mike

    I have seen this vid before and it is ( from what I have read else where) not real. It is supposedly part of the Viral campaign for the next Cloverfield movie…..I can’t figure out how but if you watch it it really looks like a fake vid to me…..

  18. Wino

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was some funny stuff. Can you imagine this libtard reporter coming out of the gas chamber in basic training!!!! LOL!!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  19. doubleglock

    That’s some serious $hit - her eye makeup ran and everythin. :shock:

  20. Mike

    I have seen this vid before and from what I have seen previously it is not real. It is supposed to be part af the Viral Campaign for the Next Cloverfield movie. I have watched this vid several times and to mee something is not right with it and it seems fake to me and looks a lot like the filming in the first Cloverfield movie.

  21. Dogbert41 (Back it up, Bitch)

    It seemed to me that every protester brought along his own 5 lawyers and 10 reporters to make sure they didn’t miss anything.

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