Rubber Johnny
Nods for the reminder of such a great video from HugoDePayenz…
Nods for the reminder of such a great video from HugoDePayenz…
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Am…amI don acid?
September 15th, 2008 at 4:20 pmThat’s just disturbing…………
September 15th, 2008 at 5:31 pmWTF?
September 15th, 2008 at 5:43 pmwhat the hell is that thing…
September 15th, 2008 at 5:44 pmI always wondered what happened to Henry Spencer and Mary’s love child.
That child gonna make a lot of erasers…
September 15th, 2008 at 5:51 pmWTF? Why?
September 15th, 2008 at 7:09 pmI feel I’ve been used for some perv’s amusement.
Wooooah you looked it up XD
September 15th, 2008 at 7:53 pmJesus Christ! That was just plain fucking weird.
September 15th, 2008 at 7:57 pmI’m beginning to see a trend here, hhhmmmmmm. Professional help and perhaps modern pharmaceuticals might be in order.
September 15th, 2008 at 8:18 pmBash, dude, you should seriously think about adjusting your dosage…..
September 15th, 2008 at 10:32 pmI want my 6 min back
September 16th, 2008 at 12:22 amIf this is how my kids will turn out after injecting six hits of LSD, then I submit… Tap… Tap… Tap… (looks up to realize that God has removed all Faith from behind Door #1 as the handle turns)… Nooooo!… Tap…Tap… Tap… (looks up to see that God has removed all Hope from behind Door #2 as it swings open)… Nooooo!… Tap… Tap… Tap… (looks up to understand that God has removed all Love from behind door #3 as the handle knocks a hole in the wall)… Damnation Nooooo!… Tapp!.. Tap!.. Tap!!! (buries face in floor as every nail and splinter of wood comes crashing in around him while he realizes that God has removed all Grace from the universe!
Just a thought!
I like Rob and Steve’s replies (the erasers thing was funny as fuck!)… Does anyone happen to know what Michael Douglas was trying to tell us when he said “dEsTORtUHdbUYfOOOOD” then disappeared from site at the Eugene Oregon Dead show in ‘98? (Maybe this is a question better asked of Anne Coulter?)
Whooah dude? WTF! OK, I’m back again… Trippy shit! Did I mention “Heineken? Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!”
You got any money? Mmmmm, Butterscotch yo! That’s the best!
So, what does any of this have to do with where we all started in this post? If you can figure it out I’ll buy you a corn dog and a 40!
Oh and Bash, watch your back… Somebody had to kill the babysitter bro and those RugRatz look awful suspicious… damn near Chucky like when compared to the Cabbage patch kids… If someone was on top of their game they’d combine the two and call them trash bag babies or something like that!
September 16th, 2008 at 1:38 amJonny Mordant, rubber wearing nascar fan,
For a corn dog and a 40? I am racking my brain for an answer…
No malt liquor sh*t 40 either, unless it’s a mickeys in the green bottle. yea the green bottle, best on the lake with the radio baring so loud not even the carp are taking the bait
But I got two questions, you seen eraserhead and who’s car is gonna win it?
September 16th, 2008 at 6:17 amSteve in NC
Viewed “Eraserhead” about 3 weeks ago… (first time I had a chance to sit through the whole thing uninterrupted!)
I thought that “Rubber Johnny” and “Eraserhead” both made a good case for Birth Control and/or Self Control as a measure of reducing and/or preventing the consequence to others (No need for abortion)… I referenced lines in the movie “Kids” (a realistic representation of drug and alcohol induced irresponsibility amongst latch key kids in which the HIV infected main character Telly states: “Rubbers don’t work! They either break, or they slip off, or they make your dick shrink… Nah, but you still gotta use ‘em yo! At least I did… once!” see also;
The “Blue Velvet” reference ties together the Dead Show in ‘89 and various other imagery of Nitrous Oxide abuse:
The “Michael Douglas” reference:
The realities of drug abuse have proven time and again to be some fucked up shit! Bash is 100% correct when he says that “there are some doors that just shouldn’t be opened”! I’ve begun work on a documentary based on Mike D and others that I grew up with (I hope to begin recording interview footage sometime between December and February)…
With 9 races to go and only 177 points separating the #1 and #12 Chase drivers it’s still anyones Championship Cup…
After seeing Kenseth drop from 3rd to 42nd and then come back to make it into the Chase, while getting wrecked every time he gets his car running decent… I’m still an optimistic Kenseth Fan!
September 17th, 2008 at 3:01 am