Rumor Or Fact? Biden To Step Down Citing Health, Opening Door For Hillary

September 15th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Received not one, but two separate emails from contacts out in the field and I’ll just put them together and lay them out here.

They point to idea that the Obama Camp is trying to determine how to procede with their plan.

Basically it’s like this:

Sometime after October 5th Joe Biden will step down from being Barry Insane’s VP running mate citing health reasons, more than likely an aneurysm. The reason for the date is that there will be a VP debate in October 2nd, and they want Biden to handle that.

During his speech at the RNC, Rudy Giuliani cited Obama as being such a flip-flopper, that he said:

“Well, I’ll tell you, if I were Joe Biden, I’d want to get that V.P. thing in writing.”

This seems to be the only hope that the Obama campaign has of winning in November.

Will it happen? We’ll see.

Nods to Howieshead, Carolyn Vanzorge-NJ Gathering of Eagles Co-Ordinator.

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50 Responses

  1. Jewells

    I don’t see it happening. That will be the biggest flip flop in history.

  2. RememberOurFathers

    It could happen, and John Stewart will be slobbering all over both their dicks. :twisted: :gun: I just hate John Stewart.

  3. AmericanJarhead

    I can see this happening. Obama wants the office so bad he’ll do anything, rash or not.

    Clearly had he chosen Hillary originally, he’d be hard to beat. Now, he might go for the switheroo.

  4. Falshrmjgr

    Well it would be great for SNL, and that’s about it.

  5. Charlie Xray

    Can’t see Hill pulling his chestnuts out of the fire. She will let them burn with her sights on 2012. Even if he did dump Biden it is bound to backfire. BHO is toast.

  6. Andy (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    There is bad blood between the Clintons and Obamas, and Barack doesn’t want to be upstaged by two prima donnas.

    Many already thought he showed a “lack of confidence” by choosing Biden, so why further play up that perceived weakness, by changing his mind at almost the last minute?

    McGovern tried this, and it didn’t work out for him. Biden’s health doesn’t seem too bad–he can still run his mouth like no other!

  7. Jarhead68

    Here’s a better idea for the democRATS: O’bama drops out due to mental illness and Hillarity takes over with Biden as her second. Now THAT would be a winning ticket. I don’t think Obama can win with or without Hildebeast.

  8. trustme1013

    Oh hell no. Hell no. Hell no.

    #1 — if this does go through, there will be enough “insider info” to say that Biden was making it up.
    #2 — Hillary would want top billing, and I wouldn’t put it past her to make sure that she was wearing the pantssuit in the Oval Office before long. :gun: (Yes, I saw that episode of Prison Break!)
    #3 — Where tons of women have been screaming “Do you think we’re stupid?!” in regards to the Palin pick, they’ll really be screaming it now.
    #4 — Obama will look like the biggest douche in history.
    #5 — whereas I would’ve voted McCain to keep Obama out of office, I now vote McCain/Palin with pride, but if it’s Obama/Clinton, I’ll be voting to keep HILLARY away from White House place settings, art, furniture, silver, etc… Sooooo many people hate her ever-living guts. No way, Jose.

    And, my personal favorite:
    #6 — I take a leave of absence from my job and campaign against the ticket from Hell. I think tons of others would, too.

  9. Steve in NC

    Not good for my side if that goes down.
    It does not set Hillary up well for 2012, so maybe BS.

  10. sierrahome

    Paging Mister Foster, Mister Vince Foster–Mister Brown paging Mister Ron Brown–Paging Mister Obama Mister Barack Obama.

  11. James Hooker (Jihad THIS!)

    I told the old lady 3 days ago this would happen within the next 30 days :shock:

  12. Kim

    Boy oh boy, is Barry ever in a bind!

    If he keeps Biden, he’ll surely lose.

    If he picks Hillary and they win, he’ll have to sleep with one eye open. He would know better than anyone, how many people around the Clintons seem to die.

  13. Vanessa

    I am no Hill fan, but if i were her after they way obama treated her i would tell him to piss off and look forward.
    They treated her like shit played the race card on her etc.
    they made their bed they can lie in it.

  14. Brian

    I speculated this a few days ago myself and determined that this would blow the bullsh*t meter off the scale and, try as they may, the MSM may not be able to cover for Democrats this time.

  15. Marc

    The Average Joe voter will see through this and the ballots will reflect it on election day.Libtard Moonbats would love this development but any shift will be seen as what it is, an act of desperation.

    Sarah Palin changed the election and if things keep going the way they are I really would not be surprised for her to be the first Female POTUS some time in the future, much to Hillary’s disappointment.

    Hillary isn’t about to do any acts of charity towards Obamessiah, she wants him to lose and badly, she ain’t Mother Teresa she’s the Queen of Darkness.

    I found an interesting polling site:

  16. TBinSTL (just typical)

    They are getting more and more desperate so I wouldn’t put this past them but it will be an EPIC FAIL if they do. Hillary is probably smart enough to know this and being part of a losing ticket will not help her chances in 2012.

  17. CPLViper

    I think the switch would be the end of the Obama campaign. McCain’s campaign would have a field day with Obama’s inability to make a decision. I could hear the sound bite of Giuliani’s “get that in writing” getting played over and over. When it comes down to it, people want someone who can make decisions that do not have to be completely repealed … adjusted yes, started from scratch, no.

  18. JimC

    Doing this would only further enhance the weakness which is Obama. By swapping out Biden for Clinton, it would further show just how not ready Obama is to be top dog. This won’t happen. Hillary is already planning for 2012…

  19. TTS

    If this starts getting talked about on Fox News, they won’t try it. Obama will be stuck with the guy no one is talking about.

  20. alex

    If they are puppet’s of soros id say it is plausible if he wants a Dumbocrat in power badly enough. :???:

  21. Knottie

    political death :mrgreen:

  22. Howie

    Just a little background.

    This is supposedly coming from someone inside the DNC with close ties to the Clinton Camp; it was leaked right after Barry’s meeting with Slick Willie; and yes it would set the “Hildabeast” up for either 2012 or 2016!!

    Semper Fi!!

  23. LadyAngler

    What does it say for his(Obama) judgment if he were to change running mates mid election? And also… how would this benefit old Hill? Not at all… Hmmm… I’d think it’s horse shit, but I have tendency to base my thoughts in reason. So who the hell knows… the dems it to win. I wouldn’t put it past them.

  24. jasjfarrell

    If Biden bales, especially for health reasons, the MSM will cover for Biden make him look like a hero for sacrificing the Vice Presidency for his family.

    Bahama will make it sound like he is disappointed and will thank Hillary for taking Biden’s place.

    Sen. Toricelli was kicked out of the New Jersey Senate race by the democrats when he was expected to lose to a Republican.

  25. Tom in CO

    Uhhhbamuhhh strikes again

  26. Kermit

    It could stop the landslide loss, but Obambi is in a no win situation. McCain showed, with his pick of Palin, that no foreign leaders want to fuck with him. He will out flank any of them.

  27. German Dragon

    This is a great debate topic, because it can be successfully argued both ways. On one hand, I would say it’s BS because Obama will be blamed for not only losing the Presidential race but also for losing control of one or both Houses of Congress. That will allow the Clintons to go to war against everyone within the Dem party who favored Obama over Hillary in order to re-establish their strangle-hold on the party’s levers of power — and don’t doubt there won’t be unprecedented paybacks from the Clinton crime family come Nov. 5. In short, they will become the new kingmakers of the Dem Party for the foreseeable future.

    On the other hand, Hillary also must be calculating the Palin Effect on the electorate right now, and the likelihood McCain will only run for one term at which point it’ll be Hillary — with all of her baggage — running against Palin/Jindael.

    So, the calculus comes down to whether or not McCain will allow Sarah Palin to be his consience during his administration and thus setting her up for an easy win in 2012, or will McCain destroy Palin while in office to gratify his selfish lusts to play “maverick.” The outcome of that calculus determine whether or not Hillary could defeat Sarah in 2012, or if she needs to accept the VP position now in order to pre-empt her threat to ascendancy.

    That, of course, is the entirely self-absorbed Clinton calculation that won’t take into account her self-important arrogance that assumed this campaign was merely a formality leading to her coronation. What she didn’t take into account is her baggage that turned off so many voters, both Republican and Democrat.

    As for the McCain/Palin calculus, that entirely depends on John McCain. Based on his stump speeches of “how he bucked his own party,” the Global Warming hooey, alternative energies yadaa-yadaa, it is obvious he didn’t come up with Sarah Palin on his own. Indeed, the fact he was even considering Lieberman gives me pause for concern on how out-of-touch he is. But, in the end he did choose Palin proving he is receptive to sound counsel.

    I guess it depends on whom John McCain wants to “pay back” more as President: The GOP, or the Dems/MSM. If he remains open to sound counsel as President, Hillary will be facing an unstoppable Palin/Jindael ticket as John McCain’s swan song is to position the GOP to retain control of the WH and reclaim control of the Congress, with all the ramifications that implies. In that case, Hillary has no chance of winning, in 2012 or beyond, because President Bush’s domestic-issue excesses will be only a memory — and the Democrats were given their chance in 2006 and blew it.

    Anyway, it’s pizza and beer time. Anyone want to opine?

  28. GBU43

    I dont see Hillary doing this. It’s way to risky for her.

    Obama looks so weak that he cant even pick a VP let alone run a country.

    If they lose Hillary is done. She would rather he burned and go again in 4.

  29. Atom&Yves

    The meltdown continues and I’m loving it!! Either way, OBiden or OClinton, I think MacPalin will kick ass on 04NOV08.

  30. ji

    I can see the Democrats doing it. They never think things through. Its whatever feels good and right at the moment.
    I think it would help Obama. Not sure how much.

  31. Mike Mose

    In order for this to work, Biden’s dead body would have to rest in state. Otherwise, every American and yes Muslim will know it’s a set up. No one accepts a set up because it plays people for fools. Hillary is probably considering this right now (watch out Joe)and watching the polls. The Clinton’s were basically thrown away be the Democratic party, and would only get back in if they could control EVERYTHING, because if Obama loses, Hillary is top dog in 2012. The Democratic party would be destroyed if they chose Clinton over Obama. At this time it does not look like Obama will be President.

    Basically, the Clinton’s have used the entire Democratic party as a stooge.

    Every decision that Obama makes, people are watching now. Even the msm can’t help Obama now, the gig is up. Only those comatose don’t know.

  32. chay

    My sources say Hillary will be asked to be VP but she is going to say “Hell no”. Her best hope for a 2012 nomination is for Obama to lose, which is what she and Bill are trying to mastermind - an Obama defeat. The “Pig in a Pantsuit” can’t stand the “Empty Suit”.

  33. cathyann

    Is this why Bill Clinton said that Obama would win the election “handily” the other day?

  34. fan

    I would not be surprised if it would happen. Overall the demrats are about having power

  35. Q_Mech

    I’d love to see Obama dump Biden just to have Hillary say, “Oh fuck no.”

    hehehehe Who would he pick then? Lieberman? :lol:

  36. David

    What does she get if she does and they win? No chance in 2012.

    What does she get if she does and they lose? No chance in 2012.

    What does she get if she doesn’t and he wins? No chance in 2012.

    What does she get if she doesn’t and he looses? A chance in 2012.

    Her only chance in 2012 is if he continues to crash and burn. There is no benefit for her to do this.

  37. CPLViper

    :arrow: David

    Agreed … can you image what she would look like if she was to wait until 2016? 8 more years and 100 more wrinkles … her only chance is to give it another go in 2012 if she wants to be POTUS.

  38. Judith, typical White Ohioan

    I agree with David also. Hillary is a calculating bitch if she is anything and David’s evaluation is just correct to my thinking. But scares the hell out of me to just think about it.

  39. Rob

    I don’t think Lieberman is anywhere close to being dumb enough to run as VP with a traitorous black supremacist. Of course he’s a lying bastard too. Says he isn’t a black supremacist. Well I guess dressing up in robes and attending a Klan meeting doesn’t make you a white supremacist either. :roll:

    And yea, Hillary will never run with Obama. She’s crazy, didn’t you see SNL? But in all seriousness. If she thinks it would help her get elected in 2012 she would run a smear campaign against him the likes of which have never been seen before.

  40. Indy

    I can’t see him doing this. Even if Biden sights health reasons, it will be so blatantly obvious and desperate at this point so close to Nov.But given the sleaze and lies from the left the past eight years, anything is possible. :neutral:

  41. Jerb

    Yeah, my gut feeling this is just a ploy from the Clintons to further weaken Obama’s campaign. David, up above, is quite accurate in his assessment. Hillary gets virtually nothing if she takes the VP spot now. The best outlook for her is a McCain/Palin win and run in ‘12. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  42. kabukivillage

    Here’s the thing…this had to get out now, with a few weeks to go, so that it could be exposed for the sham it is and they would be unable to do it. Hannity discussed it last night as well and thanks to the web and sites like this, the plot, whether it was fully cooked or just a theory being floated, would now look so totally premeditated as to be ridiculous.

    It was coming from folks that, while many of us might disagree with them poltically (Hill supporters) they truly fear what an President Obama would do to our country.

    If this does not come to pass, which now looks much more the case, it will be because folks exposed it….

  43. Kentucky Jim

    I hope McCain is getting the anti-clinton ads ready.

  44. Vowel_Movement

    If Hillary becomes V.P. what does that make her sapphic paramour,Huma Abedin? The second “Krak in the glass cieling?’

    Don’t let the Clinton propaganda manure spreader fool ya in to believing that the exotic and svelt Huma job is in love or even dating that Weenie metro sexual Congressm???a???n , Antney Wiener. Hoboy!

  45. Vowel_Movement

    When the Dem”O”crabbys lose in November, they will demand among a plethora of other complaints like hanging chads, racial poll taxes imposed on minoritys,pole cats in the voting booths, and it just isn’t fair to minoritys, women, unborn aborted babies and space alliens. She will demand that the Nation give her a second chance and to do a complete do over with Hillary Clinton listed as the candidtate for Presidentiaetta by claiming the Dem”O”dipsticks party and HoWierd Dean violated her G_d given right to be Head Ho, Commendetta in Chef in Charge of Shit and stuff like that, don’t chu know. And the Pubic hairbrained supporters of the Dem”O”licksplittle party will fall head over tea kettle for it. There will be suits, counter suits, pant suits and riots over pant suits amd claims that Palin stole Hillary’s pant suits along with Old Thunder Thighs memories of past thunderous applause on Saturday Night Live.

  46. Vowel_Movement

    When the licentious and saturnalian Dem”O”crabbys lose in November, they will demand among a plethora of other complaints like hanging chads, racial poll taxes imposed on minoritys,pole cats in the voting booths, and it just isn’t fair to minoritys, women, unborn aborted babies and space alliens. She will demand that the Nation give her a second chance and to do a complete do over with Hillary Clinton listed as the candidtate for Presidentiaetta by claiming the Dem”O”dipsticks party and HoWierd Dean violated her G_d given right to be Head Ho, Commendetta in Chef in Charge of Shit and stuff like that, don’t chu know. And the Pubic hairbrained supporters of the Dem”O”licksplittle party will fall head over tea kettle for it. There will be suits, counter suits, pant suits and riots over pant suits amd claims that Palin stole Hillary’s pant suits along with Old Thunder Thighs memories of past thunderous applause on Saturday Night Live.

    Dem”O”crabbys lose in November, they will demand among a plethora of other complaints like hanging chads, racial poll taxes imposed on minoritys, pole cats in the voting booths, and it just isn’t fair to minoritys, women, unborn aborted babies and space alliens. She will demand that the Nation give her a second chance and to do a complete do over with Hillary Clinton listed as the candidtate for Presidentiaetta by claiming the Dem”O”dipsticks party and HoWierd Dean violated her G_d given right to be Head Ho, Commendetta in Chef in Charge of Shit and stuff like that, don’t chu know. And the Pubic hairbrained supporters of the Dem”O”licksplittle party will fall head over tea kettle for it. There will be suits, counter suits, pant suits and riots over pant suits amd claims that Palin stole Hillary’s pant suits along with Old Thunder Thighs memories of past thunderous applause on Saturday Night Live.

  47. Vowel_Movement

    When the licentious and saturnalian Dem”O”crabbys lose in November, they will demand among a plethora of other complaints like hanging chads, racial poll taxes imposed on minorities, pole cats in the voting booths,disallowing all of their illegal dead folks votes and it just plain isn’t fair to minorities, women, unborn aborted babies and space aliens. She will demand that the Nation give her a second chance and to do a complete do over with Hillary Clinton listed as the candidate for Presidentiaetta by claiming the Dem”O”dipsticks party and HoWierd Dean violated her G_d given right to be Head Ho, Commendetta in Chef in Charge of Shit and stuff like that, don’t chu know. And the Pubic harebrained supporters of the Dem”O”licksplittle party will fall head over tea kettle for it. There will be suits, counter suits, pant suits and riots over pant suits and claims that Palin stole Hillary’s pant suits along with Old Thunder Thighs memories of past thunderous applause on Saturday Night Live.

  48. Vowel_Movement

    When the licentious and saturnalian Dem”O”crabbys lose in November, they will mo’s likely demand among a plethora of other complaints the usual prêt-à-porter crap like hanging chads, racial poll taxes imposed on minorities, pole cats in the voting booths, and it just isn’t fair to minorities, women, unborn aborted babies and space aliens. She will demand that the Nation give her a second chance and to do a complete do over with Hillary Clinton listed as the candidate for Presidentiaetta by claiming the Dem”O”dipsticks party and HoWierd Dean violated her G_d given right to be Head Ho, Commendetta in Chef in Charge of Shit and stuff like that, don’t chu know. And the Pubic harebrained supporters of the Dem”O”licksplittle party will fall head over tea kettle for it. There will be suits, counter suits, pant suits and riots over pant suits and claims that Palin stole Hillary’s pant suits along with Old Thunder Thighs memories of past thunderous applause on Saturday Night Live.

  49. Vowel_Movement

    I sure can’t say that again now huh? Sorry

  50. Brian H

    Never has a nickname been so appropriate. You do admire your own output, doo-doo you not?

    Having her say “No” publicly would be too much of a risk. What do you want to bet the question’s already been asked and answered? In private?

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