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8 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Like I care what liberal feminazi bee-yatches say about Gov Pallin. Go find a man Sally. Get a new face…and maybe you’ll get lucky.

  2. mike3481

    Inside Ms. Quinn’s brain, “Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,Anyone but Palin, OMG,

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  3. TerryTate

    She’s still a cunt, no disrespect to cunts…

  4. Knottie

    Crow is very hard to choke down.

    You know when I first saw this I was like hell yeah.. she is waking up. Then I realized she knows McCain Palin will win and she doesn’t need that door closed to her so she is kissing ass big time.

  5. sully

    Quinn needs to apologize for her deep seated sexism toward all women, not just toward Palin.

  6. displaced Ched Head

    Did anyone notice the slip of the tongue?
    After O’Reilly asked her if she was in touch with the people and when was the last time she had a cheeseburger her answer was “on the Clara Barton” freeway between NY and NJ. Yea those people elect presidents.
    Most telling though was her answer to McCains VP choice. She said George Romney would be a good choice.
    Yes people she said George Romney. Not Mitt but George. George was the former Gov. of Mich. who died in 96. He was Mitt’s Dad.
    How out of touch are you with the American people when you propose a deceased man as the running mate of the GOP candidate?
    This C#*t hasn’t a clue. Sally Quinn is a supposed intelectual who arose out of the ashes of the Ivy league lowering it’s standards of grading in the late 60’s.
    The left is full of these lightweights,
    WFB lamented the lack of real debate in America but people like Sally Quinn make the prospect of real debate impossible.
    This is what the left has. Daily Kos, Kieth Olbermann and George Clooney. Has any of these ass hats even read John Kenneth Galbraith or John Maynard Keynes? They come to the table bereft of ideas and spouting Marx.

  7. billie (barracuda)

    Check out Sally Quinn’s Wikipedia bio and all you read are her many gaffes. In fact, she was hired by the Washington Post with virtually no experience:

    “Can you show me something you’ve written?” asked Managing Editor Benjamin Bradlee [during the job interview]. “I’ve never written anything,” admitted Quinn. Pause. “Well,” said Bradlee, “nobody’s perfect.” (Wiki)

    Bradlee later divorced his wife and married Quinn.

  8. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Another washed-up self-serving self-believing I am important; hag. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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