Sarah Palin Photo Fake - No Need We Got Real Ones Inside

September 12th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


These idiots just don’t get it. They tried to photoshop a picture of Sarah Palin’s head on a bikini-clad girl with a rifle…gee, we’ve never even heard of that concept before.

They did so in an effort to smear her, make her look bad, you know, the same old Sarah Palin Panic Button they have been pushing for almost three weeks now.

What they don’t get, is Sarah has lots of pictures of herself actually holding and using firearms.

And guess what?

It’s legal, it’s respectable, and it’s AMERICAN.

They will be beating on Sarah Palin all the way into the White House.

I like Sarah. I really, really do.



Nods to Dan (the infidel) and The Patriot Post.

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12 Responses

  1. dad3-7

    good ,,, i didn’t think the bod was all that good…what about the one with the ‘IF U VOTE THIS (ODUMBA) U GET THIS (BIDEN) AND IF U VOTE THIS (MCCAIN) U GET THIS (PALIN IN SHORT SKIRT AND SEXY LEGS WITH HIGH HEELS)???????

  2. DC

    The pellet gun in the faked-up pic was a dead giveaway….Sarah Palen doesn’t use pellet guns!

  3. AmericanJarhead

    These pictures piss off the left sooooo bad. I know they can’t even think of her in office. I seriously think some of them might kill themselves if McCain/Palin win… All the more reason to get them in the Whitehouse.

  4. German Dragon

    LOL! That only makes me want to vote all the more for Sarah!

  5. Rob

    I love the pice with her on the M-2. Now all you got to do is photoshop some liberals downrange into the picture :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. CPLViper

    :arrow: Rob

    I was thinking the same thing but more along the lines of:

    Sarah should take that Bradley into DC and get some (permanent) reform!

  7. Falshrmjgr

    Hmmm…. I might be impressed if she could set the headspace and timing :wink:

  8. Lock and Load

    Damn, that’s more like it!! I really could not take that bikini shot seriously because of the choice of firepower :roll: Now this is how I imagined Ms Palin enjoying firearms :cool:

  9. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    Sarah Palin can go hunting with me anytime. i would proud to have her in my treestand or my turkey blind. a good looking woman with a gun is a positive thing in my book

  10. Mr. Standfast

    Oh ya, Mr. Palin is a lucky man. Sarah knows how to have fun. 50 cal baby, let’er rip.

  11. This Guy

    Holy shit… yeah, I agree. Mr. Palin is a VERY lucky man.

  12. Dan(The Infidel)

    Sarah Palin looks WAY better than the real chick in the pic.
    CNN got punk’d. LOL NoBama got punk’d when McCain made his VP choice. And the Dhimoids will get punk’d in November.

    BTW, read the article. Debunking Dhimi myths is such fun at work. Arm yourselves with facts and watch the Dhimis go nuts.

    It’s a little like turning on the lights at night and watching the roaches scatter. LOL.

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