Small-Town Residents Support McCain, Boo On Scene Media

September 6th, 2008 Posted By Lftbhndagn.


Great Slide Show Of McPalin campaign event in Cedarburg

September 5, 2008

The Washington Times

CEDARBURG, Wisc. — Hundreds of angry people in this small town outside Milwaukee taunted reporters and TV crews traveling with Sen. John McCain on Friday, chanting “Be fair!” and pointing fingers at a pack of journalists as they booed loudly.

On the first leg of the “McCain Street USA” tour — which will take the Republican presidential nominee and his running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, to small towns across the heartland — the 30 or so reporters and crew were walking back to their buses to join the McCain motorcade when hundreds of townspeople started yelling.

“Stop lying! You are all liars! Tell the truth!” one woman yelled from the front of the pack.

The crowd was not menacing or threatening, but was clearly angry.

“You’re telling lies! Stop the lies!” one man yelled. Asked why the crowd was so angry, Linda J. Green of Mequon, Wisc., said: “I’m thinking the press is very biased.”

“I think the press is very liberal and very slanted against the McCain-Palin ticket. Would you ask a man if his kids were being taken care of while he’s out campaigning?”

She said the coverage of Mrs. Palin is flat-out sexist. “The media has called her a sexy librarian look. Would you say that Obama is a sexy Will Smith look? They called her Tina Fey’s sister, only sexier. I think you’re being very sexist.”

Another woman questioned local television coverage, which differed for the Republican and Democratic party conventions, she said.

“Why did the networks not carry the Republican convention, when they carried the Democratic convention?” she asked. “They do it because they’re liberal,” a man chimed in.

The scene was reminiscent of one that occurred spontaneously at the RNC, when Mrs. Palin accused political pundits and columnists of misinformation. With thousands of red-meat Republicans in the huge Xcel Center in Minneapolis, the crowd turned ugly. Hundreds began pointing at a group of reporters and booing — some chanted “CNN!” while others yelled “MSNBC!”

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11 Responses

  1. cnchess

    The Silent Majority… silent no more!

  2. Brent Brentzel

    I think this is great. Don’t be menacing, but make the point quite firmly. Hot damn.

  3. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    I agree. there is no reason to menacing. its great that people are finally speaking out against the obviously biased MSM. im also hearing that McCain/Palin are starting to pull in Obama sized crowds now. 10,000 at one rally the other day. things are coming together nicely

  4. German Dragon

    The battle of Good vs. Evil for the soul of America has now publicly manifested.

  5. bman

    Take a look at the demographics represented in this crowd: a lot of youngsters and that is supose to be where McCains appeal is weak. Perhaps it’s Palin strong point. What a choice for VP!

  6. rightangle

    These ‘Yellow Journalists’… have awoken a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve.

  7. Kearny432

    The MSM’s prozac moment over Palin as gone way beyond even what I thought them capable of. Truly unhinged, but also on display, and should erase any doubt of their bias. I’m thinking most Americans are fair-minded, and many moderate Dems and Indi’s will now lean to the Mac/Palin ticket. We’ll see. Meanwhile, better call in a 3rd and 4th alarm to Bellvue…

  8. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Invesco field American Flags were found in the trash after the “Sermon of the Mounted” by Obambi. They stuffed them in the fucking trash cans!! :shock: The guy that resued them, got them to the GOP folks and it is reported that the trash bags containing them will be brought out on the stage in Colorado today!!
    Story here:

    Live feed of the Colorado Springs event:

  9. Small-Town Residents Support McCain, Boo On Scene Media « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Residents Support McCain, Boo On Scene Media September 6, 2008 — budsimmons Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, Hussein Obama, Obama, Obama Bin […]

  10. dadeo

    Social engineering attempted by the liberals via the media is starting to unravel. :gun: :evil:

  11. Wanderer

    Tis a sign of the msm ‘balance” that its cluebots harangue Palin for accepting the Republican VP nomination and is “negelcting her children but never utter a word that Michelle Obama should be home with her young children.
    The lib-lefty dems and their lamestrean cheerleaders long ago locked down a patented airtight monoply on bias and hypocrisy and deserve the booing they are getting from Mc Cain/Palin rally crowds. My only question is why did it take so many years for Republicans to expose CNN, MSNBC,CBS, and the rest of the broadcast networks as well as AP, Reuters, the NY and LA Slimes, and most of the print media. Republicans for far too many years have been going to gunfights carrying only knives.

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