The Brit Council Ordered To Bend-Over And Take It For Ramadan
Compulsory fasting for all
Tower Hamlets has asked non-Muslims to observe aspects of Ramadan
by Stephen Pollard - (Times UK)
Later this month it’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. It’s one of the holiest days of the Jewish calendar, so I’d be obliged, please, if you’d all stay at home, turn off the TV and refrain from your usual activities. Ten days after that it’s Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when Jews fast and spend the day in synagogue. So I’ve also asked my Times colleagues not to work then. And I will be mightily offended if I learn afterwards that any of them have been eating.
You might not think I am being serious. But if I was Head of Democratic Services at Tower Hamlets Council in East London, I would be. Last week John Williams e-mailed each of the borough’s 51 councillors with a similar instruction.
For the duration of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, they are, he told them - every one of them, Muslim, Catholic, Jew or atheist - to behave during council meetings as strict Muslims. They are not to eat or drink; they are to break for Muslim prayers; they are to do as they are ordered by the Muslim religion.
Strict Muslims do not eat or drink between sunrise or sunset during Ramadan. Because sunset will fall during the meetings, there will be 45-minute adjournments so that councillors can break their fast and pray. And to make things easier, there will only be seven council meetings during the month.
This is, let me remind you, happening not on Karachi borough council but in Tower Hamlets in London. As far as I am aware, the United Kingdom has not yet been absorbed into the Caliphate. The last time I checked, we allow citizens to practise all religions and none. If I wish to stuff my face with chocolate during the fasting hours of Ramadan, I will. And if you wish to go out for a slap-up lunch on Yom Kippur, you can feel free.
Yet Mr Williams - he’s the man with the “democratic services” label, a title so Orwellian that his existence simply had to involve promoting the opposite of democracy and service - appears to have concluded that Islamic practices must take precedence over any other practices. Instead of individual councillors being allowed to decide for themselves how they wish to behave during Ramadan, he is deciding for them.
It should come as no surprise that it is not the borough’s Muslim councillors who are demanding that their non-Muslim colleagues obey Islam. As almost always, it is a caricature liberal-left non-Muslim idiot who thinks he is being racially aware who does the real harm to race relations. Respect for religious practice can only be given voluntarily. Mr Williams’s prescription leads only to anger.
I am surprised and also afraid that the Brits and the Germans are inviting these muslims to subjugate the EU.
The Germans, too, see no problem to integrate an islamist country… Turkey. That’s so scary that they are the educated elite in political sciences that promote that.
Fuckin Hell, let’s get out of that mess
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:46 amThe poor Brits.
“We shall roll over to the Muslims on our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall roll over on the beaches, we shall kiss their ass on the mosque grounds, we shall act Muslim in the fields and in the streets, we shall convert to Islam in the hills; we shall always surrender.” –Winston Churchill (If he were alive today)
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:49 amI got a better idea:
At sunrise or sundown, or anytime in between really; put a bullet between the eyes of these fuckers anywhere you find them. Then go get something to eat.
BTW waiting for Ramadan to begin this feasting practice is optional.
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:50 amthe reporter is correct in his assessment:
“As almost always, it is a caricature liberal-left non-Muslim idiot who thinks he is being racially aware who does the real harm to race relations.”
would sending a chicken fried bacon care package for the council to snack on during their meetings be out of the question???
September 3rd, 2008 at 10:56 amSure, I’ll be right on that. Just as soon as those Muslims try my new Koran book ends. All they need to do is pull both cheeks apart and insert the koran. (|)
September 3rd, 2008 at 11:00 amsgtswine
“Liberalism ALWAYS generates the exact opposite of it’s intention …”
September 3rd, 2008 at 11:05 amI vote with dadeo on this one
September 3rd, 2008 at 12:19 pmThis BS from a nation that the sun used to never set on.Good bye MOTHERLAND.Think i will have some BAR BQ PORK for dinner
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:08 pmHere; try this, buy a cheap paperback copy of the Koran
(in arabic of course) and each morning before you take your morning dump, rip out a page and drop it in the bowl. It does wonders for the digestion.
I also line the bottom of my Gordon and Lewellyn setters’
September 3rd, 2008 at 3:51 pmHouses(crates) each morning before I leave for work boy does it keep them regular.
Im afraid my septic tank would REFUSE THAT BULLSHIT
September 3rd, 2008 at 4:15 pmUK = United Kaliphate. With all their appeasement of the SHITslamic hordes within, does this really surprise anyone? Neville Chamberlain would be sssssooooooo proud.
September 4th, 2008 at 5:37 am