Bumped: Top Attack Dog In Palin Smear Campaign Is A Fake Marine - With Troopergate Video Update

September 17th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


You are not going to believe this crap.

Well, maybe you will. It doesn’t surprise me.

Just in case you can’t read the contact info in the main picture:

Legislative Session Contact:

State Capitol, Room 417
Juneau, AK 99801-1182
fax: 907-465-6595

Interim Contact:
716 W. 4th Ave Ste 420
Anchorage, AK 99501
fax: 907-269-0238

He’s waiting to hear from you!

Big nod to Gateway Pundit.

This guy who is the lead investigator, Democratic State Senator Hollis French, of the Palin “Troopergate” (the more of which we learn the more we discover that there is no “gate”) bullshit, turns out to be best friends with that asshole Walt Monegan whom Palin fired while she was Governor because of insubordination.

Oh, by the way, he claims to be a Marine. But he’s not.

Here is an up-to-date on the whole “Troopergate” waste of time:

Check out his web page resume where it says “Military Service.”

From Free Republic:

Hollis “Gunny” French (D) is guilty of misrepresenting that he served in the Marine Corps - when in fact his ONLY exposure to the Marine Corp was attending a Marine ROTC PLC - from which he was DISMISSED and granted a “Discharge” as a Private.
–He NEVER attended, much less graduate from either of the USMC Boot Camps.
–He FAILED to pass the ROTC Platoon Leader Course - thus failing to make the grade to become a Marine Officer.
–Hardly service as a Marine, and the folks in Alaska caught up with French’s claims….
–Folks in Alaska to this day, still jokingly refer to the jackass poseur as “Gunny French” and he hates the reminder of his lie -

Patriot Files reported this:

The lead dog on the Troopergate smear campaign has a little explaining to do himself. On his official State of Alaska website he claims to have been in the Marine Corps Reserve in 1977-78 as a private. There is also a reference to PLC or Platoon Leader’s Course. As a former Marine, this smells fishy. In another story French claims he spent six weeks at Quantico, VA. As every Marine knows, Quantico is where Marine officer training occurs. For French to have been a Marine private he would have had to complete basic training at either Parris Island or San Diego, which takes about three months. I also did a military.com search of Hollis French and came up empty. For Hollis French to claim to have been a Marine Reservist is stretching the truth and an insult to all Marines, past and present.

French listed his service as “USMC (ROTC) 1977-1978,” which he later explained was six weeks training at the Quantico, Va., Marine Corps base. French said most people saw his military record as a non-issue and he never tried to make it out as anything more or less than was stated in the pamphlet.

The letter below was posted at Free Republic six years ago and the guy still has the phony Marine info on his official website:


Paul A. Bauer, Jr.
Anchorage, AK
Oct. 6, 2002

To All Concerned,

I take special note of those politicians and candidates that inflate or add false information to their resume by misrepresenting themselves to the public just for a vote.

The political resume of Hollis French that was listed in the Sunday Anchorage Daily News said that he has military service in the U.S. Marine Corps ROTC, 1977-78. This is misleading. A student in the ROTC program is not in the military, nor is it counted as any such service. I am guessing, the most Mr. Hollis did in ROTC was to take a few ROTC college courses, maybe he was washed out after a year, and he wants the public to believe that ROTC constitutes as military service. It is not.

The ROTC program is also available to students in high schools around the nation. Does Mr. French want the public to believe that those students also had service in the military?

A military member in the service who is caught inflating their military record is “busted” and would never have a chance of promotion. In a similar situation, one top-ranking officer in the Navy committed suicide when he was caught inflating his military record.

Hollis’s misrepresentation is a dishonor and disservice to all servicemen and women that truly served, as well as to the public he wishes to serve.

The media has the responsibility to inform the public of the truth. When gathering information, media reporters should understand what constitutes military service and report it accurately

Paul Bauer Jr.

Like I said, he’s waiting to hear from you.

Nods to Gateway Pundit.

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17 Responses

  1. Dbo

    I am offended too. I flew on a c-130 once, does that mean I was in the Airforce? Of course I was actually in the Marines at the time headed for a second tour of duty in the middle east. :mrgreen:

  2. drillanwr (Will Carry Palin's Lipstick)

    :arrow: Bash

    Shit, man! Great find!

    BTW, the son of a bitch and bastard is also a HUGE Obama supporter … Guess “Conflict of interest” ain’t reached Alaska yet.

  3. bill-tb

    Well isn’t this a swell fellow, about what you expect from a Democrat.

  4. Humbled Infidel

    I hope this Hollis French finds himself in prison for his LYING claim of being US Marine. Along with demonizing Palin.

    These folks are so stupid, their so full of hate, they’ll do anything to discredit Palin. Hopefully he’ll have plenty of time to repent as he sits in prison!!!

  5. dad3-7

    my guess is that the guy was in some sort of ‘platoon leader class’ as an rotc candidate and washed out for some reason and that is why he got the ‘honorable’ discharge… i doubt he ever graduated fm ocs hense he was never a MARINE… but was on active duty for a day or more…

  6. Kentucky Jim

    He could at least say USMCR

  7. Knottie

    Thank you for shining the light on this Bash!!

    What an incredible insult this man has place upon every man and woman with the courage and honor to service this country. There is a special place in hell for his type.

  8. 0311inOHio (typical white person)

    :twisted: Fucking slime ball. As my old drill instructor liked to say: “The best part of you ran down the crack of your mamas ass” heheee. This guy should be skinned and hung out to dry.

  9. TedB

    I flew the AH-1 simulator at Camp Pendleton there on “Skid Row”, wow, I was not aware that I was an attack helicopter pilot! Cool! Now about those VA benefits…. :roll:

  10. Rob

    I guess I can say I was a Soldier…or maybe even a General. After all I’m in ROTC, and haven’t been kicked out….sooo….yep I”m one of the Joint Chiefs…you know the one that you don’t see on TV, because it’s supper secret [Al Gore voice] I’m supper cereal guys. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    What a fucking moron. God today’s been a great day so far. Watched Enemy of the State [anti-Republican movie, however all I see it as is a movie about what will happen with Obama in charge] Then came back to see about the Dems saying we can’t let our “Evil Blood Sucking Oil Corporations drill for Oil, even though gas is still in the $3-4 range, and then this. It just blows my mind about how Obama hasn’t dropped out of the race yet. Hell even Biden was asking to be dropped from the ticket. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. Mike in CA

    My one major regret in this life is that I never served in the Military. I would never lie about it and say that I did though, that would be lower than low. I may not have served, and I owe all on this site who have a huge debt of gratitude. That and probably a :beer: or two.

    Anyhow, back to my point, I may not have served, but I at least have enough personal honor not to lie about it.

    Again, thank you to all who served so that sites like this can exist. God Bless.

  12. TBinSTL (just typical)

    My father was 82nd Airborne, so techinically the sperm that created me was in the Army. Does that make me Army? Half Army? Bi-service? My head hurts……

  13. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Mike in CA
    I’m in the Sons of the American Legion, serving those that served. You continue serving those that serve and you will have what you’re looking for. I do.

  14. Born&Raised American

    So since my daugher was in the Navy, serving on the USS Stennis, (during war time 2002-2005), that makes me a Navy Fighter Pilot, Hell, TOP GUN.

  15. Hardball1911

    I can’t imagine a liberal lying, are you sure that his “service” doesn’t count? I mean really, ROTC does a damn good job at making sure our colleges aren’t over run by our enemies…wait, most of the major colleges are heading toward communism… I might be mistaken…[/sarcasm]

  16. Max

    I don’t care about this guy’s “service”. What I do care about is the information in that Fox news piece that seems to be a clear refutation of any wrong-doing on Palin’s part for firing that guy.

    I don’t want anything covered up, so I am quite relieved to hear this good news. I hope Sarah & company get everything out in the open as quickly as possible and don’t allow the dems to portray this as stonewalling or coverup. That would be deadly for McCain and Palin’s candidacy.

  17. Kearny432

    This dude comes off like the character, Douglas Neidermeyer from “Animal House”…”a pledge pin?…on your uniform?..now drop and give me twenty”. Asshat.

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