White Bitches Has Done Had It With Hussein

September 10th, 2008 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Politico and Time:

Related: A Bunch Of know-It-Alls Answer The Question: Why are white women flocking to McCain-Palin and will it last?

ABC News/Washington Post: White Women Flocking To McCain After Convention

Latest poll out Monday finds:

Among white women: McCain 53, Obama 41

Ahead of conventions, among same group: Obama 50, McCain 42.

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13 Responses

  1. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    but i thought the old saying goes “once you go black, you never come back” well i guess that was just a myth :lol:

  2. Tom in CO

    crash and burn!

  3. CymKnowlton

    Someone aught to tell Barack Mandingo was just a movie.

  4. Wendy

    :arrow: Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)
    LMAO!!!! :lol: :lol:

  5. dadeo

    :arrow: Kurt :lol:

    Barry is only half black, so I think that means we get a 50% return. Fuckin poser. :gun:

  6. Rob

    :arrow: dadeo
    lol I never would have thought that up.

  7. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)

    :arrow: dadeo

    thats hilarious! :lol:

    and good news. we’re getting 3% more than expected

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Brry made a comment in his first book of how he would do whatever he wanted to growing up. Then when he got in trouble he’d mezmerize his opponent…usually his mother and convince them/her that he didn’t do it.

    The guy’s a self-absorbed narcissist.

    A man is known by his deeds not his words. A man is also known by the company he keeps. This is what middle America understands. And it is why he’s going to get trounced in November.

    And Sarah. Just watch her tear Biden a new asshole in the debates. Biden’s a paid liar…er I mean lawyer…Palin is
    anathema to the Biden status quo. She represents “change”.
    Biden and Barry represnt the same old Dhimi ennui.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    From VDH: “In the Palin case, there seems a sort of the straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back phenomenon about the sheer hypocrisy of the elite liberal media. For decades they have been championing the independent, audacious woman, which, we learn, only meant any female that toed the hyper-liberal, secular, pro-abortion, affirmative-action, big government, more entitlement, and power-couple professional agenda. But more importantly, we learn that there is a gatekeeper sect who adjudicates who is a proper feminist and who is not, and its top rung is limited to a New York-Washington DC economic, political and journalistic media elite, with auxiliary status accorded to the southern California and Bay Area wealthy celebrity crowd.”

  10. deb

    Just been reading some comments about what obamas problems are with women, that he is fixated on his mother and had to compete with his father(s) for maternal attention. he also felt rejected when she sent him away.
    do you get the impression that michelle wears the pants in the family - doesnt she have the mortgage in her name?- so does she fulfill the mommy role for him?
    he’s reaally frustrated with how things are going, where are the strong female surrogates going out to defend obama? oprah? Nancy? sarah has stolen the spotlight from him
    Pollsters wonder why Obama has not succeeded with older white women block, well maybe its because they have a more finely tuned bullshitometer, and can spot a fake a mile away.

  11. Brian H

    :arrow: dadeo;
    Not even close. He’s 1/16 black, 7/16 Arab, and 8/16 Caucasian. So many more perks for being African-American than Arab-American, doncha know?!

  12. TO (twp)

    The lipstick video and the video where BHO gives the finger to Hillery should be posted continuously. It might just be me… but I think women don’t like being reference as pigs and giving women the finger…. aaahhhhhhhhhhh not good. It would be awesome to wipe BHO off the political map in the USA. McCain needs to win big. We’ve got to bury this SOB, BHO.

  13. LadyAngler

    Honestly, I believe women are joining the McCain Palin side due to the disgusting and clearing blatent sexism in not only the media, but the democratic party. This is the party that has told us for years that we are “equals” and can “achieve anything”… yet when a conservative woman is actually achieving something or about to… they can’t help but attempt to shoot her ass down. It’s nauseating. These bastards continually try pasifing women with the Roe v. Wade bullshit… like that is the only issue that matters to a chick. It’s ignorant, and women are beginning to see it.

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