Worth 1000 Words - Why Are They So Deathly Afraid Of Her?

September 3rd, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Check out the two magazine covers. As Newt pointed out last night with a Louie Award, you have got to be an idiotic deaf, dumb, blind slug to not see the enormous difference in coverage between Barry Insane Obama and…

…Sarah Palin? Little Sarah Palin? From way far away Alaska?

Notice how the Left Leaning Mainstream Media has been so furiously trying to smear, deface, demonize, and destroy Sarah Palin.

She’s not even running for President! They’re spending all this time comparing Barry Insane to Sarah Palin!

What are they so afraid of?

Some will say, “Well, look at McCain, he’s old! She’s a heartbeat away from the Presidency.”

True, but I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s called “Genetics.” McCain’s 96 year-old Mom is running all over theplace with McCain. She’s 96! Genetics. He’s not going to croak on us. Everybody knows it.

So again, I ask you…what are they so afraid of?

I have a few ideas…what say you?

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42 Responses

  1. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)


    Because she IS the real thing.

  2. Poe

    They are afraid of her because the “Party of Change” is pitching the same old shit and calling it “change” where the “Conservative” party is actually “changing”.

    I hope that she gets in and cleans up DC the same way she cleaned up AK.

  3. Q_Mech

    Is it fear? Or hate? :???:

    How about both?

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Just a piece of shit magazine.
    Who gives a flying F, unless you are retarded.

  5. AmericanJarhead

    :arrow: Marc Stockwell-Moniz “Just a piece of shit magazine. Who gives a flying F, unless you are retarded.”

    Still, there are a lot of stupid retards out there walking through supermarket checkout and they’ll see this and immediately think: “fact”… Why should we just let the “retard stupid shit vote” go to the Dems?

    This woman has to be tough and get to the issues. This is a modern day crucifixion!

  6. ECM

    Us is for people that think People is far too cerebral.

  7. Anderson S. Wise (Virginia is McCain-Palin Country!)

    I’d rather have Sarah Palin in my foxhole (for her marksmanship abilities, of course :wink: ), than Biden or Obama.

    There are puff pieces and then there are puff pieces, but “Michelle Obama: Why Barack Loves Her.” Ugh, Drudge said it best: “US WEEKLY MAG CASTS ITS VOTE EARLY…”

    Journalism is indeed dead. Good thing we have our talk radio and blogs (for now). Give Obama the White House, and the dems solid majority in Congress = bye bye free speech. :evil:

  8. brovato

    WHY? because she is very smart, beautiful, won’t back down from anybody, lives far away from Wash DC and doesn’t play their games. Also, she has cleaned-up corruption in her own party as well as the dimmi party not to mention she could become president in 2012! What say you Hellery clintinov?

  9. Atom&Yves

    Why Are They So Deathly Afraid Of Her?
    “THE” question of this election.
    I think it’s because the dhimmicRATS and libturds know they have NOTHING in Osamabama/bin Biden, compared to McCain/Palin, and they’re afraid the majority of the American electorate knows this as well. McCain/Palin ‘08!!

  10. Mike Mose

    The media and the Democrats know that this election must be won at all cost, and I mean everything, because Palin is successful and republican.

    She is everything the the left lifted up at success. America loves Palin and has turned a large number of woman voters over to McCain.

    Their attacks have and will destroy the media and the Democratic Party.

    I can’t wait to see Palin tonight, and neither can every woman across the country.

    Pro God, Pro Country, Pro victory, Pro Life and the Democrats run their campaign on evil America, bad America, evil soldiers and abortion, partial birth, and plan murder.

  11. Mike in CA

    She would give Hillary a run in 2012.

    Ya know…you could leave the sames words up there and put John “breck girl” Edwards up there.

  12. sully

    They surely are afraid of anything that might poke a hole in….


    …their love of Him, TheOne.

  13. deathstar

    This shit makes me want to piss on Obama.

  14. deathstar

    Actually, I should just calm down and do something productive, donate to John McCain.

  15. Kurt(the McCain/Palin infidel)


    because the left is morally bankrupt and Sarah Palin stands for everything they hate.

  16. Lock and Load

    Palin is the personification of everything that they hate and fear - pro-life mother, believer in God, beautiful and intelligent, strong family values, pro-gun, political house-cleaner, and mostly, Palin is not intimidated by their arrogance and hate, which I think really makes their heads spin around :twisted: :twisted:
    As much as I hate all of their lies and hate, as long as they keep going they are strengthening her day by day in the eyes of those likely to vote for her. In the end they will destroy themselves :lol:

  17. TO (twp)

    Does anyone know who owns US magazine?

  18. Mike in CA

    If I was left-leaning (thank God I’m not) I’d be really ashamed of what the demoncrats are doing. That would be enough to make me vote for McCain and Sarah Palin. That along with the way the far, far left has been acting at the RNC convention, these people are either very childish or just plain stupid.

  19. dadeo

    :arrow: Bash - The demonic left thrives in their darkness; Palin sheds light that threatens their public charade of benevolence; hence it causes them to spew eruptions of vitriolic shadows in order to distract from the truth.

    :arrow: Sully - WOW - :shock:

  20. Hardball1911

    The Dems are afraid of her primarily because she IS everything that they tried to portray Hitlary as, and has no problem presenting it unlike Hitlary.

    It has become blatantly apparent that EVERYTHING Hitlary tries desperately to make America think she is is a forced diatribe of bullshit.

    She (Hitlary) tried hard to present the case that she was a good mother. Chelsea Clinton couldn’t be further from a productive citizen. Sure she makes a lot of money doing what her philandering father did. Spreading communist bullshit. That, to me, is far from productive. Sarah Palin has not only been a good mother, but she has worked hard to provide for her family RIGHT BESIDE HER HUSBAND and not in his shadow.

    Hitlary tried hard to present the case that she was ready for a positive change in D.C. We saw how serious she was when documents show up two days or so after the statute of limitations ran out on the prosecution from her criminal activities. She is ready for change, but I don’t think she’ll like the change that is coming. She will be shown to have been not only criminally negligent in some of her dealings as a liberal barrister, but as a human being in general. Sarah Palin has put her foot down for real change, 86ing the job of a corrupted police commissioner who would not take care of his duties. Sounds to me like she will do the things that need to be done, regardless of the popular sentiment.

    Hitlary has proven throughout her history to be a dishonest and at the very least disingenuous purveyor of communist/socialist agenda. Health care, “windfall profits” taxation, higher taxes in general, backing the FEC away from their sworn position (holding corporations accountable for their accounting practices) which was her husband’s position(such as forcing financial institutions to lower standards for loaning funds, hence our current loan crisis), welfare and wealth redistribution including “imputed income”, etc. Sarah Palin has stated that she is every bit the stickler for individual accountability and responsibility. Sarah Palin has also stated that she can see the benefits of lower taxes, and has seen it work wonders in the state of which she is the governor and commander in chief.

    Hitlary has shown her disdain for the military as early as her college years, and most recently throughout her husband’s term as “Sir Fuckalot”/Commissar in chief. During Slick Willy’s terms in office, Hitlary demanded that no military uniforms be worn within the White House premises, and was shot down when the Marines demanded that they be allowed to be uniformed when the aircraft were present. Hitlary also during her husband’s terms in office held the military to such standard that she forced military officers and enlisted to work as “servants” to her during parties and daily life. This was documented and those who were there will reiterate. Oh, and we can’t forget the famous phrase uttered by Hitlary out of anger, “Don’t forget, WE are the president!” when she was told that she couldn’t have certain perks from the military present. Sarah Palin has not only demonstrated great respect for the military, she has a son that is currently serving and scheduled for deployment overseas. I think Sarah Palin “get’s it”.

    I could write a bigger book about this, but I will digress, and let others move their posts right along. All in all, the Dumbocrats fear Sarah Palin because she is REAL. She isn’t some contrived and fabricated lie. She has lived her life as a normal and average citizen of the United States of America and does not come from the Harvard/Princeton/Yale doctorate crowd. She is a normal mother, who has lived her life as though she would have to answer to God. She has made decisions in her life that are as difficult as one could make, and has lived with her decisions with a smile on her face and is a peace with the fact that there is a plan outside of all of our control. Personally, I look at Sarah Palin and see a higher form of heroics. Heroics that are higher than any explanation could achieve. So, let them have their daily bullshitfest and let them write about how she is “so screwed up morally”. It demonstrates that they have no moral value whatsoever. If they had true morals and integrity, they would look at what they have written and understand that they attack the very concept that retards like them have rights too, and they attack the very people to ensure that their right to be retarded will never be infringed.

    “Those who would exchange freedom for security deserve neither.” - Dollardite hug to anyone that can tell me who said it…

  21. Steve in NC

    They are afraid of her because she is multifaceted in her draw to voters.

    She is a direct threat to the obama campaign main themes of ‘change’ and that McCain is just another 4 years of W.

    She is a true outsider and has a record of not towing the party line, she took on corruption in her own party, she went after Republicans and succeeded. She is true threat to the status quo inside the beltway. She has a record of ‘change’, she offers more then just ‘judgment’ on issues.

    She tears up the argument that the McCain administration would be just 4 more years of President Bush. McCain has a record of voting with Bush, but it has not been lockstep. They have had some public differences. Now you tie in a true outsider from Washington and the ticket clearly does not look like another Bush administration.

    obama made the nomination based on those two main themes and McCain is hijacking those themes.

    Now, lay in she is a working mother and has strong conservative credentials, she draws in female votes and conservatives that McCain needs.

    The fact that is she is easy on the eyes is fine, but it has not real weight in this.


  22. SOC

    They fear her and McCain because they will change Washington for the betterment of the American people. As it is now, the American people are not really represented. Only the lobbyists, special interests,long term politicians and their special interests are represented.

    From a tax and spend perspective, the present group of politicians in Washington could give a shit less about the American public, and they sure do not want to see the gravy train end. McCain and Palin will change all of that and fight the corruption in both parties. They fear a change president who means it which is McCain.

    The second biggest enemy of the American people is the current one sided media. They represent “the Big Lie” and everything Goebbels in Nazi Germany stood for. This must change or we are going to see revolt in this country because people are not going to let this lying, underhanded dealing continue.

  23. Steve in NC

    :arrow: TO (twp)

    Jann Werner publishes us weekly and is a disciple of the chosen one.


  24. John

    “A heartbeat away…”

    Everyone is a heartbeat away from death.

  25. Hardball1911

    Well, I wrote a big comment to this, but I think it was either too big or lost in lala land. Damn, I am getting the tylenol out. I will be sitting here fuming for a while…

    Can’t wait for the show.

  26. Mike Mose

    The media and the Democrats know that this election must be won at all cost, and I mean everything, because Palin is successful and republican.

    She is everything the the left lifted up at success. America loves Palin and has turned a large number of woman voters over to McCain.

    Their attacks have and will destroy the media and the Democratic Party.

  27. Vanessa

    at US mag web site the comments board they are saying

    “Us is owned by Jann Wenner, also the proprietor of Rolling Stone and a Obama supporter.”

    and that he donated to Obama.

  28. dadeo

    “She’s a heartbeat away…”

    Not nearly as scary as Pelosi being two beartbeats away.

  29. Molly

    Us Weekly is nothing more than a tabloid posing as a legitimate media source. They have nothing of value in their publication, but as American Jarhead pointed out, the general public is to ignorant to know the difference.

    The Dems are scared shitless of Palin; why else would they be going out of their way with these attacks to push her off the ticket?

  30. BK

    Ben Franklin, another regular joe who came up the hard way and earned everything he had and succeeded because he was a hard-headed realist. And he had a great sense of humor too!

  31. Hardball1911

    Dollardite hug to BK!

  32. steve m (Deus beatus U.S.A.)

    :arrow: - everyone above. :beer: :beer: :beer:

    US- Useless Shit

    The Dems are howlin!. Must have really struck a nerve. Bet you the ratings for this evenings speech surpass the ratings for that libtard Obama. :lol: :lol: :lol:

  33. hegelbot

    :arrow: amjarhead…”Why should we just let the “retard stupid shit vote” go to the Dems?” LOLOLOLOLOLOL

  34. drillanwr (Today I am an Alaskan!)

    Meghan Kelly on FNC just ripped the US Magazine guy a new ass hole!!!

  35. Silver Fox

    Sarah!! Sarah!! Sarah!! From a fox to a foxy lady.

  36. Silver Fox

    Yep, liberals thought they had conservatives cornered into a cage of their making, and stereotyped into oblivion. Conservatives are a wide-reaching, eclectic group of people and liberals can’t stand the fact that they’re being forced to acknowledge they were wrong.

    They have egg on their faces.

    The proprietor of my local coffe shop said Sarah is everything Democrats want to be and aren’t. His liberal customers are absolutely livid about the choice of Sarah for VP, and keep trying to draw him into heated conversations.

  37. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    :arrow: AmericanJarhead
    Good point, we should not! :!: :!: :beer:

  38. BGA

    Forgiveness if it has been said already, but the leftist-pinko vermin hate Sarah Palin because she is a woman who is not a leftist-pinko. You see, women and minorities are property of the Marxist “Intellectual” Plantation and any property that wanders off is subject to severe beatings and various other punishment (see Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc). God, how I love seeing them squirm and crap their pants. Just beautiful. I wish that it could go on forever.

  39. just posting

    Pitiful. Die slow assholes

  40. jack douglas

    They are afraid because Obama is phoney as a football bat and Palin isn’t.

  41. Brian H

    His excuse about the headline was that “Lies” referred to lies ABOUT her family, not lies BY her/them. Course you had to read and parse the whole article to find that out.

    I think what is now causing most of the Donk fear is that Sarah doesn’t take any guff. And her return strikes hit delicate spots. :sad: :twisted:

  42. wolfpack

    They fear her because she reminds us of who we are, she reminds us that their is a Higher Authority, and that life is precious, that we are a nation of pioneers and entrepreneurs, that we do not kill our children regardless of the cost. She reminds us that America is good because it was based on the message of an unique man Jesus Christ. And at the end of the day we will put our lives on the line for some little kid half around the world, and do it willingly.
    They fear her because she represents America at its most basic, God, family, country.

    And she can smell a stinking commie a mile away

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