Liberal Media Blatant About Burying Current Low Casualty Numbers

October 7th, 2007 Posted By The Bashman.

liberal mainstream monkeys on the war

The Liberal Mainstream Media in this country never cease to amaze me.

As CNN’s Howard Kurtz accurately pointed out on Sunday’s “Reliable Sources,” few media outlets seemed at all interested in giving much attention to the great news out of Iraq last week regarding September’s sharp decline in casualties.

To Kurtz’s obvious frustration, his guests - Robin Wright of the Washington Post and Barbara Starr of CNN - both supported the press burying this extremely positive announcement.

I kid you not.

After introducing the subject, Kurtz asked, “Robin Wright, should that decline in Iraq casualties have gotten more media attention?”

This was Wright’s amazing answer:

Not necessarily. The fact is we’re at the beginning of a trend — and it’s not even sure that it is a trend yet. There is also an enormous dispute over how to count the numbers. There are different kinds of deaths in Iraq.

There are combat deaths. There are sectarian deaths. And there are the deaths of criminal — from criminal acts. There are also a lot of numbers that the U.S. frankly is not counting. For example, in southern Iraq, there is Shiite upon Shiite violence, which is not sectarian in the Shiite versus Sunni. And the U.S. also doesn’t have much of a capability in the south.

So the numbers themselves are tricky.

Wow. Numbers shouldn’t be reported because they’re “tricky,” “at the beginning of a trend,” and there’s “enormous dispute over how to count” them?

No such moral conundrum existed last month when media predicted a looming recession after the Labor Department announced a surprising decline in non-farm payrolls that ended up being revised up four weeks later to show an increase.

And, in the middle of a three and a half-year bull run in stocks, such “journalists” have no quandary predicting a bear market every time the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls a few hundred points.

Yet, when good news regarding military casualties comes from the Defense Department, these same people show uncharacteristic restraint in not wanting to report what could end up being an a anomaly.

Isn’t that special?

Alas, not seeing the stupidity in this position, Starr, with a straight-face nonetheless, agreed with Wright:

But that’s the problem, we don’t know whether it is a trend about specifically the decline in the number of U.S. troops being killed in Iraq. This is not enduring progress. This is a very positive step on that potential road to progress.

Hmmm. So, I guess a “very positive step on that potential road to progress” isn’t newsworthy, huh Barbara? Even Kurtz recognized the hypocrisy here, which led to the following:

KURTZ: But let’s say that the figures had shown that casualties were going up for U.S. soldiers and going up for Iraqi civilians. I think that would have made some front pages.

STARR: Oh, I think inevitably it would have. I mean, that’s certainly — that, by any definition, is news. Look, nobody more than a Pentagon correspondent would like to stop reporting the number of deaths, interviewing grieving families, talking to soldiers who have lost their arms and their legs in the war. But, is this really enduring progress?

We’ve had five years of the Pentagon telling us there is progress, there is progress. Forgive me for being skeptical, I need to see a little bit more than one month before I get too excited about all of this.

Hmmm. So, a shocking increase in deaths would have “certainly” been newsworthy. However, for a decrease to be reported, skeptical journalists have to be more convinced that it’s a lasting improvement.

Sadly, this is what makes today’s reporters more like sports fans than real journalists.

After all, it shouldn’t be their position to decide when a comeback, rally, or winning streak is real enough for them to jump on the bandwagon and get excited about. News - be it good or bad - is to be reported.

That’s their job.

And when folks like this make dissemination decisions to not share information on something as important as American casualties of war due to their own personal skepticism, they have indeed abdicated their solemn responsibility to the public whose interest they regularly claim to serve.

What follows is a partial transcript of this segment.

HOWARD KURTZ, HOST: The news from Iraq has been consistently depressing for several years now, a continuous tableau of death and destruction. But when the administration released more positive casualty figures this week, the media paid little attention. A couple of sentences on the “CBS EVENING NEWS” and NBC “NIGHTLY NEWS,” The New York Times ran it on page 10, The Washington Post,” page 14, USA Today page 16. The L.A. Times, a couple of paragraphs at the bottom of a page 4 story.

One exception was Charlie Gibson, who made it the lead story on ABC’s “WORLD NEWS.”


CHARLES GIBSON, ABC ANCHOR: The U.S. military reports the fourth straight month of decline in troop deaths, 66 American troops died in September, each a terrible tragedy for a family, but the number far less than those who died in August. And the Iraqi government says civilian deaths across Iraq fell by half last month.


KURTZ: Joining us now to put this into perspective, Robin Wright, who covers national security for The Washington Post. And CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr.

Robin Wright, should that decline in Iraq casualties have gotten more media attention?

ROBIN WRIGHT, THE WASHINGTON POST: Not necessarily. The fact is we’re at the beginning of a trend — and it’s not even sure that it is a trend yet. There is also an enormous dispute over how to count the numbers. There are different kinds of deaths in Iraq.

There are combat deaths. There are sectarian deaths. And there are the deaths of criminal — from criminal acts. There are also a lot of numbers that the U.S. frankly is not counting. For example, in southern Iraq, there is Shiite upon Shiite violence, which is not sectarian in the Shiite versus Sunni. And the U.S. also doesn’t have much of a capability in the south.

So the numbers themselves are tricky. Long-term, General Odierno, who was in town this week, said he is looking for irreversible momentum, and that, after two months, has not yet been reached.

KURTZ: Barbara Starr, CNN did mostly quick reads by anchors of these numbers. There was a taped report on “LOU DOBBS TONIGHT.” Do you think this story deserved more attention? We don’t know whether it is a trend or not but those are intriguing numbers.

BARBARA STARR, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: But that’s the problem, we don’t know whether it is a trend about specifically the decline in the number of U.S. troops being killed in Iraq. This is not enduring progress. This is a very positive step on that potential road to progress.

KURTZ: But let’s say that the figures had shown that casualties were going up for U.S. soldiers and going up for Iraqi civilians. I think that would have made some front pages.

STARR: Oh, I think inevitably it would have. I mean, that’s certainly — that, by any definition, is news. Look, nobody more than a Pentagon correspondent would like to stop reporting the number of deaths, interviewing grieving families, talking to soldiers who have lost their arms and their legs in the war. But, is this really enduring progress?

We’ve had five years of the Pentagon telling us there is progress, there is progress. Forgive me for being skeptical, I need to see a little bit more than one month before I get too excited about all of this.


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6 Responses

  1. Humble Janoslav

    At least Doubting Thomas had the good sense to recognize his risen Lord and Savior. These people wouldn’t recognize progress if it bit them in the face.

    Change by its definition is newsworthy. A dramatic fall in casualty during a “high” casualty war is in itself newsworthy. Ensconce that in the fact that September was to be an exceptionally high-casualty month and you have the makings of a rather dramatic story.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Isn’t “Reliable Sources” an oxymoron? Why in the fuck would anyone but a lib watch CNN anyways? There is nothing on that channel worth watching anymore. The real news is at “Dollard Nation” and “Yon Nation” and “Sanchez Nation”
    and “Reggio Nation”, Hot Air, Atlas Shrugs and Jihadwatch abd a few other good ones. So with all these excellent sources of news why in the fuck should I care what CNN or any other LLMSM outlet is saying anymore; since in my view they have lost all their credibility?

  3. Dbo

    fundamentally change is either good or bad.

    It cant be anything else. Its either one or the other. There is no other alternative.

  4. Jim

    Who said it had to be reported as a “trend”. I smell Bullsh*t. Simply stated “Its been the lowest since…” etc.,

    “We’ve had five years of the Pentagon telling us there is progress, there is progress. Forgive me for being skeptical,”

    This has nothing to do with you retard, just report the facts as they are. Do they feel they have to put some sort of perspective on it to give it legitimacy. This is hack reporting for a hack rag/news agency.

    These jackass reporters are by and large sh*t merchants. People who don’t give a hoot who these reporters are, are being deceived by their interpretation of the news.

  5. Mike from the Republic of Texas

    Well suprise surprise!! :roll:

  6. Dannyboy

    Just f’ing report it. We don’t need you a**holes to determine whether or not it’s a trend. Report it. That’s your job. Put the numbers out there and any rational person can determine what to think. You twits are fine with reporting casualties being up, or all the misinformation about Petraeus…how about numbers that might be “misconstrued” as encouraging? Oh, that’s right…you’re probably among the 20% who want us to lose the war.

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