Right Hand Girl’s “Change”

February 23rd, 2008 Posted By RightHandGirl.

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35 Responses

  1. Gregory D. Hiel

    Right on. Right on.

  2. JonnyMordant

    The definition of CHANGE is:

    The part that’s left over when the Democrats get done taxing your paycheck!

  3. Jim

    Wisdom from the mouth of a “Babe” :wink:

  4. Sandy

    Good to see you again. You tell em’ Cynthia! :cool:

    Osama Obama and Shrillary will only put our country in further jeopardy. They got nothin’!

  5. bigeeee

    I luv that girl! She should run for president!

  6. Gary in Midwest

    Once again RHG, right on the money!

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    It’s a lousy election cycle. Worst group of candidates that I’ve seen for POTUS since Ford-Carter in 1976. Change? Isn’t that what we always get every 4-8 years whether we want it or not?

    And how does the Magic Negro somehow equate to JFK? At least JFK was a war hero. Magic Boy has done what? Still haven’t found anything but rhetoric and black racism in his background. He deserves nothing but contempt from the voting public.

    And the Hildabeast? What has she done in Congress? Gee, I’m still looking for substance? Oops there is none. The people of NY once again voted for an empty suit. I feel their pain…. :mrgreen:

    On the Repubic side, we rejected all the conservative candidates early on. So now we are reaping what we’ve sown.
    Sow to the wind…you reap the whirlwind. Captain Queeg is Gerald Ford.

    In 1976, at the convention, after RR made his speech all the Repubics realized they had made a big mistake nominating Ford. The only diff in 2008, is that we’ve spotted that error early on in this election season.

    Too late in the game to change horses. We’re stuck with Captain Queeg (aka Gerald Ford). Hopefully, the Dhimis Jimmy Carter (take your pick of Dhimis) won’t win this time around.

    If you ask me, its the troops and the GWOT that are important. Who amoung the three stooges would best prosecute the war on Islamofacism is the bigger issue.
    And I don’t give a frig what Beck, Hannity, Coulter, Dobson or anyone else says. They can all kiss my arse.

    I’m voting for the lesser of three evils.

    Nice vid. Good common-sense assesment.

  8. trustme1013

    RHG, you cracked me up at the end … and you pretty much summed up what we’re facing here. Right on, girl!

  9. drillanwr

    “… making change …” - Hillary (clip)

    HUH!? WTF!?!?

    Are you idiots running for a “check-out” position at the grocery store?

    BHO = the corner “drug dealer” pushing his crap on the ignorant

    HRC = the political whore who would pimp her daughter if it got her what SHE wanted

  10. 007

    Right Hand Girl for VP.

  11. jam

    This time it’s real. I’m in love!

  12. Steve

    You want change? Heres a nickle! The only change the democrats will give you will be the remnants of your paycheck.
    Romney sure is classy.
    Now let’s see how badly McCain will misuse us…

  13. Bash (the infidel )

    Right on, as usual. :smile:

    It’s all Big Bob’s Used Car Lot…”Selection like this don’t happen often! Ima put yer ass in a CAR!”

    heh heh…miss your vids, make more already.


  14. lrs

    Right Hand Girl — my little girls and I love your videos; they are substantive, well written, analytical, and fun!

    They are the anti-thesis of what comes out of the mouths of Hussein Obama and Mrs. Bill Clinton.

    We look forward to your contributions to Pat Dollard.

  15. A. S. Wise- VA

    Heh heh heh, preachin’ to the choir…

  16. justbarkingmad.com » Blog Archive » From the Mouths of Babes

    […] You said it sister. Marcus […]

  17. Billy Bob

  18. Scott

    Thanks Beautiful!

    You need to understand the “CHANGE” Insane is talking about is the Socialist wave that will sweep over this Country. We will have to 1st pay $ 290 Billion for Global Warming, Then we will have to kiss butt to Muslims providing them Prayer time, Accomadations of places to pray etc.

    Hopefully before this Country get’s attacked again will we have a spiritual awakening and individual Americans will realize President Reagan paved the road and the Liberal Bush drove us right off the road.

    If you look at how the Republicans are left with mcCain you will see, Our political system has been hijacked ( chad 1,2…) that was the start of it. Actually probably before. His “Change” is a verbal slap to dumb America and they are laughing their heads off off-camera. The Hollywood idiots, The gay mafia , The commie mediathe silent terror cells, They are hijacking the Country.

    I am certain Insane, Klinton mcCain are all working the same playbook.

    This is a disgraceful time in American History.

    There will rise from the mess a True American who will embrace God, Proudly raise the Ten commandments again.

    One Socialist went against the entire Country hiding behind his daughter saying she was offended by saying “…One nation under God.” Turns out she did not have anything to do with her Da’s agenda. Yet, The liberal courts allowed him back a year later to have “In God We Trust” removed from our currency. Reagan would have know how to handle it.

    Yet, he made the entire Country stand on it’s ear? Insane and Klintons etc. probably used him as a weather balloon to determine if America was ready to be taken over.

    Bill Klinton legacy was funded by trickle down Reaganomics only to be used to “Dumb down Amerika.

    Hillary will be President and Bill will take over U.N. George bush was thinking too small with Amero. Klintons will take over everything except China and Russia.

    Obama is an empty suit but his rhetoric is code to all the terror cells here and in the Middle East etc.

    Geesz, I said more than a mouthful there :)


  19. Steve

    For a nickle I will!

  20. HBarnhill

    “political sleeze bag” -nice touch. hit the nail right on the head with that one

  21. The Initiated

    God bless you Right Hand Girl.
    Keep up your good works.
    I thank God for you, through His Son Jesus Christ.

  22. NortonPete

    Well done!

  23. Ben



  24. LouDe

    :cool: What a bunch of crap were in for. Bottoms up. Top Down. I haven’t heard anything new from this guy. What a bunch of crap.

  25. TheRightWingStore.com

    More change towards Socialism (ie. “The Dark Side”)

    RHG, nice job on the videos.

    You win a free shirt.

  26. Brian

    I love you kid :), keep it up.

    Does anyone else here think that Cynthia might be a damn good choice for first female President, and to hell with the age requirement?

  27. Eric G

    This is my first visit to this website and will be my last. You’re like a female Sean Hannity, and that could never be taken as a compliment by anyone so don’t make that mistake.

    There is nothing wrong with someone running for president who wants to change the world. You say “there’s no substance to it.” but his policies are well documented for those who care to look. For example, Obama wants to provide tax relief for the middle class. Please do some research.

    Do you really think democrats would be worse at protecting the American people? Get a grip. Oh wait, you don’t actually think the terrorist threat is real, do you?

    Oh wait you do.

  28. Gregory D. Hiel

    :arrow: Eric G

    Umm… I don’t even think it is necessary to debate you in this domain.

  29. rhombur

    From The Economist print edition (and pls. note that this is THE Economist - world’s leading serious weekly).

    Barack Obama
    But could he deliver?

    Feb 14th 2008
    From The Economist print edition
    It is time for America to evaluate Obama the potential president, not Obama the phenomenon


    THIS has been an extraordinary week for the man who could become America’s first black president. Barack Obama has now won all eight of the primaries and caucuses held since Super Tuesday on February 5th, which ended, more or less, in a dead heat with Hillary Clinton. He has won by much larger margins than most people expected, trouncing his rival not just in heavily black states, such as Louisiana, but in ones that are almost completely white, such as Maine. On February 12th he took all three prizes in the “Potomac primary”—Washington, DC, Maryland and, by a socking 29-point margin, Virginia.

    Mr Obama now has more pledged delegates than his rival—and he is likely to remain the front-runner for at least another three weeks (see article). Revealingly, Mrs Clinton made her Virginian concession speech from Texas—a state which votes alongside Ohio on March 4th and is already being billed as her last stand. Mr Obama is raising money at the rate of $1m a day, twice as fast as she is; indeed, she has been forced to lend her campaign $5m of her own cash and fire the two people who run her campaign (although her husband has a big say).
    Click here to find out more!

    Whatever happens, Mr Obama is already that rare thing—a political phenomenon. It is not just that he has managed to survive the Clintons’ crude onslaught with grace. He has persuaded huge numbers of people around the world to reconsider politics in an optimistic way. To many Americans, a black man who eschews both racial politics and the conservative-liberal divide is a chance to heal the country’s two deepest divisions. To many foreigners, he represents an idealistic version of America—the hope of a more benevolent superpower. Although Mr Obama’s slogan “Yes We Can” has been turned into a pop video, the theme of his campaign echoes the Clintons’ old tune—“Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow”.

    Optimism is a powerful emotion, but as that song warned, “tomorrow will soon be here.” That is why the real questioning of Mr Obama should begin now. With the brief exception of those four heady days after the Iowa caucuses, he has never been a front-runner; now he will be more fully scrutinised. The immediate focus will be on the horse race: can he win? But the bigger issue, which has so far occupied too little attention, is this: what would a President Obama, as opposed to Phenomenon Obama, really mean for America and the world?
    Yes, you can; but not immediately

    Begin with the horse race. Mrs Clinton is in a bad way—and deservedly so. The Clintons have fought a leaden and nasty campaign; at present, the prospect of a “Billary presidency” (even before you take into account the dynastic Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton aspect) is hardly enthralling. But Mrs Clinton is tough and smart, and now her rival will be under the media microscope. In debates she trumps Mr Obama on mastery of detail—and the race could well be a long, grinding one, perhaps decided in the end by the 796 “super delegates” from the Democratic Party’s establishment. These people have tended to be loyal to the Clintons—though many might defect if polls still showed Mr Obama doing better against John McCain.

    Mr McCain, whose lock on the Republican nomination looks stronger than ever following his own triple victory in the Potomac primary, is another part of tomorrow Mr Obama’s euphoric supporters might think about. The Republicans are a mess, and the elderly Arizonan senator has plainly failed to stir up his party’s supporters in the same way as either of the main Democrats. But Mr McCain is a brave man, with huge experience of international affairs and a much longer record of reaching out to his opponents in politics. Why should independent voters, who have often backed Mr McCain in the past, turn to the less proven man?
    Of magnets and magic dust

    That question is partly answered by Obama the phenomenon. His immediate effect on international relations could be dramatic: a black president, partly brought up in a Muslim country, would transform America’s image. And his youthful optimism could work at home too. After the bitterness of the Bush years, America needs a dose of unity: Mr Obama has a rare ability to deliver it. And the power of charisma should not be underrated, especially in the context of the American presidency which is, constitutionally, quite a weak office. The best presidents are like magnets below a piece of paper, invisibly aligning iron filings into a new pattern of their making. Anyone can get experts to produce policy papers. The trick is to forge consensus to get those policies enacted.

    But what policies exactly? Mr Obama’s voting record in the Senate is one of the most left-wing of any Democrat. Even if he never voted for the Iraq war, his policy for dealing with that country now seems to amount to little more than pulling out quickly, convening a peace conference, inviting the Iranians and the Syrians along and hoping for the best. On the economy, his plans are more thought out, but he often tells people only that they deserve more money and more opportunities. If one lesson from the wasted Bush years is that needless division is bad, another is that incompetence is perhaps even worse. A man who has never run any public body of any note is a risk, even if his campaign has been a model of discipline.

    And the Obama phenomenon would not always be helpful, because it would raise expectations to undue heights. Budgets do not magically cut themselves, even if both parties are in awe of the president; the Middle East will not heal, just because a president’s second name is Hussein. Choices will have to be made—and foes created even when there is no intention to do so. Indeed, something like that has already happened in his campaign. The post-racial candidate has ended up relying heavily on black votes (and in some places even highlighting the divide between Latinos and blacks).

    None of this is to take away from Mr Obama’s achievement—or to imply that he could not rise to the challenges of the job in hand. But there is a sense in which he has hitherto had to jump over a lower bar than his main rivals have. For America’s sake (and the world’s), that bar should now be raised—or all kinds of brutal disappointment could follow.

  30. Infidel

    Those “intellectuals” over at The Nation explain what Obama means by “Change”:

    “Let’s take seriously what he offers, which is “change.” The promise of “change” is what drives the Obama juggernaut, and “change” means wanting out of wherever you are now. It can even mean wanting out so badly that you don’t much care, as in the case of the Ron Paul voters cited above, exactly what that change will be. In reality, there’s no mystery about the direction in which Obama might take us: he’s written a breathtakingly honest autobiography; he has a long legislative history, and now, a meaty economic program. But no one checks the weather before leaping out of a burning building.”

    But it gets better….

    “So yes, there’s a powerful emotional component to Obama-mania, and not just because he’s a far more inspiring speaker than his rival. We, perhaps white people especially, look to him for atonement and redemption. All of us, of whatever race, want a fresh start. That’s what “change” means right now: Get us out of here!”

    So there it is! :smile:

    Praise Obama and Get us out of here!

    Get us out of here! The new Democratic slogan.

  31. Indy Dave

    Right on!

    Oh, and I agree with Bash….miss your vids, make more already!

  32. Kendal

    This country, which belonged not only to my Nation the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota, not to mention all the Nations that have not been exterminated is not something we recognize any more So before you delete my comment just remember that telling me to go back to where I came from that I am already here. If I am not afraid to post my real name and e-mail address then why are you so afraid to let all comments stand? Oh I know, they make sense and that is the last thing people like you want to hear. What good does it do to only to let comments you agree be posted? How are you going to make what you think is a difference. If you think Republicans are the saviors of this country how can you act like a dictatorship? I know, it is because that is what Republicans, like you, believe in. You talk about inane leftist drivel, well that is what you come off as. You don’t make much sense, and while I agree about Obama not doing much but making pretty speeches, and that he does not have enough experience is the extent what we agree on. I don’t see you say what good McCain or any other Republican is going to do to clean up Bush’s mess, and with 65% of the country now agreeing on the mess he made that is more then enough to keep anyone but a Democrat out of office for the next 8+ years. Who else offers health care for Americans at a reasonable price to be able to get the care they need? My partner has to pay over $300 a month and has only used it once in 11 years I don’t see any Republicans solution to affordable health care. I don’t see you offering any solutions, just and end to free speech by deleting our comments. Last but not leat, you are just as young as those that are following Obama; what makes you better?

  33. ukatheist

    mr oblahma seems to be a perfect example of his profession as a lawyer, talk alot yet say nothing.

  34. Jake

    When do you think the Feds will implement the Amero currency?
    Do you think the Amero will be just as worthless as the current dollar? Do you think things will be far worse if they do bring in the Amero?

    What things can we expect to see (economy, society, housing, food, energy, foreign relations ect..) when they do bring in the Amero?

    If I were you I would start buying gold and silver coins which I am.
    Because those coins will be worth more than the dollar and the Amero.

  35. PeaceBySuperiorFirepower

    It’s really sad to see how spineless and brainless our generations are getting by the year. Young people are getting so pathetic each year…It’s really sad when you are walking around school and 85% of the people in the school know little to nothing about what is happening in the world, let alone politics, and then they are the first people to chime in on the war, and tell me Obama needs to be president… :roll:

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