Right Hand Girl Tries Hand At Skydiving
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Right Hand Girl, having just turned 18, will for the first time be Right Hand Voter in the Texas Primary. A little background on the vid: she really did it for her mom, who she said “bribed” her to make it. RHG said she “hates” her singing voice, but I think it’s damn fine. What’s interesting to me about this one, is the funny family dynamic going on. Whose message is she communicating here, hers, her mom’s, or both? I’m betting we’re getting a political message from her mom, given the bribery issue. And I don’t blame RHG for giving in, I’ve met her mom, and she’s huge, a perfectly chiseled body builder with massive biceps and legs that could snap a two by four. She’s also 6′ 8” tall. And with a model’s looks on top of all that sculpted power, she’s a site that leaves one absolutely speechless. She also has a gun collection so large she had a special room built for it, the walls of which are covered with the heads of over 63 animals that she’s killed on five continents. She’s a master marksmen.