Bashage Award! Customer With CCW Wastes Would-Be Robber

May 9th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Another reason law-abiding citizens should be able to carry weapons…

Bashage Award for this dude…Fucking-A!!!!

Nods to One Shot.

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19 Responses

  1. John Goodrow

    Shopping for a CC pistol right now. Debating between a small 357 pocket pistol and a compact semi-auto, any thoughts?

    So many guns, so little money.

  2. VA Flagwaver

    I have a Sig 232 as my CCW and I love it!! It’s compact and very reliable.

  3. Maynard

    Of course there was some innocent crown royal in the way! :gun: :beer: :roll:

  4. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: John Goodrow
    How are you planning to carry and how big are you? It makes a real difference.
    I’m heavy but have smallish hands(sorry to dissapoint ladies) I carry in the small of the back with a horizontal holster for good concealment with a decent sized gun. Usually that’s my Browning HP that I have customized myself. Some people don’t like 9mm but I’m good so I can rely on shot placement.
    I’m ok with small revolvers but recoil can be a bitch with a small grip if you have large hands.
    :gun: :gun: :gun: :beer:

  5. John Goodrow

    :arrow: TBinSTL (just typical)

    I’m about 5′8″ 170. I was considering the ultra-light Smith and Wesson 357 for a pocket pistol but the grip is too small and only holds five rounds. Now I’m leaning toward a Para Ordinance Hawg 45. The Beratta Px4 storm has caught my eye too but not sure how concealable that would be.

  6. a Golden BB

    Mark one up for the good guys.
    However, had that happened here in Indiana the customer would probably be going to jail.
    You can’t carry a firearm into an establishment that has a liquor license. :evil:

    To Mr Goodrow
    I carry a full frame .45acp, Ruger P90.
    I’m only 5′8″ 145lbs, it was pretty funny to go places when friends started plinking.
    Their eyes got real big when I’d pull it from concealment.
    They’re like, “How the f*** did I not see that?”

    I like the knock-down drag-out of a .45.
    No matter where you hit someone they’re goin’ down, knocked senseless.
    Giving a precious moment to reassess and evaluate the situation.

    Whatever you get, practice, practice, practice.
    My #1 thing is to draw from concealment and hit a 4in spinner at ~20ft.

  7. Mike Mose

    calling 911 is like calling the clean up crew.

  8. a Golden BB

    I use an in the waist holster and cross draw.
    The upper frame riding right in the fold of my leg at the groin.

  9. Kevin M

    :arrow: John Goodrow

    I don’t have one, but I have heard RAVES about the Kimber Ultra Carry II .45 cal.

    Kimber is a very high quality manufacturer, and the .45 cal has, so I am told, the best stopping power of any round.

    I am no expert, but if I intend to shoot somebody I want a 12-gauge. If that is impractical, the .45 is my round of choice.

  10. Birdddog

    I am going to use some of my tax check to get my CCW. :gun:

  11. Bill

    Smith & Wesson M&P is my carry. I have a Kimber Ultra CDP II and that only holds 7 rounds. Notice in the story there were about 10 rounds exchanged. I like the 17 in my M&P 9MM
    Acoustic Suppression has to count for something.
    If he’s ducking he’s not shooting.
    :gun: :cool:

  12. Sully0811

    The only thing I have to say about the whole magazine size, caliber, hole size debate is Shot Placement is greater than all of them put together. Go with a weapon you’re comfortable shooting that you can get rounds on target on time. Then buy a box of +p+ or hydra-shocks.

    As for the story, good to go. More ammunition to throw in the face of the anti-rights crowd.

  13. Tommyknocker

    It sucks that my small town here in CA. will NOT issue a CCW permit to anyone. We have a liberal police chief that lives in another town…how screwed up is that? Just in case I ever DID get a permit, I have a CZ 75 Rami in 40 S&W…

  14. One Shot

    JG, if you are serious about stopping a bad guy, use something that starts with a “4″. Then, use a heavy weight Speer Gold Dot as it is one of the few projectiles that can meet every last one of the FBI test protocals.

    Learn to make a decision that you can live with the rest of your life as quickly as possible and then learn to shoot deliberately. Do not stop pulling the trigger with deliberate and well-aimed shots until the bad guy has ceased his actions.

  15. TBinSTL (just typical)

    The only gunleather that I have found that works well with a full size(especially double stack) gun is like this one. I have a Para Ordnance that is almost concealable with this style of holster.

    If you wear a jacket most of the time you have other options.

    BTW my ParaOrd was built to my specs by an “old school” Marine armorer who builds guns for a lot of famous shooters including Ayoob. It is not only carryable(barely) but is also the weapon I used to compete with in Action Pistol.

  16. rightangle

    Good news reporting, I liked the end: “they (workers at Sinkers) have plans to protect themselves in the near future.”

  17. Kirk

    Maybe this will help: I’ve found the Glock 36 & 30 in .45ACP to be excellent and easy to carry under a T-shirt, (good in hot weather), using the following equipment:
    C-T.A.C. Holster (inside-the-pants) by Comp-Tac; Wilderness Tactical Instructor Belt (1.5-inch “5-Stitch”), and for a magazine carrier, I like the Eagle Industries Folding Knife Sheath which will carry 13-Round Glock .45 magazines as well as the Glock 36/30 mags, (vertical or horizontal). For the Glock 36 mags I like the 1-round extension for the reload only, with the original mag length for concealment. With the 1-round mag extension, Wolf extra-power magazine springs are essential. (Comp-Tac). (Wilderness Tactical belt). (Eagle Industries). Hope this helps.

  18. RVN68MIKE

    I carry a .45 in a US shoulder holster under my left arm and always have. Only difference from wearing same outfit while in the service is the shirt is on the outside now! No one has ever suspected I’m carrying.

  19. RVN68MIKE

    PS I shoot Black Talon, teflon coated hollow-point.

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