Drill More … Tax Less

May 13th, 2008 Posted By drillanwr.


So … lemme git dis straight ah’ight?

Lemme axe yuze sumpin’ …

Conservatives are ignorant, uneducated, knuckle-dragging Neanderthals?

Then WHY is it conservatives, such as those here at Dollard Nation, are days/weeks/months AHEAD of everyone else on these things? Hmmm???!!??


U.S. Needs More Oil Drilling, Not Higher Energy Taxes The Washington DC Examiner Newspaper

WASHINGTON - In a high-profile speech on the environment Monday, John McCain still foolishly defended the congressional ban on energy exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. As wrongheaded as McCain is on ANWR, however, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are even more misguided. Both favor a new windfall profits tax on oil companies that would do horrendous damage to America’s energy present and future.

ANWR’s coastal plain, about the size of Delaware, is estimated to contain more than 11 billion barrels of recoverable oil, enough to replace more than 20 years of imports from Saudi Arabia. New technology means that the area needed for actual drilling would be only about 2,000 acres, or roughly the size of a municipal airport. McCain last week insisted to talk show host Bill O’Reilly that the ANWR coastal plain is too “pristine” to consider drilling, but he couldn’t cite many facts. The area is boggy and treeless — and the vaunted caribou, about which environmentalists claim to worry so much, rarely use the area where drilling would be done. By the way, the caribou population in nearby Prudhoe Bay has gone from a mere 3,000 animals to more than 32,000 since drilling began there years ago.

McCain’s position on ANWR contradicts his own standards for governing energy exploration. In defending the ban against drilling off California’s coast, he cites “federalism” concerns, meaning that he thinks the people of California should make decisions about their own coastline.

But on ANWR, he resolutely ignores the 75 percent of Alaskans who consistently support drilling there. As the United States faces $4-per-gallon gasoline, McCain’s concern for stray caribou is an extremely harmful conceit.

McCain’s Democratic opponents propose to make things much worse at the gas pump. Obama wants a new energy profits tax to raise $15 billion a year, while Clinton would collect a total of $5 billion annually in new petroleum levies. Both candidates ignore history’s lessons. In the eight years after Jimmy Carter pushed through a windfall profits tax in 1980, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service reports that it raised only one-eighth of the revenue its advocates predicted — $40 billion rather than the claimed $320 billion.

But Carter’s energy tax depressed domestic oil production by as much as 8 percent, while increasing U.S. oil imports up to 13 percent. Let’s see if we have this right: Greater dependence on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will bring down gas prices? Even a caribou knows better than that. … Examiner INCLUDED

I’ll say it again … Damn! I love my call-sign!

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21 Responses

  1. SOC

    Pure fucking stupidity. Increase the tax and send the bill to

  2. 007

    Build More Nuke’s (More Energy and Jobs) Drill more Oil (More Energy and Jobs) Rig,s, Pipelines, Steel Mills, (More Jobs) Oil Refineries (More Jobs) Hydro Electric (More Jobs)
    I said this once Drill, Drill, Drill, Build, Build, Build, No Brainer! Dems are So Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!! I Realy need a Beer! I will help Myself. :beer:

  3. Kurt(the infidel)

    Its a shame we have to hold my our collective noses and vote this time around. McCain is against Drilling ANWR while gas is now 3.95 in my town. The other 2 dipshits want to tax us more on gas while there is 20 years worth of gas sitting in a 2,000 acre section of Alaska. Not too mention about 60 years worth in the ground in the Dakotas and Colorado.

    Drill the damn oil! build nuclear plants and basically save this country from collapsing

  4. Erik Marsh

    I said it on April 30th (Start Drilling!!!) and I’ll say it again…

    Within 30 days we lift the tariffs on Brazilian sugar cane and sugar cane derived fuels thereby increasing our ethanol output by 400% within 3 months without affecting food supplies.

    Within 2 years we can increase US output from the Gulf of Mexico by 20% through the lifting of drilling restrictions.

    Within three years we could increase Mexico’s output from the Gulf by 100% with development partnerships.

    Within 10 years we could have ANWR online and also 5-7 new refineries built increasing our domestic supply by another 20% (crude and refined combined) if Congress and the EPA would get out of the way.

    Within 15 years we could have the basics of Hydrogen fuel distribution infrastructure established. (Honda’s vertical fuel cell - as opposed to GM horizontal - is a viable technology for all but the coldest areas and you can even brew your own hydrogen at home)

    Within 20 years we could have 15-20 more Nuclear Reactors built freeing up our coal supplies to be used for CTL (coal to liquid) diesel. At this time we could also have Hydrogen conversion plants built adjacent to the reactors where the excess power that ALL reactors produce can be used for refining heavy water into Hydrogen on a mass production scale.

    Within 75 years our dependence on oil is probably reduced by about 60% and is now at a level that can be supported by the oil output of the US and Canada with synthetic products still available and viable to support emergencies, etc.

  5. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Doh!…I coulda had a Thompson. :roll: :roll:

  6. cclezel

    We are so fked! :shock:

  7. ArleighB

    Just a few facts:
    No one wants to rape Alaska’s wilderness. Environmentally friendly techniques direct numerous drill bits sideways, like covert tentacles, from a handful of surface holes. The allegedly fragile caribou seem quite aroused by all this; their Central Arctic Herd has quintupled from 6,000 in 1978 to 32,000 today. Indeed during the winter months the oil has to be heated to flow well and the Caribou use it for shelter ! Meanwhile, petroleum development hums at Alaska’s nearby Prudhoe Bay.
    * Deregulate the construction of new oil refineries, something not seen since 1976.
    * Halve the gas tax, making the average gallon 9.2 cents cheaper. Congress would have less to spend, but they should tighten their belts anyway !
    The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s pertinent parcel covers just 2,000 acres — a veritable raindrop in the Olympic swimming pool that is Alaska’s 365-million-acre territory.(.ooo54%) ANWR’s estimated 10.4 billion barrels could match or replace for 19 years the 1.5 million barrels of Saudi oil that America imports daily.
    * ANWR also could equal or provide a substitute for American purchases of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez’s oil for 25 years. Interestingly enough, Democrat Rep. Ed Markey (Mass.), who presided over the House’s late-March public dunking of top petroleum executives, applauds former Rep. Joe Kennedy’s (D., Mass.) program to provide poor people with Venezuela’s anti-American heating oil. One year’s worth of Chavez’s authoritarian charity equals just one day’s worth of ANWR’s all-American output. Guess which one enjoys the approval of the chairman of the House Energy Independence and Global Warming Committee ?

  8. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Erik

    Mostly good ideas, but forget the hydrogen. Most hydrogen is made by steam reforming of hydrocarbons - you’re much better off just using those in your car. Making hydrogen with electricity is even worse - at that point you’ve thrown away 70% of the energy in the coal used to make the electricity. Then you’ll suffer more loss of efficiency in the fuel cell itself because they can’t actually use all of the fuel supplied to them when under a load, let alone trying to keep it from leaking away. Fuels cells work - but there are very good economic reasons why we don’t do it that way already.

  9. Steve in NC

    chickens are coming home to roost

    WE THE PEOPLE are responsible if you believe in democracy.

    After WE THE PEOPLE reach the breaking point expect the revolution to follow the classic 80/20 split, do not look many to rise up with you. At best 2 out of 10 to participate. The number willing to take up arms will be even less.

    This is stupidity beyond acceptance, we are allowing our security to be at the mercy of tyrants and despots.

    McCain’s mouthful of Gore may have been the breaking point for me.

  10. Jeff

    Classic liberal response to a problem.

    Got a headache? Smash your toe with a hammer. :???: Dumbasses.

  11. fan

    It is beyond words how bad the politicians are screwed up on the hoax of man-made global warming, the lack of a real energy policy for this country. I will be voting out the dems in November, but it seems so useless. It is up to us to educate people when you hear them bitch about the high price of gas. Did it today, tell them a political party is preventing us from expanding our domestic sources of oil and preventing us from expanding our refining resources. Don’t mention the party, because if who you are talking to usually votes dems, then they will be on the defensive. give it a try. Those who don’t think along the lines that we do, don’t see this site, don’t listen to Sean or Rush, or read Michelle M or townhall etc. All they hear and see is the MSM, and we know that the MSM will never start showing drilling off our coasts and in Alaska as the best short term and intermediate term.

  12. fan

    cont. only mention the dems after you know they have seen the light on drilling for more oil.

  13. TBinSTL (just typical)

    Ok Dollard Nation, lets figure out where we are going to “hole up” until this shit blows over. I suggest we start planning the “bug out” right now…. :sad: :sad: :sad:

  14. Jeff

    :arrow: TBinSTL

    I’ll open up my bomb shelter to anyone wearing a “will kill for oil’ tee if/when the shit hits. I’ll have a hot MRE and some ice cold water waiting for ya. :beer:

  15. sully

    “I suggest we start planning the “bug out” right now….”

    Barry let the cat outta the bag. I think it’s them planning on running. The Dhimmis have been hiding 7 states from us.

  16. Tom in CO

    You mean we should start DRILLAN for oil. har har ;)

    Yeah, this ANWR stuff pisses me the hell off. Open a refinery the size of an airport that the caribou won’t touch, and watch gas prices free fall. What’s wrong with that again?

  17. KBoomr113

    There was a good National Geographic magazine on this a few years ago….of course it said we needed to protect ANWR, but it also said that many more thousands of Caribou live in the Alaskan Petroleum section of Alaska than in ANWR…so fuck the Caribou, go drill. To be honest, itll give the caribou something to look at. Right now, its not much for scenery. I don’t know how many of you have been to Alaska, but theres really nothing fucking there hardly.

  18. TBinSTL (just typical)

    :arrow: Jeff
    It just so happens, I own one of those shirts and wear it proudly when I tend bar at my American Legion Post…
    If I knew where you were, I’d buy you a beer or 10 any day.
    :beer: :beer:
    That offer stands for any in the Dollard Nation. If you are near St Louis or coming through on a weekend, stop by Post #103 in Maplewood and it’ll be my treat. Your choice :beer: or :gun: s or :beer: & :gun: s . :cool:

  19. Bob USMC

    I got it! I got it!

    How about if all the libs pay all the taxes since they love taxes so much, and all us conservatives who hate taxes pay none.

    Everybody goes home happy! :gun: :beer: :gun: :beer:

  20. Erik Marsh

    :arrow: Lone Wolf
    I agree about using coal fueled power plants to process heavy water for hydrogen fuel. That’s why I recommend using excess power from nuclear plants. This is available for us to start using now and our ability would only increase as new stations come online.

  21. Lone Wolf

    :arrow: Erik

    Nukes are great - I love them! - but we would be better off using coal to make gasoline, diesel, and Jet-A via the Fischer-Tropsch process than hydrogen through an electrochemical process. Electrochemical processes are almost always uncompetitive with thermal processes unless you are making a very high-value chemical, which transportation fuels shouldn’t be. The infrastructure is already in place for using F-T liquids, they are *excellent* fuels, and the processes have already been proven by both Sasol (1980’s) and the Germans in WW II. I also don’t see the point of using heavy water - that would be out-of-sight expensive! What does heavy water do here that normal water can’t?

    Really, though - just drilling our own damn oil reserves and allowing some refineries to be built would probably solve most of our problem for quite a while, and also help stem the flow of wealth to jihadist countries.

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