Islam And Nazism: Toxic Twins

May 6th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


The only important difference between Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Islamism and Liberalism is the spelling, and that the last group hasn’t got the brains to figure it out - yet.

Found a very interesting article written by Cherson over at Faith Freedom today:

In Saudi Arabia soon after the WWII the ex-officers of the SS created the training camps, where “the young Muslims were receiving the necessary knowledge to be able to fight our enemies”(”Al Arma” 12-5-1952). Alois Brenner, the right hand of Eichman, found refuge in Syria. Alois Mozer - in Egypt, as well as ex -Chief of the Gestapo of Düsseldorf Yoahim Daumling (in Egypt he organized the Secret Service of this country, and his aide was the ex-chief of the Gestapo of Warsowia). In total, more than 8.000 ex-officers of SS ran to Arabic countries and were received there like “brothers in arms”.

The friendship between Hadj Amin al Huseini (Arafat’s uncle) and the bonzas of the Nazi regime is so well-known and documented that it is absolutely impossible to deny this fact. Also it is impossible to deny the fact that many of the future leaders of the Arab countries - H.A. Nasser and Anvar Saddat for example - were the officers of German Army, and served under Rommel.

But why did they run to Islamic countries after the war? Maybe there is something in Islam which made these Nazis sure they would feel fine in Islamic environment?


1. Do you remember one of the main postulates of Nazi ideology? Correct it’s the idea of the Superior Race. And how do the Muslims call themselves? ”True Fidels”, ”Followers of the Only True God”! Elected, so to say. They are, thus, “True” - and all the Non-Muslims are - what?

Islam as well as Nazism is based on the idea of superiority, only in Nazism it was Race superiority-and in Islam this superiority has the religious character. A heck of a difference, by God!

Also, are very similar the ideas of Nazism and Islam that all the world must share their ideology- or die. The Nazis believed that other people are inferior, and so the Aries have the right to conquer them, exterminate them or convert them into slaves. The Muslims believe that all the Non-Muslims are “kaffirs”, “impure” - and so the Muslims have the right “to bring them the Truth of the True Religion”, even if this truth is being brought to them through the military conquest on the point of the sword, and even if, to make the “infidels” see this “truth”-they must be killed, robbed, enslaved or exterminated.

Moreover, Muslims consider this their duty.

The sadly famous sheikh Abu Hamza of the mosque of Finsberry Park in London, in his sermons openly calls TO KILL THE INFIDELS AND CONVERT THEM INTO SLAVES: “If a kaffir enters a Muslim country, he must be treated like a cow. Everyone can become his master. THESE ARE THE LAWS OF ISLAM. If you see a kaffir in the street, you have the right to capture him and sell him as slave. It does not matter if he does or not something against Islam and Muslims. It is good in the eyes of Allah”.

2. But maybe this sheikh “perverts the ideas of Islam”? Let’s see, what the “Sacred” Quran has to say.

“2:193 And Fight them until Fitna is no more and the religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers”.


Looks a bit barbaric, but, after all, it was written in the 7th century by a wild nomad savage. You would not expect of him the following of the IV Geneva Convention, right? But the language of the Quran is similar to the secret language used by the leaders of the Nazi Reich: those who know “the key” understand what is meant.
And those who don’t - assure us and each other that “Islam is the religion of Peace”.

What is this Fitna? Fitna is any form of the social protest of Non-Muslims against Muslims. Christians in a Muslim country try to oppose the decision of Muslims that no new Christian Church should be built and the old one should not be restored?

It’s a Fitna.

The conquered do not want to pay Jyzzia?

It’s a Fitna.

ANY form of the protest –armed or unarmed-of Non-Muslims against Muslims in a land Muslims consider to be theirs is a Fitna.

What does it mean in practice?

Muslims came to Palestine and conquered it. By sword, by killing and murdering. But when the Jews, the native population of Palestine, re-conquered their land back-it in Muslims eyes is a fitna, the Jews are dhimmis in revolt, they fight against Allah and His Messenger, they are wrong-doers, and they must be subdued by all means.

Muslims conquered part of Spain. Some 800 years later the Spanish, in the course of the Reconquista, re-conquered it back. What can be more evident than the justness of the struggle of people for their native land against the invaders who robbed them of it? But for Muslims, they are, again, Dhimmies in revolt, they fight against Allah and His Messenger, what they are doing is Fitna, and they must be subdued by all means.

And what are these means?

The Quran is very clear about this.

5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

But what is this “mischief” punished with such a cruel punishment?
It’s our good old “friend”: Fitna.


But not all want to fight, to kill…What to do if some Muslims who will not want to go to cut other peoples throats? Oh, Muhammad was not a fool. He foresaw such a possibility and had the opportune “revelation”.

2:216 Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.

And so on, and so forth, without end, the Quran threatens the “disbelievers”, “unbelievers”, idolaters”, ”hypocrites” … Whoever who is not a Muslim is an enemy, “a wrong doer” . Do you remember the punishment for “wrong-doers”?

Those who want to read the endless list of punishments Muhammad (together with Allah) prepared for Non-Muslims can just open the Quran – and start reading. But if you want to have, let’s say, a digest, without reading such an extremely boring book as the Quran-go to

After that I think you will never repeat the favourite phrase of our politicians and media that “Islam is the religion of Peace”.

3. All the means are good for the expansion of Islam-as well as all was good that served the goal of “Great Germany”. Wars, rapes, conquests and extermination of the entire peoples… OK, let’s accept one of the explanations Muslims offer us about the extermination of the Jewish tribes by Muhammad; that it was long ago, that the customs in those times were different, and that we can not judge Muslims who lived in the 7th century by the norms of the 21st…Ok. But in 1973, only some 35 years ago, during the war between India and Pakistan, the Pakistani soldiers got the official orders from their officers IN WRITTEN, stating that “all the men of the enemy should be killed, and all the women-raped” . The more recent examples we see in Iraq-beheading of hostages, in Darfur-the mass violations and killings of Non-Muslims by Muslims; 55,000 dead Christians in the Phillipines; 200,000 in East Timor; over 10,000 murdered in northern Nigeria, and 2.1 million dead Christians killed by the Muslims by some estimates in Sudan.

4. Pathological anti-Semitism. Muslims now, exactly as Nazis 70 years ago, believe that the Jews are the inferior race, the “sons of apes and swines” the servants of Satan”, and that it will be a noble act to make them disappear from the face of Earth. And Hitler for them is the man who tried as hard as he could to make this dream come true-but, ”unfortunately”, failed. Hitler is one of the heroes of Arab Islamic youth, reveal researchers from the University of Hamburg, who are conducting an international study on the perceptions of democracy among young people around the world. Booksellers in the PA and Hamas – controlled territories report that Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf” is one of the most popular there, a best-seller from their point of view. The book is being distributed by Al-Shurouq, a Ramallah based book distributor.

Bisan publishers in Lebanon first published the edition of “Mein Kampf” in 1963 and again in 1995. The book costs about $10. The cover shows a picture of Hitler, a swastika, and the title in both German and Arabic. Sami al-Joundi, one of the founders of the ruling Syrian Ba’ath Party, recalls: “We were racists. We admired the Nazis. We were immersed in reading Nazi literature and books… We were the first who thought of a translation of Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at that time was witness to the Arab inclination toward Nazism. ”

5. The life of Muslims in an Islamic country is as strictly regulated by the Islamic laws as the life of a German living in the Nazi Germany was regulated by the ideological dogmas of Nazism. Any deviation from these norms is punished, often with the death sentence. The only right and at the same time the obligation is to be a servant to Allah, which in the everyday life means the tyranny of Fuhrers-or Mullahs, Imams, Caliphs, the cult of the Caudillo, Sultan, Prophet.

6. ”All for the Victory over the Enemy”. The foreign and home policy of Muslim countries is dominated by this slogan All the economy, ideology and propaganda, all the resources of a country are subordinated to achieve the Ultimate Goal: ”All for the Victory over the Enemy” . The poverty and misery are explained to the people as being the result of the continuous complots of the ”Zionists, capitalists and colonialists”. At the International Islamic Conference hold the 10.07.03 in Malaysia, in which 800 delegates from 32 Islamic countries participated, The Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Muhammad, called the Muslims ”to obtain the advanced technologies and modern armaments in order to defend from Christians and Jews, and to restore the Glory of Islam”.

These words were received with applauses by the delegates of the Conference. The enemies are named clear: Christians and Jews. Also, it was put very clear through WHAT means “the Glory of Islam” must be restored: through buying “advanced technologies and modern armaments”. Now imagine HOW this “restoration of the Glory of Islam” will look like.

7. The Law is substituted, both in Nazism and in Islam, by the Ideology based upon the ideas of Furer, Sultan, Prophet. The indicator of Right and Wrong is if something is good for Islam-or not. All the means are good, if they serve the ultimate goal: deception (the words of Muhammad “War is deception”) blackmail, threats, political assassinations (there is a lot of examples in the Quran, the story of assassination of Bint Marwan, for instance), breaking the treaty (the classical example is the Hudayybiah Treaty between Muhammad and the city of Mecca, which was signed by Muhammad for 10 years-and violated by him the next year, when he gathered enough strength to win), terrorism, massacres of civilians, rapes, etc. The Western concept PACTA SUNT SERVANDA- The Treaty is Sacred - simply DOES NOT EXIST in Islam in the relationships with “infidels”, where all is permitted. It is very symbolic that Arafat, addressing the Arabic audience, always pointed out that” speaking about any Peace treaty with Israel and USA, we must remember the treaty our Prophet signed with Mecca-the Treaty of Hudayybiah”.

And at last - let’s listen to what the expert said.

As Hitler pointed out many times, Islam is the ideal religion for those who want to dominate the world,”…For theirs (Muslims) was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith(Source: Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich).. And Hitler knew well the theme he was talking about.

The only important difference between Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Islamism and Liberalism is the spelling, and that the last group hasn’t got the brains to figure it out - yet.


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40 Responses

  1. tedders

    Hitler said that the conquering Arabs, because of their racial inferiority, would in the long run have been unable to contend with the harsher climate and conditions of the country (Europe/Germany). They could not have kept down the more vigorous natives, so that ultimately not Arabs but Islamized Germans could have stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire.

    Hitler usually concluded this historical speculation by remarking “You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japansese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

    In the end it was his opposition to Christian ideals that doomed Hitler, had he not been as radical a leader he may have been more successful. Hitler was a very provincial thinker, can’t really say he was that intellectually gifted, passionate yes, a great thinker no. He ultimately destroyed whatever he touched, I’d say he had a failure complex much the same as radical Islam. The further down the road the Islamist’s go, the worse their decisions will be.

  2. Jeff

    What happens when intolerent, hate-filled countries/religions finish conquering the planet? World peace?

    After all, the Arab Muslims all get along fantastically, don’t they? Oh, wait…

  3. KL

    Tedders writes, “In the end it was his opposition to Christian ideals that doomed Hitler”

    Funny how that works. I think the same thing distiguished the French Revolution from the American version. France tried to “dechristianize” even rewriting their calendar…I think September was then “grape harvest” and July was “heat” and lets not forget that during the French Rev. instead of most days having a saint as in the Roman Catholic calendar of saints, each day had an animal (days ending in 5), a tool (days ending in 0) or else a plant or mineral (all other days) associated with it. It culminated with the French celebrating the “Goddess of Reason” in Notre Dame and of course this was done by force and there was that little thing called the terror when it all erupted in a blood bath. Funny how people tend to conveniently forget the role Christianity plays in history.

  4. SOC

    The reincarnation of Nazi German politicos.They tried to get the bomb then. They are back and tying again….

  5. tedders

    More of the same thought:

    I’ve never really been aware of the connection between Nazism and Islamism except that some of theWaffen SS foreign muslim divisions were used in various theaters of the war. It’s an interesting history that needs to be brought to the west’s attention. It is said that 8,000 SS leaders escaped to the middle east after the war. Now I know how they got the Baathist party and Hamas gets their goofy salute.

  6. franchie

    KL, you just jumped on associations that fit your bigoted spirit in choosing the most fantaisist details of the french revolution, that had/have more repercutions in the world wide than this funny poetical calendar.


    Tedders, you forgot that the german army wasn’t completely infeoded to Hitler, there have had a few attempts to assassinate him ; the gestapo had all the power, even to eliminate a colonel that didn’t want to optemperate.

    I learnt anyway something tonight about Hitler’s enclinments for religion ; till now I had the impression that the cult of Nature and naturism were more in the nazy imagination.

    I don’t think that the religious thing had something to do with his fail, or you have good sources that I ignore.

  7. tedders

    “I learnt anyway something tonight about Hitler’s enclinments for religion ; till now I had the impression that the cult of Nature and naturism were more in the nazy imagination.”


    “The preoccupation with animal protection in Nazi Germany was evident in other social institutions and continued almost until the end of World War II. In 1934, the new government hosted an international conference on animal protection in Berlin. Over the speaker’s podium, surrounded by enormous swastikas, were the words “Entire epochs of love will be needed to repay animals for their value and service”. In1936 the German Society for Animal Psychology was founded, and in 1938 animal protection was accepted as a subject to be studied in German public schools and universities.”
    Many individuals in Nazi Germany genuinely believed in the “rights” of non-human animals, yet they simultaneously were capable of cruel behavior against members of the Jewish faith. Not only that, but they went as far as using animal protection as a justification for their inhumanity to the Jewish people, as explained by Arluke and Sax.

    Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda, noted:
    “The Fuhrer is deeply religous, though completely anti-Christian. He views Christianity as a symptom of decay. Rightly so. It is a branch of the Jewish race… Both [Judaism and Christianity] have no point of contact to the animal element, and thus, in the end, they will be destroyed.”

    Hitler wanted Nazism to replace Christianity. Blind social Darwinism instead of Christian morals.

    The point I was trying to make about Hitler’s opposition to Christian ideals was that without the wholesale murder of civilians, a very un Christian thing to do, his legacy might not be regarded as the standard of evil that it is. Surely if he had not treated his prisoners and refugees as badly as he did more of them would have been willing to fight for him instead of against him. I’ve seen it written that if the WWI corporal had been killed in 1938, he would be considered a modern day Bismark. Hitler loved nature, animals, was a teetotaler, pro gun control advocate and was a vegetarian (not to far from today’s Democratic party!), yet was one of the biggest mass murderer’s in history. The Nazi regime, particularly Goring passed many of the forestry and game management laws that are still on the books and enforced today. The Nazi regime was first organized eco terrorists group if you will!! LOL They make Green Peace and Peta look like school kids!! :)

  8. franchie

    the nazy party was called national zocialismus, ein volk, ein reich… and volkwagen

    I knew about the interdiction of smoking cigarets, that is also why today Germany still didn’t pass the law about prohibition of them in public places, that reminds too much the nazy era.

    I didn’t know that they pushed so far the “animals rights, though Germany’s best advertising is also “Delikatessen”, that didn’t start after WWII but is a tradition.

    about Hitler’s aversion for the catholic church, I am a bit surprised, isn’t it Bavaria the Catholic land that supported his accession to power, the Munchen putsch ?

    Also the roman catholic church in the person of Pia XII didn’t voice against the nazys, and even helped some of them to escape to latin America.

    the article you provided has some info, but it focus them for an agenda, saying that theactual pro- peta and “greens” came from that nazy ideology, I am not saying it’s wrong, but too reductive

  9. SOC

    Is that Imadikwad and chavez standing there. Pricks!!

  10. Tom in CO

    Catholic church in Germany was pretty detached from the Catholic church in Rome. What went on in Bavaria was directly against what Rome wanted. Pius was pretty vocal on denouncing Hitler. Kinda have to figure that the German catholics had to be a bit flexible with their beliefs because of Hitler’s rise and time in power.

    This article is great stuff. Religion of peace my fanny.

  11. franchie

    Tom in C

    Pia XII has past all his nonciature exercice in Germany pre-WWII and still had good relations there

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler were good buddies from the start. Hitler called him the “Fuhrer of Jerusalem”.
    The Grand Mufti raised a Muslim army for Hitler. The last 100+ hold outs in the Battle of Berlin were mostly Muslim SS who died at their posts.

    Hamas and Hizbullshitta all emulate the Nazis. They don’t march in the traditional British fashion; they goosestep and render the Nazi salute.

    The idea of an Aryan race lives in the Muslim idea in the Koran that “the Arabs are the best people”.

    The very basic tenets of Sharia (e.g.)emanate with the assumption that Allah has chosen the believers (i.e., the Muslims) to rule the world. It might sound fascistic, but make no mistake: the Qur’an is absolutely determined to hand over the rule of the world to the followers of Islam: more specifically, to the Bedouin Arabs. Because Islam = Arabism. In the Qur’an (3:104, 3:110) Allah says that Arabs are the best of people ever created.

    All non-Arabs are considered to be “untermenschen”.

    More examples of the Nazistic ideas of Islam are:

    1. A Muslim must not be killed for killing an infidel (Hadis and ibn Kathir’s interpretation of verse 5:45 ).
    2. Believers and non-believers are not equal…6:50, 28:61, 32:19, 35:19-22, 38:28, 39:9, 40:58, 45:21, 59:20, 67:22, 68:35.
    3.The husband’s permission is required for a wife to work (Doi, p.117).
    Beating a wife is allowed (Doi, p.130).
    The wife must worship the husband. Unbridled freedom of modern women is not good (Doi, p.132).
    Muslim women can’t marry unbelievers under any circumstances (Doi, p.138).
    The guardian of a woman must be a male. A woman cannot be married by herself. A widow can marry by herself (Doi, p.141).
    4. Stoning to death for adultery (married person, man or woman) (o12.2, p.610).
    5.Fornication: scourge 100 stripes and banish 81 km for 1 year (for unmarried persons) (o12.2, p.610).
    Men scourged standing, women sitting (o12.5, p.611).
    6.Stone the adulterer/adulteress even in severe cold or illness (o12.6, p.611).
    7. Sodomy and lesbianism considered as adultery; same punishment; kill both for sodomy (p17.2, p.665).

    More can be found in the commentaries listed below:

    Reliance of the Traveller (Umdat al-Saliq) translated by Nuh Ha Mim Keller.
    Sharia the Islamic Law by Abdur Rahman I. Doi.
    The Hedaya (commentary on the Islamic Laws) translated by Charles Hamilton.

    Hey, don’t take my word for it. Read it yourselves.

  13. franchie

    “…with the assumption that Allah has chosen the believers… ”

    the term “chosen” seems a “semitic” evidence, the “chosen people” applies also for Jewishs

  14. dave addison

    What about Americanism! Now theres an ism for you any buyers?

  15. Dan (The Infidel)


    “with the assumption that Allah has chosen the believers… ”

    the term “chosen” seems a “semitic” evidence, the “chosen people” applies also for Jewishs”

    The subject is Nazism=Islam. What’s your point?

  16. franchie

    my point was alone semantic

  17. Dan (The Infidel)


    “my point was alone semantic”

    You gave no meaning to the data provided. Let’s hear you discuss the points made here with some data backed up by references….if you can…

  18. Dan (The Infidel)


    When I say references, I mean, the Qu’ran, Sira or Bukari’s Hadith or from the three commentaries I listed above.

  19. franchie


    It seems that the term “chosen” is a commun reference in the 3 monotheist religions ; together they referred to Abraham as the 1rst “elected” person on earth by God, then renewed with the alliance and Moise

    the Messie was a divergeant in that big story

    the muslims had also their divergeant (don’t remember the name though)

    “l’hébreu ou l’araméen ou le chaldéen” were the original languages whereas these religions sprout

    While christianism took its expension through the greek language and then latin, the jewish religion kept its original languages, funny though that the ones who invented islam were also tribes that had the same languages.

    wether it is a misunderstanding in the translation of the original texts or not, it is a bit funny that all these enlightened persons say that they were the very chosen

  20. KL

    “KL, you just jumped on associations that fit your bigoted spirit in choosing the most fantaisist details of the french revolution, that had/have more repercutions in the world wide than this funny poetical calendar.”

    Frenchie/Franchie, I didn’t know that referencing history…examples include the dechristianization of France during the French Rev. and it’s manifestations like the calendar, the “Goddess of Reason” worship in Notre Dame Cathedral, the oathes forced apon the clergy, and any other number of historical facts were considered “bigoted spirit”. Yikes. And yes, I do tend to look at the “fantaisist details”…the devil’s in the details ya know.

  21. franchie


    I don’t mind you quoting our fantaisist details, the intention that you set behind them is what I found inacurated, and that didn’t explained the point

  22. Dan (The Infidel)


    You’re not being very semantic. Your arguments are outside the points of the discussion. Other than stating the obvious, what else do you know of the subject? Again, we have made copious references to the Qu-ran, Hadith, the Sira and the three doctrinairre commentaries accepted in Islamic jurisprudence to backup the point that Islam=Nazism.

    Stringing together neat adjectives doesn’t make you “semantic”. Either you know the subject material and can discuss it from a knowlegeable POV or you can’t. Which is it?

    So far, your comments do not reflect a knowledge of the subject material at all.

  23. Tom in CO

    A little side reading regarding Hitler:


  24. KL

    InfidelDan, Don’t you know that for Frenchie/Franchie it’s all in the semantics. The definition of what “Is” is. Like French/Franch said, “the intention that you set behind them” It doesn’t really matter what the words mean, just what my intention is behind them. I can call a pig, a pig unless I have ill intentions. Voila, I give you the liberal mindset.

  25. Dan (The Infidel)


    I already knew that. She knows it too. She’s just stringing words together in a futile effort to sound like an intellect. It’s rather absurd.

    But yeah, you’re right. It’s a waste of time talking to her.
    If sematics is the “assumed or explicit set of understandings used in a system to give meaning to data”,
    then Frenchie has failed to add to the knowledge base on this subject.

    It’s not even semantics, KL, its “tardery”.

  26. franchie

    so Dan apart the koran, what do you have to teach us ? that your the cleverest bad ass on that planet, I had already the pleasure to notice your intolerance, so go back to your smarty scriptures

    Kl, I am not your obliged reader so far of piggy stories, might be your too complicated for me

  27. Dan (The Infidel)


    Blah, blah, blah…Again, you’ve added nothing to the conversation. And you did not answer my original question either.

    Face it frenchie, you’re out of your element on this topic.

    As to knowledge of Islam, go back and read my post on the topic. Or any of my other posts on the topic. Or don’t.

    Gotta run. Work calls….

    11 charlie…out… :beer:

  28. franchie

    you might get out of the office when your “chosen” one will get elected, that’s may-be the alone positive thing I am able to forecast for the health of the humanities at the moment

  29. Dan (The Infidel)


    “you might get out of the office when your “chosen” one will get elected, that’s may-be the alone positive thing I am able to forecast for the health of the humanities at the moment”

    What another absurd comment? Really now WTF are you talking about? You still haven’t answered my original question, and you’ve changed the subject again.

    No very semantic, Frenchie.

    Ta ta. gotta run, the Marines are calling my name.

    Oh, and Semper Fi to any Devil Dogs within ear shot.


  30. franchie

    tu fais peur gueule d’empeigne, wouaaaah j’ai peur, prout !

  31. Dan (The Infidel)

    Couldn’t resist one last comment.

    Despite its political nature, Islam continues to shelter under the rubric “religion”, a vague, sentimental term used to forestall rigorous inquiry into the thing itself. Amoung elite circles today, “religion” connotates quaint mythologies and rituals of more primitive, and therefore morally unimpeachable peoples. The exception of course is Christianity (the white man’s perennial instument of tyranny). The orientalism directed by the scourge of honest scholarship…Edward Said is more alive today in the minds of his intellectual progeny than anywhere in the more serious Western scholarship of days gone by.

    While on the one hand, Islam possessses the dynamism and staying power of a major religious faith, it shares the political objectives of modern totalitarian projects such as Communism and Nazism. Islam seeks the conquest and submission of all to a particular political and legal regime called “Sharia Law”.

    Nazism is pale by comparison.

  32. Tom in CO

    Even in regards to genocide?

  33. KBoomr113

    This article is ridiculous. Islam is not Nazism. Nazism isn’t Islam. Just because something is evil (Islam) doesn’t mean that it automatically is Nazi-like. Communism is evil and it certainly clashed with Nazism in major ways. These crazy jihadists just cherrypicked images and behaviors from the Nazis to make Israelis and the West uncomfortable. They do this to project an image of strength, just like Nazi Germany successfully did. I’m sure there was an SS influence in arabia when the SS fled Germany after the war, but that doesn’t mean radical islamism has anything to do with Nazism. There is no way you can successfully argue that radical Islam, which has been around since 621 bc, and Nazism, which came about in the 1920’s and failed about 20 years later, are the same thing or even equal in anyway. They both have a culture of death and a propensity for violence, but thats really about it.

  34. franchie

    just that Dan, autoproclamed himself iman heil Hitler, doesn’t mean that he is right, he picks “chosen” details in history to rise them as “proofs” to support his hysterical anti-islam propaganda ; though he forgets that, may-be, the real ennemy is next door, ready to blow him up, cause radical islamists and terrorists aren’t anymore the apanage of the alone islam, Aq is more intelligent than his basic interpretations of the koran, they are already the invisible man

  35. rightangle

    Todays libs have the same entitlement mentality that has been sown into Islam.

  36. Dan (The Infidel)


    Poor girl. All bluster and no facts….tsk, tsk. You still haven’t answered my question. That’s because you don’t know the material.

    For anyone else, the best article on Nazism and Islam can be found on FronrPage Mag. Very nice article that lays out the case and discusses how the duality of Islam matches up well with the duality of Nazism.

    Not sure of the author. This is one of the articles. If I find the other, I’ll post it.

  37. Dan (The Infidel)

    I don’t care what the see-no-evil hear-no-evil burry-their-heads-in-the-sand folks say. Nazism, facism and Islam are three sides of the same coin.

    A couple more links for GP’s.

  38. Dan (The Infidel)


    Gotta refute your garbage again.

    “just that Dan, autoproclamed himself iman heil Hitler, doesn’t mean that he is right, he picks “chosen” details in history to rise them as “proofs” to support his hysterical anti-islam propaganda ; ”

    Really? Those comments I made come from Islamic folk…They’re not mine. LOL You can tell that to Abul Kassem and Ibn Warriq. Besides “propaganda is your stock-in-trade not mine. You can’t handle facts or intelligently discuss the subject. until you study Islam.

    What you label “propaganda” are the words of former jihadis.
    You can take that issue up with them.

    “though he forgets that, may-be, the real ennemy is next door, ready to blow him up, cause radical islamists and terrorists aren’t anymore the apanage of the alone islam, Aq is more intelligent than his basic interpretations of the koran, they are already the invisible man”

    No frenchie. AQ is just one face in the jihadi crowd. He is not the nexus of the Third Great Jihad. He’s just one player (or is it play-uh?”

    The real nexus of the Third Great Jihad is Islam itself.

    Try studying more and talking less and your comments might sound a tad less absurd.

  39. Dan (The Infidel)

    @Tom in CO

    Even in regards to genocide?

    That’s right. What would you call waht’s going on in Darfour, Nigeria, Soamalia, Ethiopia, Phillipeans, and Bosnia?

    Or how about Afghanistan before we got there?

    Everywhere Islam is fighting the jihad…there is subjigation, conquest, genocide and ethnic cleansing going on.

    So, yeah.

  40. David

    personally i’m not at all surprised by the article.

    I think it should have been expanded beyond WW2 into the cold war era though.

    It’s important, but people aren’t taught in western society that the arab nations have allied themselves with our enemies at every opportunity since the end of the Ottoman empire.

    The boarders of the middle east were drawn intentionally to keep those nations from forming into one easily, they tried to recreate the European nation-state model in the middle east.

    The final deceit lies in how the media covers many of those conflicts, here in the US they never mention the word muslim in connection to any of these:


    If i didn’t watch the BBC i would be unaware that converting from Islam to any other religion is punishable by death in Afghanistan. Not to mention dozens of other crimes against the religion are punished by death.

    Very enlightened, very peaceful.

    And once again the same sheep who signed treaties with Hitler in the lead up to WW2 are doing all they can to disarm us, misrepresent the conflict, and appease the enemy.

    God help us, if he doesn’t we’ll all be able to ask Allah for help soon enough at this rate.

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