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Republican members of the Parliament of Whores are now compelled to act? Typical.
Instead of attempting to ram rod amnesty and other crap, they should have been acting on this when they had a majority in Congress and Klinton vetoed drilling in ANWR.
I hope it gets worse so the election outcome will remove Pelosivich from the Speakership and Reidovich from the senate majority and then reall change can happen instead of being stifled.
July 17th, 2008 at 7:56 amI hope everyone here signed!
July 17th, 2008 at 8:19 amI signed something about drilling, I know that much, Tom.
July 17th, 2008 at 9:57 am[…] Here, Drill Now, Pay Less, Delivered To GOP Leadership July 17, 2008 — budsimmons… Posted in ANWR, ANWR oil, OPEC, Offshore Drilling, […]
July 17th, 2008 at 10:28 amI signed and I have my $10 bumper sticker on my car to prove it!
July 17th, 2008 at 11:23 amSigned that one as soon as I got…
July 17th, 2008 at 3:27 pmI hope you realize, not one drop of oil will be available for 5-10 years from this new drilling. I’m hoping for some relief prior to that. If current trends continue gas will be in the eight dollar per gallon range, maybe it knocks off a dollar at that time, thats still seven dollars a gallon, what a big savings. Who benefits? the oil companies, you and I get dick, and we get further divided on these “smoke and mirror” issues. We need a real solution and this ain’t it.
July 17th, 2008 at 4:36 pmCharlie you are delusional. Since Bush said drill now. Oil dropped 20 dollars. If congress says the same thing. It will drop another 50. I am sick of flat earth no growth libtards spreading lies.
July 17th, 2008 at 5:54 pmCharlie you’re a moron.
The oil companies pay 48% of their profits to the US government. It is the tax man that gets the most benefit and the states that allow drilling.
Two, the price of oil is not an issue that is hermetically sealed within the borders of the US. It is world markets and supply and demand that drive prices.
Three, as soon as we make the decision to go after our trillions of oil and gas deposuts, the price of oil on the world markets will drop. The last thing OPEC wants to hear is that the Dhimis in Congress and the government want to stop paying the global jizya tax on oil from their countries.
It took three years for the Nazis to produce synthetic fuels in WWII. By the end of the war they had 40 functional plants.
We( The US) are the Saudi Arabia of coal. Which is an industry that has the best clean coal technology in the world.
Nuclear power is another option. Once again our technology in that area is second to none. And France has figured out a way to create very little Nuclear waste from their Nuclear plants. It can easily be duplicated here.
Solar, Wind and water power are maybe 3% of the power-generation techiques in the entire world. They provide less than 1% of our power needs. Getting to 15% of our power needs would be a stellar achievement.
Releasing fuel from the Strategic Reserve will do nothing to address the long-term needs of our country. We’ll be using fossil fuels for a long time like it or not.
Next, China is fast becomming an indusrialized nation. They have increased their energy needs to 2 million barrels of oil a day. So long as there is demand like this, all are at the hands of the global market price.
We have not built a refinery in 30 years. So when we need more refinement capacity we have to do that in a foreign country.
Speaking of refining, how is it that we make 53 blends of fuel? How bout one blend instead? That’s the best quick fix to drop fuel prices short term.
Next, lose all the idiotic EPA and government red tape. Oil companies would then be on a fast track to reduce our imports and start weaning ourselves off of Jihadi(OPEC) and Marxist (venezuela) oil.
And how is it that taxes in some states represent as much as an additional 62 cents per gallon of oil? Hmmm?
The government gets their 48% of taxes from the oil companies; puts a 54 cent tariff on sugar ethanol from Brazil; and then turns around and hits the consumers up for another 62 cents? What a scam.
Seems to me it is the Congress, the States and the Counties that are the real culprits.
Oh ,and get a clue dipshit.
July 18th, 2008 at 1:05 am