Anarchist Groups Try To Extort City Of Denver

July 30th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


So the “Recreate ‘68″ anarchist group, along with “Unconventional Denver” and a whole mob of other little anarchist groups that have been migrating to Denver from around the country to protest the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and who have teamed up with the ACLU in a lawsuit against the City of Denver and the United States Secret Service in an attempt to get the Denver Police Department’s and the Secret Service’s security plans for the convention, has said to Denver:

“Yo! Denver! We won’t protest the DNC if you guys spend the $50 Million Federal grant given for convention security on health care, education and housing for Denver citizens.”

Sounds like extortion to me. I have some questions for the anarchists…

What makes you think the City of Denver would not want U.S. Citizens to exercise their Constitutional Rights, like Freedom of Speech, and the Freedom to Peacefully Assemble?

I mean, you anarchists weren’t planning on being “Unpeaceful,” were you?

If all you are planning is peaceful protests and demonstrations, why should there be any concern at all as to whether or not you protest in the streets of Denver?

Could it be…

Just a moment…just a moment…just a moment…(thats HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, in case you didn’t get it)…

I’m sensing hostilities.

Is it possible that all of you anarchists that are making your little plans for the Democratic National Convention have illegal acts planned? Violence, maybe?

And why the masks?

Extortion. That’s what I’m calling it…

Info from Rocky Mountain News.

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22 Responses

  1. dvldok

    It’s all a right wing/ gun owning/ bible reading/ conservative/ caucasion/ male/ christian conspiracy to disrupt the convention.

  2. American Infidel

    I wonder if spit-girl will be there?

  3. Fontrob

    What a joke! A bunch of little whinny thugs. If they are anarchists then they are supposed to be for no government or order. Why would they want to support health care, education and housing for Denver citizens? Isn’t it everyman for himself in an anarchist society? Sounds to me like the liberal Democrat wana-bees trying to steal from the real Liberal Democrats. I love America!

  4. Kurt(the infidel)

    not a big fan of anarchists. I think the social structure and law that they are so against should come down on them like a ton of bricks. just stomp their asses right there in the streets.

  5. allahlovesporkchops

    @Kurt, yeah! With highlights at 10!

  6. Trindam

    Ya, Anarchists drive me nuts.

    The problem with dealing with them is that they believe their Idealogical system they have thought up is perfect.

    There is one BIG problem with their system though. It is Idealogical!!! It is not based in reality. Everything goes wonderful when it is in your head.

    Unfortunately the only way that they would be proven wrong is if they were to get their way for a period and have it blow up in the face. But even then I’m not convinced they would believe in the fault of their system. They would just find somewhere or someone else to blame. Which is another constant with them.

  7. Mike W

    The woman(?)standing under the 2nd p in people I swear I seen here on Colfax Ave. trying to sell her wares. She was charging $10 and giving a $15 rebate.Typical liberal economics.

  8. just posting

    I hope so badly they do what we all expect and make it violent, I will enjoy the show and the retaliation. Liberals tell us they can run our lives better than ourselves, when they cant lead themselves out of the idiocy of their own minds.

  9. Anderson S. Wise- VA (America, FUCK YEAH!!!)

    “Anarchists” = communist agitators without the gonads to expose their faces to photographers.

  10. Rob

    and just like the communists they are to stupid to realize that their “plan” is a load of crap.

  11. Tom in CO

    Let the little tykes have their fun.

  12. Zeke Eagle

    During the scuffle we pull the bandanna down and give ‘em a generous spritz of 10% pepper with red dye and a foot stomp.

    Some of those so treated realize that without the police they’d be rat food toot sweet.

  13. GregGS

    Anarchist is just another namer for Marxist, their just to stupid to no who they are marching for, and against. You would think they would be for free choice of healthcare including not having any at all.

  14. Kim

    Let’s see….we’ve heard

    -urine and poop balloon bombs
    -a tazer for every hippie with demonstration
    -anarchist rabble rousing with megaphone of course
    -extortion tactics and free head scarves for that fierce bandit look
    -parades and marching and the ever popular sit-in
    -Denver police receiving shiploads of tazers, riot gear, and top secret security plan for its inaugural DNC take down
    -and for the Recreate ‘68 crowd, lots of sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll because of the whole love and peace thing you know

    And the Denver beuracrats think their homeless would rather be shipped to a museum when this freakin’ entertainment is to be had?

  15. Poe

    I really dont mind the concept of anarchists.

    But those clowns? They aint. :twisted:

  16. AmericanJarhead

    Put away the rubber bullets and break out the full metal jacket!

  17. Sully0811

    I’ve heard that .50 ball does wonders for criminals who try to extort governments. They’re trying to forcibly circumvent the democratic process, we’ve fought wars over less than that.

    The irony is these “anarchists” are the very thing they despise but are too stupid to see it. Belligerent criminals who want to force minority rule on a majority.

  18. Goodbye Natalie

    Target practice…live rounds, live people, real head shots.

    What a wonderful training ground this would provide and I doubt anybody of significance would miss them… :beer:

  19. momps

    i’m torn between wanting there to be an incident and regretting that there are anarchists that are getting publicity. hoping this won’t happen for McCain

  20. Indy

    They actually have a valid point for once.

    Why the hell is the federal government handing over $50 million dollars for the security arrangements at a private party when they’re running $500 billion dollars in the red already?

    This is the kind of bullshit that happens we people can vote themselves money.

  21. TJ (The Kafir)

    I am sick of the reference to “the people”. I’m the people we ought to have infiltrators in the protests to demask the the marxist while another person video tapes them. simple way to beat them. :idea:

  22. Tom in CO

    These aren’t anarchists, they’re insane leftists!

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