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10 Responses

  1. DC

    Good for the cops!!!
    They’re gonna enforce the law…….regardless of what some libtard, fruitcake and the city say.

  2. TerribleTroy

    Hmmmmm….. I have contrarian thoughts regarding this subject. If the citizens have voted on 2 seperate occasions thier is a certain validity to adhereing to thier wishes. Too suspend “just for the DNC” is nonsense… either you suspend or you dont period. Suspending just for the DNC is discriminatory to the citizens of the city.

    I also agree with the police regarding that it is a State statue, and no city should be an island. Seems to me that there should be a state wide referendum regarding the issue. If the state wishes it well then so be it. Our war on drugs in general is nonsense. (Im betting that last sentence will start a shit storm :mrgreen: )

  3. Tom in CO

    Can we get murder laws suspended when the black panthers have a convention?

  4. B. Verner

    They shouldn’t enforce minor marijuana laws anywhere in this country. The supposed harm to society by marijuana use isn’t proportionate to the astronomical cost to taxpayers in investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating the lawbreakers.

  5. Allen TX

    Boulder CO already doesn’t arrest for minor marijuana use. The democrats should have planned ahead and had their convention there.

    Stupid liberals.

  6. mike3481

    Drill you might know the answer to this. (Hubby’s a Police Officer? Yes, I think :idea: )

    Isn’t that City Advisory Panel appointed by the Mayor recommending that Denver Police Officers violate the oath they took when sworn in as Law Enforcement Officers?

  7. TerribleTroy

    Actually its a legal question not surrounding their oath Mike3481. Some states require police officers using the word “must” take action regarding a crime committed in thier presence. Other states use the word “may”. Regardless, there is still a presumption of discretion so that the Officer can practice enforcment in the best interest of the community and to community standards.

  8. mike3481



  9. RememberOurFathers

    I smoke pot, so I wish it were legal everywhere. That said, I don’t understand why the city council in denver would tell their police officers to look the other way if they see people breaking the law during the DNC, because I’m certain they would do no such favors for the RNC.

  10. Denver Cops Told Not To Enforce Marijuana Laws While Dems In Town « Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian

    […] Told Not To Enforce Marijuana Laws While Dems In Town August 23, 2008 — budsimmons https://pat-dollard.com/2008/08/denver-cops-told-not-to-enforce-marijuana-laws-while-dems-in-town/ Posted in B Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Obama, DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION, Democratic […]

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