This Week’s AOL Presidential Straw Poll

August 19th, 2008 Posted By Bash.


Go on over there and vote, then come back and tell us what the percentages are…Nods to Paslode!

Click on the picture below to visit the site and vote!

Click on the pic to go to the AOL Straw poll and vote

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35 Responses

  1. Steve in NC

    I am seeing red…. all of it, McCain at 78% at midnight in Michigan

  2. SCYankee

    As of midnight EDT, it’s McCain 72% and 0bama 28%. Seems like the spread is getting even wider! :beer:

    (BTW, that zero is not a typo) :smile:

  3. Sandy

    I am giddy! I see nothing but red across the entire map! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    John McCain 78% with 43,909 votes.
    B.O. 28% with 16,738 votes.

    I like that. :cool:

  4. Marc Stockwell-Moniz

    Who would have thunk it that an organization like AOL could run a straw poll and it would come out in a landslide margin for McCain?
    Wow Dude! :beer: :lol:

  5. Jim C.

    I voted for McCain.

    McCain 72% 44048
    Obama 28% 16814

  6. Joe

    72% McCain, 44,048 votes

  7. foxops

    Yeah I’m seeing red, but thats the way its looked every week that I cast my vote - so no big surprise. Although if you look at the results by candidate and check out Obama, you see a not so slight drop in his numbers over the past several weeks :) Thats why I don’t think we’ll be seeing too many more debates (if any), the more light that hits him, the more the veneer peels back. I’d be extremely surprised if this guy won the election (in addition to horrified, fearful and depressed).

  8. Eddie in Cali

    :arrow: 9:20 PST
    McCain 72% 44,135
    Obama 28% 16.899

  9. Kurt(the infidel)

    i voted McCain obviously.

    72% to 28% McCain has the whole map red :lol:

  10. Mr. Rinehart

    72% for McCain, 28% for Hussien, going strong and steady.

  11. sully

    Yep… still 72% MAC.

  12. Steve in NC

    this is some ammunition for the superdelegates to do what is best for the party, but that would be racist..

  13. jak

    Poll shmoll, I’m keepin the powder dry.

  14. Mjolnir

    72% to 28% in favor McCain…


  15. Tom in CO

    63k votes: 71-29

  16. billie (Today I'm a Georgian)

    McCain: 70%
    Obama: 30%

    It’s a little after 9 p.m.

  17. Paslode

    There are other polls like this PEW poll that are baited. I like the AOL Straw poll because it is a straight forward question which would you vote for. There are other AOL polls of interest as well you might check out.

    It is 2:50 AM CST and vote stands at 70/30 McCain.

    I am guessingthat this weeks poll will end as usual with a 10 to 15 point win for McCain.

  18. T-Bagg

  19. Becky

    6:20 AM CST
    69% McCain, 31% Obamaba
    68,313 votes

  20. ji

    69% McCain
    31% Oblama
    All I see is Red

  21. Andy

    68 McCain
    32 Osama-rama

  22. Erik Marsh

    69,447 Votes

    Hussein: 21,964 (32%)

    McCain: 47,483 (68%)


  23. sierrahome

    That map is lookin’ mighty rosy.

  24. Mike Mose

    68-32 Mac

  25. Jarhead68

    I’ve been following this poll ever since you pointed it out about a month or so ago. McCain has never been under 60% in this poll. Granted, it’s not “scientific” because 12 year-olds can vote and people without internet access can’t vote. However, isn’t it “mainstream” America who does have access to the internet? And if “mainstream” America is voting this way, I’m guessing we are going to see a McCain landslide in November, unless he really screws it up. It’s his to lose.

    And, yes, Hussein’s numbers have shrunk in the straw poll while McCain’s are rising.

    Here’s an interesting “mainstream” poll:

    McCain with a 5 point lead in the Zogby poll. And we all know that Zogby likes to skew toward liberals, right?

  26. bd

    68% - Commander McCain
    32% - ‘OMessiah’
    0613 Arizona, mountain time.
    Map is Republican red all the way!

  27. David Ross

    It’s still a sea of RED! 68-32 9:21 EST

  28. Louise


    I pretended I was a Minnesotan and I voted.

  29. Jon

    67-33 McCain, Tennessee 9AM CDT 8.20.08

  30. hegelbot

    67% 9:17 am CDT

    more important still, McCain has pulled ahead in the real clear politics electoral map for the first time. Saddleback rocked Obama, more debates/town halls please.

  31. DC

    It looks like this poll sends a cookie to you when you’ve cast your vote, dis-allowing you to vote more than once.(nice to see that in a poll……..keeps the honest people, honest!)

    I voted for McCain, of course, but I went back to try and vote for Hussein, just to see what the results would be, and it won’t let me.

  32. Peter

    McCain 67%
    Hussein 33%

    GO McCAIN!!!!!

  33. dad3-7

    don’t believe these polls… we must not get complaisant… the truth about the danger of odumba/reid/pelosi must not stopped…

  34. SOC

    McCain 68% 64,500, Hussein 32% 30,600

    Means nothing. Look for the Dems to find creative to make you think McCain does not need your vote to win so stay home and let others elect him. Wrong he will need evey vote he can get and we will have to watch the Dems and how they count their votes. I expect a lot of dead people and Europeans will be voting for Hussein.

  35. a_Golden_BB

    8/20 4:30pm EDT
    McCain 68%
    nObama 32%

    Here in Indiana, this is funny because nObama has been blitzing the state with commercials, spending $millions$.
    I’ve yet to see a McCain ad, and probably won’t.
    Thinking that Hoosiers are as socialist as most of Illinios, we’d vote for him.
    Indiana hasn’t voted Dummycrap for Prez since LBJ in ‘64, I think that lesson is still resonating…

    McCain 71%
    nObama 29%

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